All the distorted tones sound very digital and alike

  • So I recently bought a Kemper a second hand and even tested the kemper with both guitar amp and (genelic) monitors and both sounded amazing! But as soon as I get to home to test it out it sounds realy bad through yamaha hs 7 monitors. The sound is very digital and weak and I have scrolled couple of similiar threats and tried updating the kemper, fixing input and output settings, factory reset, tested different presets(some bought like josh middletons presets) and adjusted lot of high and low shifts. I havent be able to test it with real guitar cab since I dont own sperate powerhead, but problem is the same with headphones.
    So I'm thinking if hs 7 aren't suitable for kemper but some threads disagree so I'm wondering if there is settings that might do something like this
    My Ibanez rgaix7fm goes straight to kemper and from main output to my hs 7. I've also tried to make it go through my ur22mk interface but it doesnt make any difference.

    Edited once, last by walluainen (May 7, 2018 at 5:44 PM).

  • havr you tried to edit the parameter in the AMP Section. I found out that "Defintion" had a big impact on the AMP Sound. If you use the Parameter at "0" it sounds more like a vintage amp and if you increase to 10 it ist more a modern sound.

    also try to play arround with power sagging and put in a little bit of compression.

    If you use a merged or DI profile you can also switch cabinets, this is also a big change in sound. You can also use the graphic EQ stomp in the effects x module to push some frequenzies a little bit.

    You can also play arround with high and low cut to get the tone you want.

    With this i found the best sound for different situations.

  • If @walluainen liked the sound with Genelec monitors very much across the board and doesn't like the sound with HS 7 at all across the board, I doubt amp parameters have anything to do with it. Do you remember which Rigs you used for testing with those Genelecs? Are you comparing with the same Rigs? Or could this just be caused by a significant volume difference?

  • Thank you for tips I will surely try them more when i get this problem fixed but now it isnt about finding perfect sounds but actually making kemper sound decent even. It doesnt sound like anything like tube amp. it sounds closer to my pod x3

  • The cab settings are very Important,, make sure to check the " Monitor Cab Off" setting/box in output section,,if its checked,, un check it,,see what happens,,it will be great, took me 3 months to sort it out,, been 3.5 years now for me in ,Kemper land,,
    and remember you can have diff "CAB"settings for the diff outputs,, send a cab sim to the FOH, not use one for stage,, etc,,,

  • Hi walluainen and hoodcreeper, when you mentioned fizz and whatnot one more thing to think about is if you are using the KPA's controls the correct way. They don't function like a traditional guitar amp or modeler. Here are a couple great youtube videos that may help you cop a good tone:

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    The rest of the ToneJunkie TV videos are gold too! you can great some great profiles for free and for purchase.

  • Hmm, that sounds strange. I'm fairly new to my Kemper (about a month and a half) but I certainly haven't noticed any fizz in the good profiles at all. Quite the opposite, for me it sounds super natural and warm. I have tried lots of profiles that sound bad and fizzy but that's the profiles themselves so definitely check out several different profile makers.

    It could be possible that your pickups are particularly hot so you might want to consider reducing the distortion sensitivity control and see if that helps.

  • So I recently bought a Kemper a second hand and even tested the kemper with both guitar amp and (genelic) monitors and both sounded amazing! But as soon as I get to home to test it out it sounds realy bad through yamaha hs 7 monitors. The sound is very digital and weak and I have scrolled couple of similiar threats and tried updating the kemper, fixing input and output settings, factory reset, tested different presets(some bought like josh middletons presets) and adjusted lot of high and low shifts. I havent be able to test it with real guitar cab since I dont own sperate powerhead, but problem is the same with headphones.
    So I'm thinking if hs 7 aren't suitable for kemper but some threads disagree so I'm wondering if there is settings that might do something like this
    My Ibanez rgaix7fm goes straight to kemper and from main output to my hs 7. I've also tried to make it go through my ur22mk interface but it doesnt make any difference.

    I would have to agree with you..I have experienced the same thing...Most of the high-gain profiles, whether it be Diezel, Marshall, Mesa, once "eq" similarly (like we all do), even through different cab sims (Orange vs Mesa vs Marshall 1960's), they all have a similar "flavor" if you will,....It's freakin AWESOME tone, but very similar...Some are a little "cleaner", some are more muddy. This being said, the tones are beyond really good , inspiring, etc... Dare I say that I'm having more fun playing thru my Kemper than my Boogie MKIV..? I do!

  • May have been pointed out already.

    If it sounds good to you with the Genelec and not with the Yamaha, my first response is "It's not a Kemper problem". It's an oversimplification, but some amps sound great through certain cabs and sound like crap through others. Matching things matters a lot.

    So it seems to be here as well.

  • I'm not sure whether you have considered this already so please take it as a helpful suggestion and not some suggestion that you don't know what you are doing. Disclaimer over:

    You mentioned that the Kemper sounded good through both a guitar cab and Genelec monitors (not at your home/studio presumably?) but sounds weak etc through HS7 as soon as you got it home. I haven't used HS7 but I know many people speak highly of them and get results they are very pleased with so that would suggest to me that HS7 are unlikely to be the problem. So what else could be?

    1 - the most obvious place to start looking is Kemper settings and profiles etc. You are already doing this and other have offered advice so I will move to .....

    2 - your listening environment. In my opinion this is one of the most important things we need to consider but is typically totally ignored. The room itself, where you place the speakers and where you actually sit/stand to listen all interact with each other and can make a FAR bigger difference to the perceived sound than changing to bigger and better (read more expensive gear). All room have modal cancellation issues and these are much worse in small rooms. It could easily be that you and/or your speakers are situated in the null point of some critical guitar frequencies. You describe having no power to the sound. If low frequencies are suffering from cancellation in your listening position no amount of upgrading speakers will hep. In fact, perversely, the more bass you pump into this situation the worse the perceived lack of bass will become.

    There are a few things you can do easily to try and rule this out.

    First try listening on decent headphones directly from the KPA headphone out as that will totally remove the effect of the room but will impose a headphone sound that may have its own issues. It will also remove any audio interface from the signal chain. If this sounds better and doesn't lack the power you seek then you know the cause of the problem is not the KPA. If it still sounds bad then you can start digging deeper in profiles and the KPA editing options.

    Another quick check would be to try and borrow a set of Genelec from someone and try them in your room but that might not be a viable option.

    However, the best way to test the room without complex analysis software etc is to simply set up a test oscillator in your DAW. Se the frequency to say 80hz to start with. Now slowly walk around the room and notice whether the volume sees to rise or fall in different spot. make a note of where the loud and quiet spots are. Increase the frequency slightly and move around again. You will soon find our out whether your typical listening position is the culprit. The flip side of this is to take a static listening position and move the speakers to see if they are in a null point. Unfortunately, you will always have a compromise to some extent but getting basic set up right can make a massive difference.

    As I said at the start, forgive me if you already know all this stuff.

  • I have HS8s and Genelec S30s and there is a marked difference for playing the Kemper on its own. The Genelecs have a more pronounced mid range that suits guitar. On the Yamaha's there is a treble attenuation of 3db (not sure about the HS7) which you could experiment with, as they are quite bright in certain rooms.

    Check out some mixes from bands you like and see what their guitars sound like between the two sets on monitors too. Even profile demos of guitar in isolation.


    Kemper Rack OS 10.2.2 - Mac Sonoma 14.5