Can we all agree on a list of 5 classic OD we would wish

  • German brew always in the fridge, so it'll be worth it, mate. :love:

    Correct weight, Dave; UK. Means bad.

    American translation:

    Sounded like ass.

    I'm starting rowing now!! I should be there in 8-9 months give or take.. I'll definitely be in the mood for a cold one once I get there!! Thanks! ;)

    I'll be the guy with the GIGANTIC shoulders.. :)

    Thanks for the clarification!! I will find this useful with my UK compatriots at work. We have no Aussies tho.. However I did party with a contigency of the Australian Navy many moons ago at NAS Miramar when I was but a wee sailor lad :) I do not remember how it ended.. :)

    Sounded like ass, hmm this one ALWAYS brings up weird mental images that I'll just keep to myself.. :)

  • I think the biggest challenge is going to be in the fuzz department, some of these devices really need to be first in line before the KPA input, I have a Basic Audio scarab deluxe that’s based on a tone bender circurt, love it but absolutely useless in a effects loop.

    I also have a Fulltone Octavia and would love to see Kempers take on an Octave fuzz, sometimes gotta get my Jimi on.

    My J.Rocket Archer Klone works fine in a loop.

    New talent management advice to Laura Cox -

    “Laura want to break the internet? let’s shoot another video of you covering the Nightrain solo in the blue singlet, but this time we’ll crank up the air conditioning”.

  • I think the biggest challenge is going to be in the fuzz department, some of these devices really need to be first in line before the KPA input, I have a Basic Audio scarab deluxe that’s based on a tone bender circurt, love it but absolutely useless in a effects loop.

    I also have a Fulltone Octavia and would love to see Kempers take on an Octave fuzz, sometimes gotta get my Jimi on.

    My J.Rocket Archer Klone works fine in a loop.

    Fuzzes sound like they do because of its impedance interaction with the guitar. Its low input impedance makes for an interactive filter that changes with the position of your guitar's volume knob.

    The Kemper has a high input impedance, which is great but it's never going to replicate the impedance relationship and the resulting filter. So even if they put out a killer sounding fuzz it won't do the interactive thing guitarists like about fuzzes.

  • 1) "sounded pants"? What is that? (good/bad/??)

    I guess I'll just have to drive to everybody's homes now to hear them in person!! LOL.. That's gonna be a challenge to get to all you folks down under!! :)

    Pants = rubbish....sorry trash...:)

    You are welcome at mine but lets both go see Nicky....I like the sound of the cold german beer!

  • Fuzzes sound like they do because of its impedance interaction with the guitar. Its low input impedance makes for an interactive filter that changes with the position of your guitar's volume knob.

    depending on the circuit in question, fuzzes can be very sensitive to changes of the guitar's volume pot for exsample (all Fuzz Face circuits like Fuzz Factory etc.) while others don't really care that much and actually just lower the gain quite evenly (more modern fuzzes like Narwhal Industries Pandemic Fuzz)

    General statements about fuzzes will only get you so far, because for every 'rule' (guitarists sure do love those) there's at least a dozen exceptions to it if you look long enough or your fuzz collection is large enough :D

  • depending on the circuit in question, fuzzes can be very sensitive to changes of the guitar's volume pot for exsample (all Fuzz Face circuits like Fuzz Factory etc.) while others don't really care that much and actually just lower the gain quite evenly (more modern fuzzes like Narwhal Industries Pandemic Fuzz)

    General statements about fuzzes will only get you so far, because for every 'rule' (guitarists sure do love those) there's at least a dozen exceptions to it if you look long enough or your fuzz collection is large enough :D

    Yup I made a generalization, but I think it's a fair one given that most classic fuzzes behave as I described.

  • Yup I made a generalization, but I think it's a fair one given that most classic fuzzes behave as I described.

    yep agreed, a genralizattion yes but with exceptions true, Im really are not fussed about Kemper doing fuzz, I’ll flip my Ods if the Kemper drive works for me, but keep my little fuzzy wonders?, being playing over 35 years but only now appreciating them, I’ll thank David Torn for that ??

    New talent management advice to Laura Cox -

    “Laura want to break the internet? let’s shoot another video of you covering the Nightrain solo in the blue singlet, but this time we’ll crank up the air conditioning”.

  • ckemper thanks for the new ODs.

    My feature request would be a Kemper Octavia Drive, which would be just a Kemper Drive+Recti Shaper in the same stomp. This way we save stomp slots.

    I'm a big big supporter of doubling up on permissible algorithm doubling. In fact so much so that it dawned on me that I think the move would be to make a "choose your own double stack" algorithm that gives you the option to combine two algorithms in a single stomp or effect granted it stays within a margin of dsp usage. I accept PayPal and Venmo, thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
