My new Kemper sounds horrendously bad

  • M Britt profiles are outstanding, I mainly use them for rock and clean sounds and I don't know if he has any really metal ones. Guidorist had some good heavy ones though and you can get small selections quite cheaply. Maybe it's worth trying a couple of these.

    A brace of Suhrs, a Charvel, a toaster, an Apollo twin, a Mac, and a DXR10

    Edited once, last by Morph (October 9, 2016 at 5:17 PM).

  • The LED sometimes blinks some extremely short reds when I'm playing really loud. But it's almost completely green though.

    The clean tones sound good enough. But I play with distortion 99% of the time.

    some pictures of the kemper:

    Everything looks normal?

    Yeah, everthing looks normal - the pixellated stuff means that those controls aren't available (eg. no remote connected)

  • I wouldn't rule out a factory reset. My Kemper sounded great until one day when I switched it on and it seemed to have turned to crap in the night. I spent a long time fannying about with settings (which I hadn't previously had cause to alter) and got nowhere. Came on to these forums to discover how to do a reset and Bingo!! Back to sonic heaven in an instant. If all else fails then it's certainly worth a shot, if only to eliminate it from your enquiries, so to speak.

  • I love playing my kemper through headphones... and i use basic ones... so that should not be an issue.
    A full reset and os update should be done in case.. when i bought mine the settings had been altered and the reset/ update was needed.

  • "Try some different headphones? With the latest OS and some good profiles, I highly doubt the Kemper is to blame."
    I don't have any other headphones. But they should be good, it's a Beyerdynamic DT 990 Pro 250 Ohm.

    "I wouldn't rule out a factory reset. My Kemper sounded great until one day when I switched it on and it seemed to have turned to crap in the night. I spent a long time fannying about with settings (which I hadn't previously had cause to alter) and got nowhere. Came on to these forums to discover how to do a reset and Bingo!! Back to sonic heaven in an instant. If all else fails then it's certainly worth a shot, if only to eliminate it from your enquiries, so to speak."
    Yes this sounds like the best option to try out. How do I do it? I've tried searching how to do it, but nothing really comes up.

    "I did not see his reply that he was using headphones. I have never enjoyed playing my Kemper with headphones, so that could be part of his issue as well. He might need to try different headphones or better yet a frfr speaker or studio monitors.
    Make sure head space is on."
    Not really keen on spending more money on this. Already spent 18.000 on a Kemper and new pickups. But it sounds terrible when I record it and play it on my PC speakers as well, so I doubt it's the headphones who are at fault. Unless I'm really fucking up the recording.

    I've tried out quite a lot of profiles now. I doubt it has anything to do with them.

  • It doesn't really make any sense. I've watched videos on youtube and plenty of people get it to sound amazing.
    But after several days I can't get mine to sound better than what you hear in this video:

    I've been playing around with settings and for several days and I just can't get it to sound half-decent.
    What could be wrong? could I be missing something here?

    Guitar: Ibanez RG7321 with Nazgul and Pegasus Seymour Duncans
    DAW: Pro Tools 10, with an Mbox Mini sound card

    How are you listening to the Kemper output? Cabinet? Reference speakers, headphones? Through a computer?

  • "Try some different headphones? With the latest OS and some good profiles, I highly doubt the Kemper is to blame."
    I don't have any other headphones. But they should be good, it's a Beyerdynamic DT 990 Pro 250 Ohm.

    "I wouldn't rule out a factory reset. My Kemper sounded great until one day when I switched it on and it seemed to have turned to crap in the night. I spent a long time fannying about with settings (which I hadn't previously had cause to alter) and got nowhere. Came on to these forums to discover how to do a reset and Bingo!! Back to sonic heaven in an instant. If all else fails then it's certainly worth a shot, if only to eliminate it from your enquiries, so to speak."
    Yes this sounds like the best option to try out. How do I do it? I've tried searching how to do it, but nothing really comes up.

    "I did not see his reply that he was using headphones. I have never enjoyed playing my Kemper with headphones, so that could be part of his issue as well. He might need to try different headphones or better yet a frfr speaker or studio monitors.
    Make sure head space is on."
    Not really keen on spending more money on this. Already spent 18.000 on a Kemper and new pickups. But it sounds terrible when I record it and play it on my PC speakers as well, so I doubt it's the headphones who are at fault. Unless I'm really fucking up the recording.

    I've tried out quite a lot of profiles now. I doubt it has anything to do with them.

    It's been a while since I needed a reset, but I think it was as post number 3 on this thread:…ault#post297491

  • Tough to tell on my Mac speaker and 'cause it was buried in the mix somewhat, 'Hookster, but I'm guessing it was a little "scratchy" / harsh. The first Keith Merrow Profile I tried when I first got the KPA had me pretty excited, but I was disappointed with most of the ones I auditioned after seeking out as many as I could. Could be a pickup-mismatch thing, but to my ears they sounded, for the most part, harsh in the high end. I sensed this a little in the OP's clip, with that Mac-speaker caveat.

    and - don't buy any profile until you have the Rigs that came on your KPA (and the free rigs available from Kemper in the downloadable Rigpacks) sounding right to you.

    Sage advice, Paul.

    I love playing my kemper through headphones..

    So do I, Torshalla. Truly epic - even better than through Opals, and that's saying something, brother. The combination of the immediacy of the headphone paradigm and the excellent KPA headphone amp is awesome IMHO.

  • and - don't buy any profile until you have the Rigs that came on your KPA (and the free rigs available from Kemper in the downloadable Rigpacks) sounding right to you.


    From your video comparison - Kemper sounds so shitty :cursing: like with definition set at 0 cab off and dont know what more :D . I'm 100% sure its not kempr profile problem but something with Kemper. Like many people says before - try factory reset. You can always post some DI track and maybe someone can try reamp this track with specific profile for you.

    Stay Metal!

  • This!!!
    From your video comparison - Kemper sounds so shitty :cursing: like with definition set at 0 cab off and dont know what more :D . I'm 100% sure its not kempr profile problem but something with Kemper. Like many people says before - try factory reset. You can always post some DI track and maybe someone can try reamp this track with specific profile for you.

    Stay Metal!

    I had a profile with the definition of 0 the other day... it made me think of you. ha! :)

  • I also once had soundproblems, sometimes just overnite sometimes during a gig. The Support desk helped me in the following way. Unlink all Outputs to the Master-Knob except of one (f.e.headphones). Make a backup and do a System reset.
    They told me they have random sound-Problems since OS 3 when more than one Output is linked to the Master-control-knob.

    Maybe this helps.