After thinking about this issue last night after getting it solved, per above, I wanted to add some context,
I've used the Kemper for over a year now...including gigging to multi-states, large and small venues, etc. At band rehearsal last night, I plugged the unit in, and got no output from the powered output designed for external speakers. First time this ever happened. I was perplexed, and did not know what to check since I've not really experimented with the various output/input menus and other stuff - the unit has always just worked for me. I had to borrow an amp for the rehearsal session. It was quite frustrating.
First thing I did when I got home from rehearsal was to do some basic searching on the issue. This thread took me to the solution above regarding the Monitor Output setting being "OFF". It worked, and the Kemper is back up and running...however, I remain perplexed as to how the unit got into that state? Is it possible something else I may have done could have caused that to happen in between rehearsals?
The only change I know I made in that timeframe was to go into the output section on Page 6 to increase the volume for Aux-In so I could play some music through the Kemper for practice and learning songs. In this case, I turned UP the Aux-In Main as I use the main outs for my studio monitors. I went back into this section today, and found that this setting had been turned down to 0 as well - without my doing it. Very curious...
Does anybody have any idea why the output section could be adjusting itself and turning things on and off without user intervention? What might cause the unit to reset elements of the output section?
Anyway, I wanted to document this in case there's a broader issue. I've been treating the Kemper as a "plug and play" unit for the most part, and I'm bewildered at why all of a sudden things are being turned off without my intervention. If someone else has this issue, I'm hoping providing this context might have value...