Is everyone now on 4.0.6?

  • I morphed the gain level and the bass and treble knobs. Control the morph with expression pedal (moog EP-3) into my Voodoo GC. If I move the pedal quickly there is no issue, no lag. If I move the pedal slowly and stop half way and then continue, the sound lags behind the pedal position.

    I will ill try the pedal directly into the Kemper to see if it does the same thing.

    Do you have another pedal to try?

  • hard to believe the kemper folks say deal with it or go somewhere else,,,thats very sad,,not what I would expect from them,,,I thought the whole idea here was to report bugs so they could fix them,, I guess they are not going to fix the display lag if they are telling me to deal with it or use something else,, wow I am shocked,not what I expected from this Co,

    "older version have a delay in repose regarding the screen as much as newer version have. newer versions have a slightly larger delay (about 100 milliseconds if i'm not mistaken). audio is instantaneous and that's what we focus on. if you can't live with that you should consider alternatives."

    shouldn't the focus be on the whole unit working perfectly, not just the audio?

  • hard to believe the kemper folks say deal with it or go somewhere else,,,thats very sad,,not what I would expect from them,,,I thought the whole idea here was to report bugs so they could fix them,, I guess they are not going to fix the display lag if they are telling me to deal with it or use something else,, wow I am shocked,not what I expected from this Co,

    "older version have a delay in repose regarding the screen as much as newer version have. newer versions have a slightly larger delay (about 100 milliseconds if i'm not mistaken). audio is instantaneous and that's what we focus on. if you can't live with that you should consider alternatives."

    shouldn't the focus be on the whole unit working perfectly, not just the audio?

    I agree I find the response you refer to a bit irritating as well.

  • hard to believe the kemper folks say deal with it or go somewhere else,,,thats very sad,,not what I would expect from them,,,I thought the whole idea here was to report bugs so they could fix them,, I guess they are not going to fix the display lag if they are telling me to deal with it or use something else,, wow I am shocked,not what I expected from this Co,

    You should keep in mind, that this is a forum (supported only technically by Kemper) for users and it is moderated by kemper stuff mainly to look for the forums rules. Its not a tool of the support or the marketing department..
    They look here to understand the needs, wishes and requests of the user but normally they do not comment wishes or requests.
    Questions you put here are normally answered by other user (or not) but not by the company. (It happened sometime but more by chance)
    If you have a problem then the first address is the support of Kemper. (You can find a link in my signation)
    The support of Kemper I have always perceived as very competent and cooperative.

  • Sorry, I thought this was the place to discuss all things kemper,,but after their respose, I dont think opening a support ticket on the display lag is going anywhere,,
    I have no complaints, the kemper is the single best thing I have ever spent my music dollars on,, With Mike Britts FTR37's, I am HAPPY!!!!!!!! Tone wise,,best I have ever had, I am 64,, playing guitar since I was 4,
    But, I play in a modern country band, I am the only guitar player and I am covering everything from AC-gt, to heavy rock tones and all l tones in between,from crystal clear teles to screaming PRS,, tons of patch changes every tune! My feet are very busy,,,( any rythem gt players in Chi town looking to gig?)
    My timing of patch changes is very important to me and I am always taping delays into time with the tap button,I am pretty sure morphing will help me go from clean to lead and back, but with the display lag, I am just lost,
    3,3 is perfect, gig after gig, session after session,tried 4 but for me it was a train wreck, all the delays were off ,,couldnt go back to my preset with one touch,( I hear thats been addressed) lots of little things were going to have to be re- done/ re tweeked,on my end, again,,, but with the display lag, there was no sense in me spending days in the studio tweeking all my patches and then have the lag there,,I am only speaking for my self, but when a CO that I spend tons of money with,, tells me to live with it or go somewhere else,,,ouch,,I have to honestly say, I was shocked, and saddened,I did expect much more from them,,I thought they would say, hang in there were working on it, something like that,,,that response really threw me for a loop!,,well, I took his advise,, I bought a mesa mini rec combo, and will phase the kemper out of my live gigs untill I get a chance to try the helix and an AX efx rack,,
    Until Mr kemper decides that the whole unit, working right,as advertised,,, is important as morphing seems to be, it looks like a real amp, and flight case,,, again,,,back to 80 lbs of gear,,,exactly why I bought the Kemper in the first place,,,To get rid of heavy amps and pedal boards,
    I am just a poor working musician who depends on my rig to pay my bills,,as much as I love music, it is my job, and my tools have to do what I need them to do, or I find tools that will, no matter whos name is on them,,
    I love my kemper,,,,,so I am waiting for 5,, waiting for delays,,,waiting for reverbs,,,,,waiting for no display lags,,,,, waiting for no bugs,,,, etc,,,,
    BTW, I am resposiable the the sale of 5 kemper units after doing a demo here in my studio,,5 of the 9 guys who came,, ordered one,,,so with my 2 ,,thats 7,KPA's,,,sold,
    You welcome,,,,

  • hard to believe the kemper folks say deal with it or go somewhere else,,,thats very sad,,not what I would expect from them,,,I thought the whole idea here was to report bugs so they could fix them,, I guess they are not going to fix the display lag if they are telling me to deal with it or use something else,, wow I am shocked,not what I expected from this Co,

    "older version have a delay in repose regarding the screen as much as newer version have. newer versions have a slightly larger delay (about 100 milliseconds if i'm not mistaken). audio is instantaneous and that's what we focus on. if you can't live with that you should consider alternatives."

    shouldn't the focus be on the whole unit working perfectly, not just the audio?

    I agree with you, this answer left a strange feeling in my stumach to...

  • That is a bit too pesimistic for my taste... ;)

    For me, that performance is OK and I am quite sure it will get better with future 4.x versions. In addition: the stomps are of fine quality, meaning: they just always switch. So there is no need for me to double check that on the display...

    Ne travaillez jamais.

  • I do have the Kemper remote but don´t experience latency in the display reaction, when changing slots in performance mode, just a little changing banks
    Compared it with a Behringer un4 kemper fc1010, midi but didn´t notice any difference in speed ( don't use morphing so I have no experience with that )
    Is it possible you have more problems when your KPA is (over) loaded with rigs perhaps? I only use 50 or so.

    Edited 2 times, last by Dorrus (August 29, 2016 at 7:38 PM).

  • older version have a delay in repose regarding the screen as much as newer version have. newer versions have a slightly larger delay (about 100 milliseconds if i'm not mistaken). audio is instantaneous and that's what we focus on. if you can't live with that you should consider alternatives.

    Surprising reply.

    Being an engineering manager myself, I can understand when developers claim "that is just how it works"; however, customer service and business development should always be looking at things from the other direction (ie, this is how it NEEDS to work).

    A product at the level of the KPA has very high expectations. Low (not visible) response time is expected with this level of a product.

    When there was appreciable ACTUAL switch time difference being reported, I did an engineering analysis (and posted graphs showing how quick the Kemper was ACTUALLY changing .... which was truly negligible). While GUI updates do not need to be instant like sound changes are in order to be "acceptable" IMO, my direction to any team in my department would be sub 100msec. 600mSec (if accurate) is enough that it makes the product FEEL "low end" .... which is the last thing I would think the company would want considering the price range the product plays in.

    Not to preach to other professionals too much .... but remember ..... to the customer, the UI IS the product in many respects.

    Having said all this, I also realize that morphing and the ability to put delays in any slot was an architectural change. Lots of people wont get this, but changes like this effect a huge range of things within the product. Things that should have been just fine .... just aren't anymore. Problems you had no idea you were going to have simply drop out of thin air.

    My suspicion is that for the engineering staff at Kemper, the 4.x release architecture change was WAY more difficult than creating new delays and verbs will be.

    I am purchasing a new Kemper remote in a couple of days. I will stick with 3.3 firmware for my switch for several reasons. I am currently using an FCB1010 and a Uno4Kemper chip.

    I am buying the remote because:

    • It is smaller than the FCB
    • Having the LCD with the text of the profile shown is a really big deal
    • Setup with a single connection vs 3 connections is a really big deal

    I would like to think that my >$500.00 foot switch will perform better than my $150.00 foot switch.

    Just to summarize my rant ....

    • Kemper needs to be sensitive to the needs of the customer
    • 4.x was a major over-haul in architecture for the device and likely needed to be completed prior to creating new verbs and delays so that less work needed to be done over-all. The new delays and verbs will now fit within the new architecture and wont need to be re-worked and verified on a new architecture, just the 4.x architecture
    • The KPA is a great product.
  • While there are some great features on the Remote being smaller isn't it , Unless you don't use pedals. And the fact that you cannot set any pedal to any feature is kind of a bummer . But I keep using it, but now that I may be using mt Autotune ATG-1 ( in a smaller case) I could use the amp switching like on the FCB1010

  • Ok, I had some time to try my expression pedal into the back of the Kemper to see if it would react with a lag as I experienced with using my foot controller and morphing the gain level. Happy to say that it works flawless and there is not even a lag in the display!?!?!

    edit: thought I would try a foot switch in the back of the Kemper as well. The switch still has lag in the screen when switch rigs.

    Edited once, last by drog (August 30, 2016 at 12:39 AM).

  • Sorry, I thought this was the place to discuss all things kemper,,but after their respose, I dont think opening a support ticket on the display lag is going anywhere,,

    I have read the thread again and now understand your anger.
    The concrete reply to your problem does not reflect the normal way of relationship from the company Kemper with their clients. See it as an expression of a personal mood of the writer and not as an official statement. Take it human - we all are sometimes stressed.
    Again I will tell you - you can trust the support.

  • older version have a delay in repose regarding the screen as much as newer version have. newer versions have a slightly larger delay (about 100 milliseconds if i'm not mistaken). audio is instantaneous and that's what we focus on. if you can't live with that you should consider alternatives.

    Attitude check, Laddie. Reminds me a bit of a competitor company.

  • untill they get it right, I cant upgrade

    my response was a direct response to above and as it turns out, i didn't quote all relevant parts. Unclemar stated that he cannot update until we "get this right" and my recommendation to "consider alternatives" was a response to that. the alternativ i was hinting on was to stay on 3.3. nothing else. sorry, if this came out wrong - i wasn't intending to sound brush. (edit: i mean "brash")

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