Is everyone now on 4.0.6?

  • Wondering why a latency in the display reaction makes a difference for you guys, apart as a matter of principle.
    What I am basically wondering is how can this issue be cancelling the advantages and power of the new features.
    I want to stress that I'm not defending the unit or the Company, mine is a serious question.
    Having said that, unicuique suum of course.

    The screen lag is not a big issue for me but it's really quite bad. Never seen another system that reacted this poorly for visuals. But I guess it is what it is.

    I do have a concern with the lag in sound when I use the morph feature. It only happens when I slowly move my expression pedal. The Kemper gets lost/confused where the pedal is as far as the sweep and what gain it should be and lags behind the actual movement of the pedal. This is an issue. If I quickly move it, there is no issue. This is while morphing the gain.

  • Wondering why a latency in the display reaction makes a difference for you guys, apart as a matter of principle.
    What I am basically wondering is how can this issue be cancelling the advantages and power of the new features.
    I want to stress that I'm not defending the unit or the Company, mine is a serious question.
    Having said that, unicuique suum of course.

    I explained this in another thread, but as I have larger than average feet, hitting the buttons of the Remote correctly can be challenging. In the heat of the moment, going from clean verse to crunchy chorus at the same time as the drummer starts whacking the cymbals can mean that the change in sound isn't immediately audible, so I have to rely on the display to reassure me that I hit the correct switch. When it lags so much (my tests show that the newest firmware can take up to 600 ms for the LEDs to correctly reflect the current slot) it causes a lot of insecurity, taking me out of the moment, the zone, the groove, if you will. This all adds up during a show to mean that I haven't performed as well as I could have. No equipment, no matter how great sounding and convenient, should have a negative impact on your performance. Otherwise it'll get replaced. This is why I've been making such a big deal of it. I'm trying to grow accustomed to it, trying to put my faith in my feet haha! All joking aside, at the same time I'm investigating alternatives, just in case I find that I can't deal with it.

  • I explained this in another thread, but as I have larger than average feet, hitting the buttons of the Remote correctly can be challenging. In the heat of the moment, going from clean verse to crunchy chorus at the same time as the drummer starts whacking the cymbals can mean that the change in sound isn't immediately audible, so I have to rely on the display to reassure me that I hit the correct switch. When it lags so much (my tests show that the newest firmware can take up to 600 ms for the LEDs to correctly reflect the current slot) it causes a lot of insecurity, taking me out of the moment, the zone, the groove, if you will. This all adds up during a show to mean that I haven't performed as well as I could have. No equipment, no matter how great sounding and convenient, should have a negative impact on your performance. Otherwise it'll get replaced. This is why I've been making such a big deal of it. I'm trying to grow accustomed to it, trying to put my faith in my feet haha! All joking aside, at the same time I'm investigating alternatives, just in case I find that I can't deal with it.

    I've got a regular midi floorboard, @sambrox, and the lights change instantaneously, as does the sound. If you really rely on the lights to figure out what's going on while changing to a different sound, or activating FX, perhaps you should look into a regular floorboard. The lights will change instantaneously, as will the sound. Try it out first before giving up on the Kemper.

  • I've got a regular midi floorboard, @sambrox, and the lights change instantaneously, as does the sound. If you really rely on the lights to figure out what's going on while changing to a different sound, or activating FX, perhaps you should look into a regular floorboard. The lights will change instantaneously, as will the sound. Try it out first before giving up on the Kemper.

    Oh I'll be exhausting every possibility before giving up on it! It's actually only really a thing with my recently-reformed old band, where changes and arrangements need to be clean and clear cut. All the other projects i play with aren't really affected. I've started to use a lot more morphing between sounds with the others, as it's more appropriate. Thanks, dude.

  • ... I've got a regular midi floorboard, sambrox, and the lights change instantaneously, as does the sound...

    Do I understand it correctly that generic MIDI floorboard is lag free in visual feedback, but original remote suffers from lag in magnitude of hundreds of milliseconds? I am thinking about buying Kemper remote, but 600 ms is truly long time. It seems I'll get one ms for each $ spent.

    Originality is the fine art of remembering what you hear but forgetting where you heard it.
    Laurence J. Peter

  • Wondering why a latency in the display reaction makes a difference for you guys, apart as a matter of principle.
    What I am basically wondering is how can this issue be cancelling the advantages and power of the new features.
    I want to stress that I'm not defending the unit or the Company, mine is a serious question.
    Having said that, unicuique suum of course.

    I am used to midiboards for effects with tubeamps and have used the FCB earlier with my Kemper.. They are just a thadd faster switching. I like my Kemper anyway, but was just commenting it. I use it 98% for live gigs and I play both rythm ans all solos/Intros/Outros. So i realy notice very easyly when its a very small delay going from rythm preset to solo preset. its not anoying but close to!

  • I can live with it,, but why should I?,,,Its not right,
    for one,It throws my timing off, sorry, but it does, second , I paid 600 dollars for a foot controler, and over 2 grand for the unit, and I expect it to work,as advertised, next,, morphing is no where near as important to me as new reverbs and delays are so, 3 is working perfectly, why up grade to a system that is clearly not right,? when its right, when everything switches , perfectly in time, then,,, its right, Now,, its not right,,, why is that so hard to understand?
    Why release an operating system and call it done,, when its not? makes no sense to me,, esp from a company like kemper,,??
    Again I love this unit,I love what it has brought to the table for me, I will never sell it, but I want it to work like it should, and any lag in display,or otherwise, is not right,,,its a bug, it was not like this in 3 , so,in my world, I cant use it,
    as cool as morphing might be, I never would use it, but I sure would love to ditch my pedalboeard full of delays,and overdrives,I bought the kemper to downsize my footprint,I am waiting,
    I am not in anyway mad or upset, I just want it to work right, no lag, no bugs,
    I am waiting,,,

  • Do I understand it correctly that generic MIDI floorboard is lag free in visual feedback, but original remote suffers from lag in magnitude of hundreds of milliseconds? I am thinking about buying Kemper remote, but 600 ms is truly long time. It seems I'll get one ms for each $ spent.

    I use a midi floorboard and while the board will change instantly, the display on the Kemper lags behind.
    So for the user above that wants to see the display on the floor change, then that would work with a midi board. But there is still the visual lag on the Kemper display.

  • Are you guys actually experiencing lag when switching sounds? As far as I can tell, there has been no lengthening of the time to switch profiles with the Kemper, this is only a visual thing.

    I have noticed a lag with other things on the Kemper since 4.0 though, not in terms of sound, but in terms of getting my Kemper to do things such as add favourites, there is a perceptible delay.

    My guess is that we have only seen 4.0 as far as 4.06 so far. These are issues that are likely to be addressed as the code is further streamlined in future releases - 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, et al.

    I can totally not relate to some of the situations I've heard - to me, when I step on a switch, if the profile changes, I'm a happy clam - but I can sympathise if some users feel that lights changing on the Remote or the Kemper in a split second is important. All I can tell you guys is to be patient, I'm pretty confident that Kemper will be kneading the code further to simplify things. 4.0 was a pretty major addition in terms of the feature set and adding all that code is likely to have been taxing. My guess is now that the features have been added, the code will be rewritten to remove extraneous bits and make things logically line up better.

  • I guess we feel it's odd that the attitude is deal with it or go find something else.

    I have used countless guitar and keyboard products over the last 40yrs and I don't recall a product that had such issues in the screen lagging behind as what we currently have.

    I hope hope they, the Kemper team take this issue (as little as it may seem)a little more serious. They have a great product and it should be polished and shine in all aspects.

    I will test the audio lag I have in morphing and make sure it's not something I am doing wrong but I does happen for me with one scenario .

  • I will test the audio lag I have in morphing and make sure it's not something I am doing wrong but I does happen for me with one scenario .

    Yes, please elaborate on the audio lag, because this is something I have NEVER experienced, neither with the Remote nor a pedal.
    All I can imagine, als with all things pedal, is a calibration or potentiometer issue with the pedal itself.

  • I morphed the gain level and the bass and treble knobs. Control the morph with expression pedal (moog EP-3) into my Voodoo GC. If I move the pedal quickly there is no issue, no lag. If I move the pedal slowly and stop half way and then continue, the sound lags behind the pedal position.

    I will ill try the pedal directly into the Kemper to see if it does the same thing.