Performance Mode & Rig Manager - What the *******!!!??!?!?!?

  • If nothing else, this technique is a huge time-saver. The K-Team™ may not like this particular Monkey Method™, but I love it!

    first of all, thanks for another manual to screw things up royally. you surely will not mind us forwarding those angry users with crashing erratic Rig Manager to you by providing you email address ... ;)

    on a serious note: this is not a good idea. even though it might work for you right now, there is no guarantee that it'll will work in the future. and there is no guarantee that removing parts will not DAMAGE the other parts. "damage" includes broken rigs, disappearing folder, Rig Manager not starting anymore. yes, this sounds like doomsday and i'm not a prophet but here's one thing i know for sure: it is a bad and naive idea to advise others to try something although you don't have a clue about the possible implications of it: the Monkey Method™.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • Crumpets!

    Who am I to argue with that? Sorry, G String. I thought I was onto something good there.

    As you know, the reason I ended up doing this was 'cause of the folder limit I've encountered. Do you suggest I instead keep the excess folders (the ones that I can't currently fit into RM) in the usual, folder-with-dragged-Rigs manner on the computer until such time as you guys are somehow able to lift the restriction? I know you guys didn't place any limit yourselves and that it has something to do with RM's interaction / communication / reliance on the computer's OS, but I'm extremely hopeful that it'll be resolved / corrected with a future update of RM. Any word on this? Anything at all would be great, mate.

    I'm terribly sorry G String. This particular Monkey Method™ is headed straight for the bin now. I'll edit the offending posts to reflect both your sage advice as well as my stupendous ignorance! :/

  • Already done, G String.

    I was very comprehensive and provided all the warnings you'd surely have hoped for. Please read it first and leave it if you can; I put a bit of work into it.

    Thank you mate, and again, I'm sorry.

    EDIT: I asked if there was any word on the folder-limit progress, and I see you've answered that. Thank you, mate! That's fantastic news to me. Really fantastic.

    Bravo and kudos to you, Brother G String, my hero of the day! You're great man. Thank you so much! 8o

  • Yikes!

    Turn around, Sam! You're killin' me! :D

    EDIT: Aw... now that you've removed the pic, you've sucked the life out of my hilarious statement, SamBro'! Trust me, dear Kemperites, it was very funny even if I say so myself.

  • Another aspect that could be improved is perhaps making the loading bar found in the status bar of the RM window more apparent. Maybe placing it somewhere on the top portion of the window, as well as enlarging it a little will suffice. Since I'm not looking at the Kemper due to where I have to place it while plugged into the computer, at first I couldn't tell that it was still loading/deleting profiles. That's why this status bar needs to be more obvious.

    Also, I noticed that when rigs are being loaded into (or deleted from) the Kemper, there are a few actions that can't be performed (i.e. creating/deleting a Performance). Instead of having them grayed out while the Kemper is being populated, would it be possible to keep these options available but have a message pop up when you click them instead? Something like, "This action cannot be performed at the moment. Please wait." That would at least let users know why they can't perform these actions at the time, rather than wonder why they're grayed out.

    Just a couple of suggestions :-).

  • Well, I'm back from my 10-day ban. Now that I've been banned, I feel official.

    First off, I want to say that I still don't apologize for the thread of this title. It conveyed exactly what I was feeling about Rig Manager. And seeing how so many other people find Rig Manager just as irritating as I did (evidenced by this thread alone), I think those feelings are understandable.

    I do apologize for the remark about punching someone. I incorrectly assumed that it was obvious I was being sarcastic and didn't LITERALLY mean I wanted to hunt someone down and punch them. I think anyone with any common sense at all should be able to understand that it's absolutely insane for anyone to think that I'd actually pay for and arrange travel across the Atlantic ocean, pay for lodging, do research on how to find someone (who I don't even know), and then actually seek them out just to punch them, not to mention then risk jail time, all just because I don't like the glitches in a certain piece of software. I wouldn't even travel 100 feet down the road to do something like that, let alone all of the above. So while I DO understand the point of the ban, the logical part of me is mystified over certain people's ability to grasp sarcasm.

    With that said, going forward, I'll just make sure that any post I make identifying any issues with the Kemper has ZERO attempt at humor or sarcasm in it, and is as literal as possible to avoid any other ridiculousness.

    Now that I've said all of that, I'll be posting some videos (which I couldn't do during the ban) to show the issues that I've found with Rig Manager. I'll also be posting some cool info about a gig I just finished and some awesome Kemper sightings.

  • Back on topic, after a year long hiatus I actually have a band rehearsal tomorrow. So, time to create a Performance!

    I created one Performance today. It took me almost an hour.

    • The process of creating a Performance and loading rigs into the five available slots seems to work fine. However once you start moving between the five slots to edit those five rigs, things can get wonky. I loaded a clean tone into Slot 1, then worked my way down the line, saving after loading each rig. I then started working my way back through the rigs to edit the stomps, and somehow the clean tone in Slot 1 got replaced by the rig I had loaded in Slot 5. I navigate through the slots with the buttons on the Kemper, if that helps.
    • Editing rig names in Performance slots in Rig Manager does not update the names of those Rigs on the Kemper. I would edit the names using the Kemper interface, but using the little dials to scroll between letters just to change a rig name takes a very long time compared to typing them in Rig Manager.
    • Any change you make to a rig in a Performance slot must be saved before you move to the next slot, otherwise those changes are lost. I understand this is just the way it is, but I must have hit that Save button about 1,000 times today. It would be nice for any and all changes to be saved in a buffer somewhere so the only time you need to save is when you are completely done editing the Performance.
    • The Kemper froze twice during the process, both times while trying to copy the stomp effects block. I haven't experienced a freeze like this in over a year using Browse mode.

    So my constructive feedback is the process of creating one Performance seemed to take a very long time. That's just my opinion.

    Husband, Father, Pajama Enthusiast