Performance Mode & Rig Manager - What the *******!!!??!?!?!?

  • Hi Nicky, there isnt a problem when you rename the kpabackup file tor tar . Than use the program "free opener and untar it to the same folder were your backupfile is.
    Do your deletes. or add cabs in folder cabs.
    Than copy the cab folder in the share folder of your kpa stick. Put in the kpa,
    import, ready.


    Frank, I needed to remove 350 cabs from the KPA, and they were in my kpabackup file as well, so the kpabackup file had to be altered and then recompressed (as .tar, which I couldn't do without the necessary software).

    I don't see how importing from the Shared folder could erase my cabs just 'cause there's an empty Cab folder in it. Is this what you're saying? I thought importing from the Shared folder can only add to and not subtract from the Kemper. Is this incorrect?

    Cheers bud.

  • OK, I spent some time with Rig Manager today. Let me first say that I do like the fact that one can quickly audition rigs when using Rig Manager, which is something I really like about it. That said, there's still room for improvement.

    In Local Library, I should be able to create a folder, or open an existing one, that actually opens the corresponding folder stored in my computer in File Explorer (Windows). Furthermore, if I already have rigs/profiles stored in a folder in my computer, I should be able to link to that folder from within RM. To me it just makes sense to be able to do this. Or am I missing something?

    It would also be nice to be able to edit and do everything from a computer editor. I'm sure this has been asked many times before, but it just makes it so much easier to edit things that way. As I mentioned earlier, the Axe FX and the Helix are prime examples of intuitive computer editors. They do make life easier :-).

    I know there were some other stuff that I ran into in the past, but I didn't include them since 1) I forgot the details on how to reproduce them, and 2) it is possible that they might've gotten fixed by now.

    Take care!

    EDIT: For some reason there were a couple of things that didn't work as expected at first, and then they did. I'm not sure what caused this but it's all good now. I removed these items from my original post since they were no longer relevant.

    Edited 5 times, last by Jose7822 (August 1, 2016 at 3:42 AM).

  • One more thing I just noticed. Double-clicking a Performance slot in RM should switch to said Performance, and corresponding slot, in the Profiler. Instead what happens when you double-click the Performance slot is that the Profiler switches to the correct Profile, but it doesn't switch to the corresponding Performance where the profile is found, or even the correct slot within a Performance. This is prone to user error as one could easily save the Performance in a different state than the desired one (i.e. saving the wrong profile in a Performance slot).

  • In Local Library, I should be able to create a folder, or open an existing one, that actually opens the corresponding folder stored in my computer in File Explorer (Windows). Furthermore, if I already have rigs/profiles stored in a folder in my computer, I should be able to link to that folder from within RM. To me it just makes sense to be able to do this. Or am I missing something?

    there is no folder to be opened because rig manager doesn't store the rigs in a folder on your drive. but if you want to access the rigs, for instance to email them just make a folder on your desktop and drag the rigs from rig manager to this folder.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • Here's some general advise on working with Performances: in order to see the edits you make in Rig Manager instantly on Profiler make sure that you always edit a Performance which is on one of the 127 memory slots of Profiler. Performances on memory slots show the slot number to the left of the name. Those which are not stored in Profiler show "LIB" instead. If you edit one of those Performances using Profiler and not Rig Manager, make sure that you Store it after doing so. Only this way, Rig Manager will reflect the changes. We know that all above can be improved but maybe some of you can avoid frustration by knowing about those limitations.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • Same here. I was just using the first five Performances, so that doesn't apply to me either.

    BTW, where are the rigs stored if not on the HDD? What if I don't want them to be in the Profiler, like if I'm auditioning a bunch of free profiles that where posted somewhere in the forum and downloaded them to my computer (example, the HAWP profiles)? Or if I just want to keep most of my profiles in my computer and only store those profiles that I use often inside the Kemper?

    I think it would be convenient to be able to audition profiles stored in the computer without having them reside in the Profiler. Then again, I don't know exactly how the Rig Manager works in this regard, so a little clarification would help.


  • Same here. I was just using the first five Performances, so that doesn't apply to me either.

    BTW, where are the rigs stored if not on the HDD? What if I don't want them to be in the Profiler, like if I'm auditioning a bunch of free profiles that where posted somewhere in the forum and downloaded them to my computer (example, the HAWP profiles)? Or if I just want to keep most of my profiles in my computer and only store those profiles that I use often inside the Kemper?

    I think it would be convenient to be able to audition profiles stored in the computer without having them reside in the Profiler. Then again, I don't know exactly how the Rig Manager works in this regard, so a little clarification would help.


    This is exactly how rig manager works. If you double click a profile while in browse mode, it is temporarily loaded in the Kemper. You then have the choice of saving it on the Kemper by clicking the store button, or by dragging the said rig from your library to the Kemper. They do not reside on the Kemper when you browse through them. This way, you can load your Kemper only with your favourite rigs, while having a bigger selection in the studio at home.

    If you have some profiles that are not in your library, just drag them/copy them to the appropriate folder where rig manager is stored on your computer.

  • The Rig Manager manages rigs that are in your Profiler (aka My Profiler) and rigs that exist on the hard drive of your computer.(aka local library/rig exchange)
    You can audition each rig by doubleclicking it in the Rig Manager. When you do that the rig is being transfered from the Rig Manager to the editbuffer of the Profiler. You do not need to store it there in order to preview it.
    Nightlight beat me by a second!

  • I think the Rig Manager is fine...actually. You can do those previews and get the amps on your Kemper real quick by saving. It also gives you a ton of great profile information at a glance and I much prefer this workflow when browsing or trying to find something quickly. Actually, this is much better than the AxeEdit functionality I was used to. However, where I think the Kemper lacks is just in editing and arranging the Performance mode. I can't seem to unlock the special sauce to edit and change performances on the fly from Rig Manager (I'm using 4.06 on the Kemper). I kind of gave up on Rig Manager for that. And then there is the pain of loading rigs into the Performance and having them over-write the effects you set up for your slot with the ones stored on the rig. I can lock the stomp/effects but if I forget to change it back and move to new slots, that carries over and screws me up. Probably the best is to save the Stomp/Effects presets and redial. At the end of the day though, it's the implementation of how the Performance mode is edited and arranged that is not efficient and a struggle.

  • OMG....even the thread has got so complex I cant even work out the best way to do performances.

    I did actually just open RM, right click on My Performances, create new performance, copy and paste a rig into slots 1 & 2 , all good so far.

    The title New Performance came up on the KPA screen, edited this in RM to say Test Performance, it changed on KPA screen, all ok.

    But....the slots I selected on RM do not show on the KPA screen?...shutdown RM and open again, still doesn't sync with KPA....just don't get it.

    No Gain - No Pain.... :D

  • OK, the way you guys are explaining it is how I inferred that Rig Manager works. But then G String said that "there is no folder to be opened because rig manager doesn't store the rigs in a folder on your drive. but if you want to access the rigs, for instance to email them just make a folder on your desktop and drag the rigs from rig manager to this folder." So, which is it?

    The files have to be stored sonewhere. The most logical place, given that the profiles don't get loaded into the Kemper while auditioning, is the conputer's HDD. I simply would like to manage the location of that folder myself, rather than have it at a default location provided by RM. It's not a huge deal, given the size of the profile files. Just a convenience thing.

  • The files have to be stored sonewhere.

    They could be in a database.

    if you want to access the rigs, for instance to email them just make a folder on your desktop and drag the rigs from rig manager to this folder

    You can drag and drop from the Rig Manager window into a folder, You also can drag and drop from a folder into Rig Manager,

  • I can only speak for Mac, Jose, and I was going to answer this earlier, but you seemed satisfied with the answers given, even 'though none of them addressed this request specifically:

    / Users / Your Name / Library / Application Support / Kemper Amps / RigManager / Local Library

    Within that Library folder, your entire "Local Library" structure in RM is represented by folders (including, obviously, parent and child ones). Within each of these is a "repository.db" file that's unique to RM and represents the Rigs that would be found in the folder. So, the layout and structure, folder-wise, of all your Local Library stuff in RM is there, but the Rigs themselves are bundled into repository.db files on a per-folder basis. These are proprietary Kemper files, and must not be tampered with.

    You can't drag these files into RM, by the way. If you remove any and decide to add them again later, you risk untold complications of RM's performance and booting ability, along with providing the potential for losing folders and damaging Rigs, according to the esteemed G String.

    Perhaps this is why he avoided discussing the subject earlier.

    Note: I'd outlined a very-dangerous Monkey Method™ of "extra" backup of folders of Rigs that could've brought RM to its knees at some point in the future and also resulted in Rig loss. Naughty Monkey! ;(

    Thankfully the offending advice has been blitzed to smithereens.

  • I forgot to mention the / Users / Your Name / Library / Application Support / Kemper Amps / RigManager / Prf / Local Library folder. This one is the Performance equivalent of the Local Library one discussed above.

    Also, I alluded to it earlier, but in case anyone missed the obvious "trick"...
    ... you're a lucky, lucky Kemper, 'cause according to the powers that be it was a risky one to implement, and is very-much verboten by the Kemper Team™. Naughty, naughty Monkey!

    If nothing else, this technique is a huge time-saver. The K-Team™ may not like this particular Monkey Method™, but I love it! :D
    ... and if you listen to this advice, which thankfully you can't 'cause the "trick" has been erased, you're a greater fool than even the King of Buffoons™, Mr. M. Man.

    Seriously, whilst I hope there's some truth in my superficial "explanation" of the folder's purpose (proprietary data backup and resources for RM), any tampering with the folder's contents or structure should be avoided at all costs according to the Mothership™. Ignore its advice at your peril; it's too late for me, so I can only hope that what I've done in the past week since encountering a folder limit in RM and trying to create easily-reinstantiated "chunks" of my Local Library, to be kept until such time as I could return them to RM, hasn't set the scene for future disaster. If things go severely awry at some point in the future, this exercise in brazen, foolhardy, reckless tampering with not-to-be-touched RM resources will no doubt spring immediately to mind and I'll suspect my own actions as being responsible for otherwise seemingly-inexplicable madness within RM.

    Moral of the story: Clear everything you can with the Kemper Team™ before attempting anything you've not heard of or read about before in the manuals, or indeed here on the forum provided it's Kemper Approved™.

    I've gotta laugh. I'm such a fool sometimes. I meant well, and wanted so badly to help Jose; I can only hope he sees G String's response and / or my edits before he messes with the files according to the now-non-approved Monkey Method™. If he has, my sincere hope is then that he has backups he can revert to.

    Jose, I'm sorry for the bum steer, mate!

  • Ha! No worries mate. My pleasure.

    I took your "silence" on the matter as meaning that you'd sort of given up on the request, so I'm gratified to have been able to be of service, bro'!

    EDT: Please throw the Monkey Method™ tip in the toilet where it belongs, Jose. See my edits and G String's stern warning that follows this post!

    I'm so sorry, mate.