Performance Mode & Rig Manager - What the *******!!!??!?!?!?

  • I would say I'm sorry for the title, but honestly, it doesn't even begin to convey the amount of pure hatred I have flowing through my body right now for this software.

    Here's my issue (aside from my anger management needs).

    I have a particular rig that is stored on my profiler. I loaded that into my main performance in slot #1. It's a heavy rhythm tone. Within that rig, I have delays, wahs, gates, etc., all set up how I like them. I then loaded a clean profile into slot #2 in that same performance, and so on. All of that works just fine.

    BUT, here's the problem. I'm now trying to create a different performance, that uses those SAME rigs in Performance #1, but in different slots in this new performance. For example, in Performance 1, my rhythm tone is in slot 1. But in the new performance, I may want it in slot 2. So, I figured, okay, this should be easy enough. Just copy Performance 1, and paste it, then go into the newly pasted performance (Performance #2) and then I can move the rigs around within that performance, and rename them if I want to. I mean, that's what any logical person with a working brain would assume would work. So I did that. However, If I go into my new performance, right click on slot #1, copy it, and then paste it into an empty slot #3 in that same performance, I hit the "store" button 3 times to save it, and then it reverts back to an empty slot. If I go into Performance #2 and simply try to rename a slot by using Rig Manager and then I hit store 3 times, it reverts back to whatever name was in that slot previously. If I try renaming the entire performance (Performance #2) using the Kemper rather than Rig Manager, that works. But guess what? It then renames Performance #1 to the same name.

    So what is the point of being able to copy and paste performances if you can't then move them around or change them after you've created a new performance? All I'm trying to do is take my base rigs (a rhythm tone and a clean tone) and copy them into new performances with new names, and in different slots. It should NOT be this difficult.

    Seriously, for as amazing as the Kemper sounds. It is equally as pathetic when it comes to the operating system layout and functionality in terms of storing and editing rigs.

    End rant!

    Edited 2 times, last by OhG (January 20, 2019 at 6:50 PM).

  • @OhG

    The problem with frustration is that it shuts the mind off to trying different ways of doing something when it doesn't work the way we think it should work. It isn't difficult for me to copy/paste/rearrange.

    For Example:

    1) If you want to rearrange a couple of the Slots, copy and paste the Performance to a new one.

    Copy a Slot from the first Performance, and paste it into the new position in the new Performance.

    Copy another Slot from the first Performance, and paste it into the new position in the new Performance.

    Repeat as needed.

    Done :)

    2) If you want to move/populate all five Slots, just create a new, blank Performance.

    Copy a Performance Slot from the old Performance(s), and paste it into the new position in the new Performance.

    Repeat as necessary.

    Done :)

    3) If you are going to apologise for the post title in your rant, and then state "End rant!":

    Update the title of your post to be inoffensive before it is seen by anyone else, and remember - the Kemper people don't want us to use capital letters - they are considered to be shouting,

    Done? :)

  • I tried BOTH steps you mentioned. It didn't work. I've also created a video that I'll post tomorrow, which shows just how truly idiotic this process is. I put everything away for the night because if I keep going with it at this point, I'm pretty sure I'll end up on the news for murder.

    In the video I'll post tomorrow, it shows a VERY basic example of how stupid this is. I go into an existing performance in Rig Manager. All I try to do is to click into the field that contains the name of the slot, and the name of the amp. I change both of them to something as simple as "INTRO." I hit store 3 times and it reverts back to the old names. However, if I do the EXACT same process, but before hitting store, I change performances on the controller, go back to the performance I just tried to rename slots in, and THEN hit store 3 times, it guess what? It saves. So tell me in what world it makes sense to make changes, LEAVE the performance without saving it, go to a new one, then go back and save it, and that's the only way it'll save the new names.

    And I was shouting in my post title. Because whoever is behind this process, needs to know how horrible it is. I've used so many processors in the past and NONE of them have ever been even remotely close to this convoluted when it comes to moving or renaming patches (rigs, slots, etc.). The G-System for example, you could copy a patch (what we call Rigs in the Kemper) and paste it to a new slot. You could then go into that newly pasted patch and rename it, hit save and you're done. As I'll show in the video tomorrow, that is clearly not the case with the Kemper.

  • @OhG,

    RM is buggy for me as well when I try to copy/paste/rename.
    I have found a working solution, close to yours, but I do everything from RM.

    in RM, I copy a rig, paste it in an empty performance slot, rename. I then apply the voodoo treatment, which is to double click on another performance, and double click again on the performance I had pasted the rig in. I don't hit save, since there's no save option on RM. The performance is automatically synced with the Kemper, if connected via usb.

    Hope that helps a bit.

  • I would say I'm sorry for the title, but honestly, it doesn't even begin to convey the amount of pure hatred I have flowing through my body right now for this system. I'm at the point where right now, all I really want to do is find whoever designed Rig Manager and punch that person in the face.

    Threatening one of our stuff to physically hurt them must be a new low in the history of this forum.
    I would suggest you consider to apologise for this and edit your post accordingly.

  • I would say I'm sorry for the title, but honestly, it doesn't even begin to convey the amount of pure hatred I have flowing through my body right now for this system. I'm at the point where right now, all I really want to do is find whoever designed Rig Manager and punch that person in the face.

    OhG, you are banned for 10 days. feel free to work on your issue/findings with support. of course, we will try to help you. but we do not tolerate your behavior, threatening our employees is a no-go.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • Cmon....Im sure it was just sounding off !

    I too have been totally dumbfounded by some of the KPA processes, I recently tried to create a new performance from within RM and totally gave up.

    Im not sure why but it seems that the logic isn't...well....logical ?

    I love my KPA sounds, but the user interface is totally alien to my expectations.

    I don't particularly need to hit anyone because of it...

    No Gain - No Pain.... :D

  • Why does everyone seem to go so quickly into violence? Express your frustrations, but why punch the person? It is software. In the mean time lets understand that there are some bugs that are being worked out and try the suggested work around?

  • Setting up and editing performances in rig manager is insanely un intuitive!
    It's hard to believe that the people responsible for the wonderful Kemper are also responsible for this nonsense.
    It really is about time we had a proper editor/rig manager.

  • I am not sure I've accurately followed the described procedure.
    On 3.3, I find that operating on RM for creating\editing performances must be followed by "loading" the performance onto the Profiler through a double click in RM. Then - and only then - I can save it on the Profiler.
    IOW, creating/editing a performance in RM doesn't automatically load it onto the Profiler.
    Might this be the issue?

  • I've just tried again to double check. Latest OS, latest RM on mac.
    Rename the rig Name (not the slot name), double click on another Performance, double click on the edited performance (this bug should be fixed by the Kemper Team when they have some time on their hands). You should have the new edited name appear both on the profiler and the remote.

  • Im not sure why but it seems that the logic isn't...well....logical ?

    I've always said this. That's why I chose a more-flexible (work-flow wise) and "linear", old-school-paradigmed (is there such a word?) DAW.

    The transition from tape / ADAT-based habits to the app I chose is therefore, dare I say it again, a logical progression.

  • He can't actually punch the person: he doesn't know who they are and likely lives on another continent, let's not get too stressed by his rage.

    One of the bigger (and better) guitar-related YT-channels has been closed because of that. At first the owner also thought its kindof anonymous and such. Then his wife got a threatening phone call from that person... some folks seem to spend a lot of time and energy into such a destruction. After all: the OP was NOT funny and probably not harmless.

    Having said that: The RM in conjunction with performances is way behind the otherwise excellent UI and workflow of the Kemper.

    Ne travaillez jamais.

  • what do you mean by "always behind"?

    Way behind. I wanted to express much behind or all the rest of the Kemper is so brilliant and easy to use. IMHO Performance / RM is currently the worst part of Kemperland.

    EDIT: Just found the 4.0.6 update adressing some bugs in performances. Will install it tonight. Great news could have found it earlier.... ;)

    Ne travaillez jamais.

  • list your concerns and problem please.

    Hi, i think all concerns and wishes are already written from so many users in this forum.
    My biggest wish was a cab manager in rm because scrolling sucks if you have more than 50 cabs on your kpa. A drag and drop solution, different cab folders, double click on cab and it is loaded from a folder and so on, that would be great for me. The rest of rm is working fine for me.