Favourite profiles

  • First, apologies as I expect this has been done to death ( although did find much via search), but as I am moving to FRFR, I want to start with a good baseline.

    Its a nightmare going through 7000 profiles on the exchange ( plus you get profile blindness) or spending money on commercial profiles without knowing in advance ( sound clips just don't cut it).

    I'm not after anything complicated, just a good rock profile, relatively modern sound - cranked Marshall type sound I guess ( so Marshall profiles probably not a bad start ), although I used to run Engl's and a good clean sound.

    So simple question, please let me know your favourite:
    Favourite clean free profile
    Favourite rock free profile
    Favourite clean commercial profile
    Favourite rock commercial profile
    Whilst there are still "other" factors, FRFR are supposed to be similar and you use a fairly linear power amp, I should be able to reproduce someone else's experience.....

  • As you know, what's good for one may not be good for all. Everyone raves about MBritt's profiles, but I haven't found a single distortion profile of his that doesn't sound way too muddy or dark for me. Not to say they aren't good. They must be with all who compliment them. Just emphasizing my original point.

    That said, I LOVE my Steve Stevens Signature amp profile (can't remember where I got it from though) . For clean stuff, I use an AC15TB, and the Morgan AC20 (which is popular with almost everyone) and is free on the rig exchange. Other than those, I have a couple JCM800 profiles that I found on the exchange that are nice after a couple tweaks. I LOVE the AFD Marshall from Top Jimi, it's the Tim Caswell mod. And their Paul Gilbert Marshall (Lee Jackson mod) is nice too.

    Edited 2 times, last by OhG: EDIT: Since this post keeps popping up, I need to now say that after spending time with the MBritt profiles, I've found that with my particular setup, if I just turn up the treble and presence a little, they become the best profiles I've ever heard, leaving my old favorites in the dust. Now, about 90% of the profiles I use are MBritt. (November 28, 2017 at 11:46 PM).

  • What are you going to be using for a speaker? I know you've been hesitant to go FRFR. I found the Yamaha DXR10 to be way to weak to handle the volume I play at. I went to the DXR15 and it made a world of difference. Definitely loud enough, and can handle the bass response much better. And due to the 15" speaker, it also helps to replicate the "amp in the room" feel better than any 10" or 12" speaker I tried.

  • What are you going to be using for a speaker? I know you've been hesitant to go FRFR. I found the Yamaha DXR10 to be way to weak to handle the volume I play at. I went to the DXR15 and it made a world of difference. Definitely loud enough, and can handle the bass response much better. And due to the 15" speaker, it also helps to replicate the "amp in the room" feel better than any 10" or 12" speaker I tried.

    Ironically this was the problem testing speakers - I didn't have a good profile starting point!! I spent ages trying to find a sound I liked and then tried other speakers through it.

    In the end I went for a passive 12" monitor ( I have a power rack) that was closer sound wise to a DXR10 but less than half the price.

    I have some reasonable sounds and its quite full and transparent although not had the sound revalation I expected from FRFR.

    To be honest I don't trust my own judgement ( crazy I know) so I want o start with whatother people think sounds good and then build from there..

    Gonna start with some mentioned so far....please keep them coming...

  • All of my favourite profiles are from MBritt.

    In fact, I no longer use anything but them.

    Here's just the same. For all my live performances I am using MBritt profiles.
    Have so many good profiles for recording / fun home playing. But with loud / live volume MBritts profiles does the job very well for me.
    From Berts Meulendijk free profile pack also the snowman profile is now on board!

  • Here are some I use for cranked Marshall sounds (approximate names of the rigs)
    Golub Marshall - rig exchange or factory content
    TAF (The Amp Factory) has some great Jcm800 sounds - including some in the free rigs on his website and in the KPA Factory content.
    ACM-JSX - on the Rig exchange - is a modern liquid high gain shred sound.

    The ones I use the most, though, are a couple of the Jubilee rigs I've posted on the Rig Exchange.

    For a more classic gain Marshall - "AGL Some Marshall" is a great rig!

  • Everyone raves about MBritt's profiles, but I haven't found a single distortion profile of his that doesn't sound way too muddy or dark for me.

    Remember that Michael primarily plays with single coils which are brighter. If you're using humbuckers, you'll have to change the EQ a little.
    I've been able to use all his profiles for single coils and humbuckers with a little adjustment. Some profiles from other people I have to tweak a lot.

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • As you know, what's good for one may not be good for all. Everyone raves about MBritt's profiles, but I haven't found a single distortion profile of his that doesn't sound way too muddy or dark for me. Not to say they aren't good. They must be with all who compliment them. Just emphasizing my original point.

    That said, I LOVE my Steve Stevens Signature amp profile (can't remember where I got it from though) . For clean stuff, I use an AC15TB, and the Morgan AC20 (which is popular with almost everyone) and is free on the rig exchange. Other than those, I have a couple JCM800 profiles that I found on the exchange that are nice after a couple tweaks. I LOVE the AFD Marshall from Top Jimi, it's the Tim Caswell mod. And their Paul Gilbert Marshall (Lee Jackson mod) is nice too.

    I thought It was just me...... now i have to check the other profiles you mentioned. Any idea where the Steve Stevens come from, need to try that

  • Clean (warm with efx):Soldano SLO Clean from the rig manager
    Clean (warm fender like): Ton King TAF
    Clean (Fender jangley): MJM Princeton Clean from the rig manager
    Clean (A-SC Peavey50 421/41). Use this one for the intro to "found out about you".
    Clean (acoustic sim): Carvin V3 Clean from the rig manager

    Clean Break-up: Marshal JTM 50 (bridge pup strat)

    Marshal crunch: MBRITT 69 Marshall 50 7K

    Marshal crunch (brighter): JCM900 HiGain 100w from the rig manager

    Mesa crunch (raw): Recto Raw from the rig manager (MillA)

    Mesa crunch (fat): Mesa boogie MarkIIC from the rig manager

  • BigSunStudios. Maragold for clean. JCM 800 for crunch. JCM 800 with Keeley SD1 for lead. Also using a TSL100 profile for a 2nd lead patch. That's what I'm using live at the minute. I bought all of the big commercial profiles and none of them satisfied me live. When I cranked it loud through the pa everything was always too bright and harsh for my taste. Just not enough meat, so I decided to make my own professional profiles. I consider my profiles the remedy for this. Been using them live for the past few months and it's been bliss. They sound amazing through the pa. Everyone else using them feels the same.

    Have a listen to this cover of Ed Sheeran - Thinking Out Loud. It's piano and vocals mostly. The guitar solo starts at around 4.31. I used one of my Marshall Bluesbreaker profiles. Really enjoying the Bluesbreaker for the lighter stuff.

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  • I am still new to the KPA. I just started using it in my "Classic" rock cover band. I've been using a few mbritt profiles.

    One of his 5E3 (tweaked) profiles for basic clean, another , more modern sounding clean profile that I am not sure of the origin but I think it's a /13 and a couple of his '69 Marshall (also tweaked a bit) profiles for crunch and dirt.

    What I like is that his stuff sits nicely in the band mix like an amp. I've played with some other profiles that I loved by myself, but they disappeared in the band mix.

    As I gain familiarity with the KPA, I will add some other profiles. I am a HUGE Hiwatt fan, and bought the TAF DG pack, but have yet to tweak them to incorporate them into my rig, but I'm definitely gonna do it. It's gonna be cool to get Hiwatt gain at usable levels. Even outdoors, I could never really get my DR504s breathing like Live at Leeds!

  • As you know, what's good for one may not be good for all. Everyone raves about MBritt's profiles, but I haven't found a single distortion profile of his that doesn't sound way too muddy or dark for me. Not to say they aren't good. They must be with all who compliment them. Just emphasizing my original point.

    Same here, but - for me the number one profile for cleans and blues/rock stuff (no hugh gain) are M.Britts "Colonial" profiles - they give me all I need currently, and I play mostly with hmbuckers.

  • Thanks guys, really helpful.

    One of the reasons I asked actually is because I wanted to see how consistent people felt. I know people have different views what sound they like, I'm still surprised at the variation of views here.

    I tried a couple of the suggested profiles and many sounded good, very few sounded "amazing" and some sounded awful...the awful ones must be related to set up because I can't see how anyone would like some of the sounds I'm getting....

    Which is weird because I'm using a PA speaker that is similar in sound to a Yamaha DXR10, which we all know is pretty good. The other link here is the guitar but I'm using a fairly "normal" guitar ( Les Paul with Seymour's), so you'd think that part was OK too..
