Spreading the gospel...

  • So I'm a new and extremely happy Kemper addict. I've owned it for a month and I've never been happier with my tone, I literally cannot stop playing. I bring it to work for fuck sakes and play on my lunch hour. I've been averaging about 3-4 hours a day, while with the Axefx I maybe played (or really tweaked) an hour a day...

    So I can't shut up about the Kemper either, and one of my friends knew there had to be something going on with this new toy of mine and asked me by his house for a few drinks and a demo of the Kemper last night...

    Hook line and sinker... I loaded up Deadlight studios Corpse rig.. he owns a triple rectifier and oversized Mesa cab, pretty nasty, and he's ready to sell it. He'll be purchasing a Kemper/CLR rig in the coming days. He tells me when his brother in law hears it, he will be buying one also...

    And then there's the Axe crowd... I live in Axe territory, less than an hour drive from Fractal headquarters. A few diehards are definitely becoming nervous listening to my findings/comparisons of the two...
    To be continued...

  • I find it somehow strange, that among folks that I know, it's like 5 years and they haven't heard about Kemper. Line6 is the almighty digital universe. I know Kemper is pricey, but sticking to L6 because "you can craft every sound you want, you can change mic, distance, X, Y, Z parameter..." Using Kemper, crafting has become as simple as turning chicken knob 2 positions to the right.
    I remember when I was buying the Telecaster from my avatar. It was back in 2012 and the guy what was selling it, plugged tele into Kemper which was hooked to some Marshall 412 cab. He just... he just couldn't tell the difference.
    Last time I told about Kemper to somebody and he was sold after seeing Youtube videos, then I told him to go to music store and try, he replied - "If I try it I’m afraid I’d buy it" :P

  • I've never been impressed with line6. Always been very artificial sounding to me. I still own an xt live that I might just donate to a youth music program or something. I don't get it...

    Also what I don't get is my friends that are all about the Fractal, have never heard a Kemper first hand. They have more money/better jobs than me too, and I can't figure out why none of them have ever just bought a Kemper to compare...

    About 5 of us were supposed to get together a few weeks ago to compare Axe patches, tips etc. and I was going to bring the Kemper to let them finally hear what they've been missing. After listening to me rave about the Kemper now each week something comes up and we need to reschedule for next week, then next week, etc.

    I'm thinking of video recording this encounter when it finally does take place, I know the smile on my Mesa owning friends face was priceless...

  • Yeah, immediately following my purchase of the Kemper I could not stop squawking about how I awesome I thought it was. Most of my guitar playing friends probably got a little tired of my ravings after a while. :)

    Hearing a stellar word of mouth referral is exactly why I took the plunge and bought the Kemper in the first place. I was trying to sell one of my tube combo amps and I approached someone who had shown some interest in the amp a few years ago. He flat out told me his days of carrying tube amps were over and went on to extoll the virtues of his Kemper. He is a very busy working guitarist that plays in a popular tribute band so he frequently plays large venues. He told me he bought two Kempers (one as a backup) several years ago and has never looked back.

    Husband, Father, Pajama Enthusiast

  • Also what I don't get is my friends that are all about the Fractal, have never heard a Kemper first hand. They have more money/better jobs than me too, and I can't figure out why none of them have ever just bought a Kemper to compare...

    Not quite the same field, but this is the case with automatic transmission in cars. Everybody is "manual gearbox just gives you control, you can adjust the gear to road situation, you can feel the ride, blah blah" - but they never tried automatic. In fact I was the same, until I tried automatic gearbox :P having automatic gearbox allows you to focus on driving / having Kemper allows you to focus on playing - you get that ;)

    Edited once, last by skoczy (May 16, 2016 at 4:47 PM).

  • @ paults...I agree, if people are happy...but are they really? A true friend would try to help them out right? Let them know they might be happier?

    Friends don't let friends settle! Lol

    skoczy... yup, hearing is believing. No time wasted tweaking, I'm spending it all actually playing now!
    German technology, it's a beautiful thing to hear...