FW 4.0 beta experiences thread.

  • I upgraded with no issues on that end. I was able to get the Kemper to freeze up when I had chosen one of the morph rigs provided by Kemper and moved the pedal on my board without the pedal assigned to cc11. It had been set for cc07 volume. So not sure if this is going to cause future issues. I am using my Voodoo Labs Ground Control with Moog EP-3 expression. Once the foot controller patch was set to cc11 for morph, everything works fine. As long as I am on a patch on the foot controller that has been assigned to cc11 and then just change to morph patches via the Kemper knob to audition it's ok. But if it's set to something else on the expression pedal on the foot controller and I change rigs on the Kemper using the Kemper knob and happen to choose a morph patch and then move the expression pedal it will freeze the Kemper. Not sure if this will be bothersome but it is annoying, so maybe I will open a ticket. It might just be unique for my setup though.
    The new strobe tuner seems ok, but I still prefer my T.C. Polytune 2.

    Finding ways to to use this morph feature is the next step, experimentation ahead.

  • Dayam! Those of you with computer and KPA knowledge have majorly big balls for trying out the 4.0 beta version.

    I'm scared that now, since I am unable to update to version 3.3, that when I do update to 4.0, I will lose all of my work.

    I'm going to have to be patient, and just wait until all the dust from 4.0 settles and see how it goes. I spent a lot of hours getting my presets to work without using the added sag, and other features. I actually forgot that they could be used! What a dumbass I am! Sheeeesh!

    It will be like starting from scratch for me all over again.

  • Dayam! Those of you with computer and KPA knowledge have majorly big balls for trying out the 4.0 beta version.

    I'm scared that now, since I am unable to update to version 3.3, that when I do update to 4.0, I will lose all of my work.

    I'm going to have to be patient, and just wait until all the dust from 4.0 settles and see how it goes. I spent a lot of hours getting my presets to work without using the added sag, and other features. I actually forgot that they could be used! What a dumbass I am! Sheeeesh!

    It will be like starting from scratch for me all over again.

    C-4, what do you mean by the "added sag" feature? Are you talking about "Power Sagging" in the Amp module? That parameter has been there since the beginning of the KPA.

  • It's right in the addendum "Regardless of whether or not you own a Profiler Remote, an expression pedal set up as a parallel controller for Morphing is an absolute must. Connect your expression pedal to one of the SWITCH/PEDAL sockets of Profiler or Profiler Remote. Assign function Morph Pedal. Now, you can control Morphing with the expression pedal at any speed, and even rest at intermediate levels. The Rise and Fall Time parameters are only relevant for Remote’s Rig Buttons or external switches, not the Morph Pedal. Morph Pedal can also be controlled via MIDI on control change #11. A button is not even required to operate Morphing - you could exclusively use an expression pedal."

    I hope that helps.

    Yeah, I've read that too, but what I meant was the exact procedure, which button to press etc. Robrecht already helped me, but thanks anyway!

    I could have farted and it would have sounded good! (Brian Johnson)

  • Dayam! Those of you with computer and KPA knowledge have majorly big balls for trying out the 4.0 beta version.

    I'm scared that now, since I am unable to update to version 3.3, that when I do update to 4.0, I will lose all of my work.

    I'm going to have to be patient, and just wait until all the dust from 4.0 settles and see how it goes. I spent a lot of hours getting my presets to work without using the added sag, and other features. I actually forgot that they could be used! What a dumbass I am! Sheeeesh!

    It will be like starting from scratch for me all over again.

    If you use the Rig Manager and have all your presets dragged to a folder you have nothing to worry about. You can also backup all your presets to a USB drive for added security as well as running a system backup to a USB drive before installing any updates. I uploaded to 4.0 and all my browser and performance presets are all still fully intact. Backup, backup, backup...there's nothing that could happen to my KPA that would cause me to have to start over from scratch.

    (PEDALBOARD): Kemper Stage, Shure GLXD-16 wireless, JHS A/B Switch, SoloDallas Storm, Keeley Halo, Mission Engineering EP-1 KP, Voodoo Labs Pedal Power 2, Pedaltrain-3 board

  • Not sure if this will be bothersome but it is annoying, so maybe I will open a ticket. It might just be unique for my setup though.

    Please do! The more they learn, the better the Profiler will be for everyone! :)

    I'm scared that now, since I am unable to update to version 3.3, that when I do update to 4.0, I will lose all of my work.

    Installing 3.3 serves the sole purpose of still being able to use any rig\performance\preset you might create under 4.0 in case you experience major issues and need to downgrade.
    The only reason for this is that 4.0 uses a new file format.

    C-4, what do you mean by the "added sag" feature? Are you talking about "Power Sagging" in the Amp module? That parameter has been there since the beginning of the KPA.

    I guess he's saying that ha has just discovered those parameters, made a massive editing through them, and feels scared at the idea of losing all that work in case something goes wrong.


  • Awesome to see so many people diving in without fear and mass testing the 4.0 Beta! It sounds like many of you guys are digging it!

    Really wanting to have a play with the Beta's features, but I'm a pussy and will wait for the full release I guess :( (multiple shows every week this month and not sure I'm willing to roll the dice).

    The confusion/troubles accessing existing delay presets concerns me though. I would have thought that would have been setup to keep all the presets listed? Not really understanding if this was done intentionally, or is just a quirk in the Beta.

    Out of all the many changes/additions in the 4.0 Beta the features that are really tempting me to install it is simply the silent powerdown feature.. lol (it's always the little things isnt it ;) ).