Kemper OS 4 - Seamless ToneTravelling

  • But as Don put it, why limit the DIGITAL realm's ability to go stratospherically beyond what the old analog has been delivering for traditional amps? If the sky is the limit, the Kemper Team is putting oysters in the air. Enjoy... or Ignore. Not like we don't have choices.

    This is what still has me thinking, and what I like about Kgmhb the most. Things I have not imagined, keep showing up. Sure things like pure cab, 120% more realerer don't take much to think up. To be fair, KPA was originally presented as all your amps, anytime, anywhere etc.. and it still is... this is what caused so much interest. It converted many a geranium hating, big muff not for me tube aficionados to profiling by sound alone (not processors).
    So if the tubes are already sorted, why not go on to more things... Oysters in the air indeed... One of the best dates you can go on is for oysters, cuz you know anyone not too squeamish to eat one of those--good things will follow--they have a rep as an aphrodisiac for a reason. Great metaphor btw, i like it :)

    Finally, albeit more powerful digital Whizzer! (Neil Young's amp knob controller)

    I used to wonder how he got those tones, and it could not have been just the bigsby :)

    Morphing is the 2016 way to do it.
    Assigning CC's is 20th century.

    money for nothin'
    and your cc's for free ;)

    Gah fade time... once again The Don ;) (Puzo would have never wrote up a Don P.) never looked back? how long have you had this lol? and here us chumps gotta wait, Not Available, Mebbe March, tho feb not so bad. How did you get your hands on it so early? You part of the mob? Work for kemper or something ;)

    Can't wait to get hands on these. Delay is a good term... but i'm guessing it will cause many delays as people get lost playing around with em... hope a warning label pre beta version gets released sooner, ie use at your own risk, backup mandatory.. and reset if needed for those who are exceptionally curious...

  • Rig X-Fade Time is a parameter in the SYSTEM menu, page 4, that makes rig switching super smooth.
    I have it on 10 since it was introduced and never looked back :)

    Hi Don,
    Maybe a bit off-topic ... Like yourself, I had my Rig X-Fade at 10 ever since it was introduced - together with the introduction of Pure Cab - dream features indeed :)

    Out of curiosity, would you care sharing your setting for 'Pure Cab' as well?


  • Hi Don,
    Maybe a bit off-topic ... Like yourself, I had my Rig X-Fade at 10 ever since it was introduced - together with the introduction of Pure Cab - dream features indeed :)

    Out of curiosity, would you care sharing your setting for 'Pure Cab' as well?


    sure, why not? it's at 2.5.
    but as already mentioned in a post from CK, per rig Pure Cabinet will be introduced in a future firmware.

  • any continous parameter can be mapped to Morph. Plus there are the Wah to Vol & Wah to Pitch options.
    exactly what assignments/flexibility are you missing?

    It would be great if I can still easily manage this with 2 pedals. Maybe the Wah to Vol & Wah to Pitch options are enough to do this. I still have to think it through...

  • lol, think i got this mixed up...

    I meant to refer to the time between settings in the morph update, when you press a button it takes x time to go from original to what you morphed it to, and another setting that returns the settings to normal...

    thanks for letting me know Viabcroce & Don.

    the video I watched about this was in german, but you could see the parameter on the screen... could have been rise for the first , i didn't see the second one, i'll have to go back an watch it again... cool stuff planned to anyway...

    so that lead me to wonder how long this new morph feature has been around, an being a bit silly

    sorry for the confusion--it was all mine ?(

    at least it looks like it caused some laughs :)

  • You're right, though. There is also a page for Rise and Fall time (as seen in the video), exclusively for the Morphing function, that is separate to Rig X-Fade.

  • Hey
    I have one expression pedal; will it be possible to use it for wah with some profiles and for morphing with some other profiles or will I need 2 separate expression pedals?

    same question for me since now that morph is coming I must buy an expression pedal (which I did not find worthy solely for wah amusement).

  • same question for me since now that morph is coming I must buy an expression pedal (which I did not find worthy solely for wah amusement).

    Reports suggest you'll need two separate pedals (unless you morph a band-pass EQ filter to simulate wah, I guess). The morph feature in conjunction with an expression pedal needs to be assigned to CC11, whereas the wah is a different CC (7? Can't remember).

  • Reports suggest you'll need two separate pedals (unless you morph a band-pass EQ filter to simulate wah, I guess). The morph feature in conjunction with an expression pedal needs to be assigned to CC11, whereas the wah is a different CC (7? Can't remember).

    well, with 'just' a morph pedal, you could use the wah effect, determine the sound of the heel and toe positions and morph between them. make the wah pedal sweep part of the morph going on in a certain rig.
    this opens up some exciting possibilities, like different gain settings, EQ settings, or wah mix % for the heel and toe positions.

  • I have extremely little computer savvy, possibly the least in the forum, which I am not proud of, but so be it.
    I just watched the video with Mr. Kemper and Anderton's earlier in this thread, which not only showed the morphing, but some of the wonderful delays being added, and a new strobe.

    My use for a Kemper is strictly commercial dance music from the 60's, 70's and 80's. This is what we are paid to play in my current living area. No fancy anything in our music, but I try to add things to make it interesting, yet keep it commercial sounding, and not morph into a garage band sound.

    Just what has been given to we KPA users from Mr. Kemper and his team, are imho, wonderful, beautiful, and useful.

    I realize most of you, being light years ahead of me in computer, midi, and the like, may not be as thrilled as I am. That is a shame if you are not, really. Prior to this NAMM, you didn't have these things on our Kemper, and now we are a month away from enjoying the fruits of Team Kemper's hard work.

    I know many want an editor. I apologize for my ignorance, but I don't know what an editor is. I don't own a home computer, either. I do know that using these newly given assets will help me sound better live, and in a studio setting. For me, this is truly a major advancement in what my KPA will be able to accomplish.

    Thank you, sincerely, Team Kemper.

    Edited once, last by C-4 (January 25, 2016 at 6:13 PM).