Pure cabinet options

  • Hi KPA Family,
    i'm not playin a lot because of a tendon break to my fourth finger (two months without gigs, and just a few minutes playing), but i managed to have a look into the pure cabinet function.
    It works, indeed it has a clear effect on the overall tone.
    I wonder if this function can be:
    a) made available both as general and per-rig basis;
    b) output selectable.

    With the last request i'm trying to refer to Kemper team statement: basically the pure cabinet "takes away" the mic and gives as a result the cab on its own.
    So i might need to send a "mic'd" sound to the FOH and a "pure cabinet"sound to my personal monitor in order to have an amp in the room sound on stage.

    Is that possible?
    Thank you

  • We have plans to add an additional per-rig PureCabinet in the Cabinet section, in a future OS.

    However, having PureCabinet per output might be a bit over the top IMHO.
    PureCabinet does not remove the microphone from the speaker, but dampens the artifacts that occur when using a close microphone.
    Once you have dialed PureCabinet to your liking, the sound is perfect for live or studio.
    I bet no sound engineer would miss something, but like your sound!

    I guess there is no style of music that cannot be performed with an amp in the room.
    Has anyone ever stated in a rehearsal room, that the guitar amp needs to be mik'ed and played through the PA to get a more authentic sound, like on a recording?

    Unfortunately (for the digital amp industry) it never happend, that digital amps were recommended to avoid the amp-in-the-room sound for rehearsals and small gigs.
    Why is that? Amps in the room just sound fine.

    Thus you can never fail to bring your mic'ed sound closer to the pure cabinet sound.
    Am I wrong?

  • I can't speak for other users, but I started using Pure Cab at gigs, with a global setting that works for me with both my squeaky clean and hyper gain live rigs (2.5), and intentionally did not mention it to our regular Sound Engineer. I knew he would notice if it caused any issues with me cutting through the mix. He did not notice any difference in the Mains, but my onstage sound was noticeably fatter :)

    I likely use a lower setting than some because my main gain rigs were profiled with multiple microphones, and they already have less of that "single mic sound". And, my live guitars have SSH pickups, with single coils that can keep up with the bridge humbuckers. If I was using vintage output strats, I would likely be using a higher value for Pure Cab.

    BUT, I would like to have per Rig settings, so I could use a higher setting on some rigs than others.


  • We have plans to add an additional per-rig PureCabinet in the Cabinet section, in a future OS.

    Awesome!! :)

    Well... For me personally I could see two benefits: One: monitoring with the pure cabinet while recording the "original" sound of the profile. It is likely I would prefer two different amounts of pure cab in there for this situation. Two: recording both of the signals mentioned before, at the same time - just for convenience :)

  • I have used PureCab extensively at rehearsals and didn't find any incompatibilities with my main out sound (to the board).
    On the contrary, my sound was even more PHAT through in-ears than before.
    So in summary I'm fine with a per-rig- solution without different settings for main or monitor out.

  • I have used PureCab extensively at rehearsals and didn't find any incompatibilities with my main out sound (to the board).
    On the contrary, my sound was even more PHAT through in-ears than before.
    So in summary I'm fine with a per-rig- solution without different settings for main or monitor out.

    Same here Ingolf. I love the Pure cab on with my IEM they just sound more pleasing less harsh in that top end. I have mine set to 5.5. I agree with the per rig option and don't need it separate for different outputs

  • About as wrong as bubbles in a beer, mate.

    Thank you so much for the feature, Christophe; it's the single most incredible trick I've always wished for, but dared not wish for for fear of eternal disappointment.

    My allergy to phase cancellation pats you on the back, salutes you and buys you a big, frothy (with bubbles) beer, mate!

    Awesome. Just bloody awesome!

  • I have used PureCab extensively at rehearsals and didn't find any incompatibilities with my main out sound (to the board).
    On the contrary, my sound was even more PHAT through in-ears than before.
    So in summary I'm fine with a per-rig- solution without different settings for main or monitor out.

    As Christoph stated, pure-cabinet is an dynamic feature adapting automatically and differently to each rig-sound. Why should it be better to activate it per rig ? (Though Christoph himself announced, to do so in further OS-Updates). If a rig suffers from "pure cabinet" it could be compensated by slight equalising-corrections. Couldn' t it?

  • Ok, I see, but it implies further considerations, f.e. should it be implemented in the Profiling-procedure, or just an additional softknob (like "favourite") in the ready profile?
    "Where" in the sound-chain should it be placed (if it's like an overall dynamic EQ-filter), just after the Stack- or at the end f.e. after the Reverb-module, just in front of the output section ?
    It maybe could also be a EQ-Preset in a stomp-slot. If it has only impact on the cabinet-sound it could also be a feature only in the cab-module !

  • Should it be implemented in the Profiling-procedure?

    IMHO, no. Better to have the option of adding it to taste.

    Where in the sound-chain should it be placed?

    On the cab, IMHO, where it belongs. The algorithm is tuned to work on the cab, and you wouldn't (shouldn't?) want to invite the unmusical chaos that'd ensue should you decide, say, to place it after the 'verb... or a chorus or octaver, for example.

    It maybe could also be a EQ-Preset in a stomp-slot.

    Same goes for this, IMHO.

    Cheers, Hurricane.

  • Hi ck, pure cab in the cab section per rig, that was my early request.
    This makes the biggest sence for me.
    Nice to read your post about it!

  • Where in the sound-chain should it be placed?

    On the cab, IMHO, where it belongs. The algorithm is tuned to work on the cab, and you wouldn't (shouldn't?) want to invite the unmusical chaos that'd ensue should you decide, say, to place it after the 'verb... or a chorus or octaver, for example.

    Just to be absolutely clear, even though the legending on the front of the Profiler begs to mislead, the Cab is always last in the signal flow. It also makes sense, if you think of real-world equivalents; as guitarists, your delay/reverb pedals/rack FX would still be outputted through your (stereo) guitar cabinet(s). Having these things after the cabinet would mean outboard in a studio or at front of house, which is something that the KPA isn't attempting to emulate.