Public Beta 3.1.0

  • Pure Cabinet, it's very subtle but it definitely works.

    Obviously it works differently with different Profiles, more obvious with certain Profiles and less obvious with others.

    Don't expect miraculous results sitting at home playing softly through your studio'll hear it, but guitarists gigging at loud volume using IEMs or powered monitors will love the subtle difference and smoothing out of the harsh highs.

  • Ingolf, I read your analysis with a lot of joy.

    Thanks for the flowers, but I only posted what's in the manual addendum because I know people will be lazy reading up on this and I think it really is important to get what the Kemper team were aiming at. ;)

  • Sorry but I can't get the meaning and of the pure cabinet. We have the "perfect" sound of our digital amp (KPA) because it is the same sound has our favourite amp with the chain of our mic/amp and cabinet. Right?
    If I have the "perfect" sound for example for my recording what is this that can make the "perfect" better?

    instead of 'perfect' think 'authentic'. ;)

    to quote from the manual addendum:
    "Now, do Profiles of tube amps sound better on the Profiler with Pure Cabinet? Simply, yes! Can the sound of tube amps be improved by profiling these? Yes! When profiled, it sounds absolutely authentic. With Pure Cabinet engaged, it sounds even better."

    You might want to read the whole thing, it's in the .zip you downloaded and also Ingolf posted the whole approach/reasoning behind it in this thread.

  • I've used perfect because I liked the sound of the KPA and thought that was 100% authentic. Now why are we admit that wasn't so authentic and now is more? And it's now more authentic or it's more authentic without the pure cabinet and we just think that now it's more authentic because the sound it's more liked with it pure cabinet to our ears?

  • Pure Cabinet, it's very subtle but it definitely works.

    Obviously it works differently with different Profiles, more obvious with certain Profiles and less obvious with others.

    Don't expect miraculous results sitting at home playing softly through your studio'll hear it, but guitarists gigging at loud volume using IEMs or powered monitors will love the subtle difference and smoothing out of the harsh highs.

    I've got to say I love the idea, but yes, the difference is quite subtle. But maybe this is because the rigs I mainly use are the one which don't have these "harsh" or "nasty" frequencies.
    What I don't get is that this pure cab feature is supposed to get you from a "miced amp tone" to an "amp in the room tone". But when you make a profile, the mic used, and the mic placement will have a great influence in the tone, and I'm not sure the pure cab can take this into account, to remove any trace of a mic. But maybe I need to experiment more.
    But again, I love the idea.

  • Very very nice.
    How stable is the beta?
    Stable enough for gigging?
    Are there any other new features?
    If i use a cabinet preset made from a merged profile will this affect the sound in the monitor output if i have "cab off" on the monitor output? (Because i run a real guitar cab on the monitor out)

    And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

  • I've used perfect because I liked the sound of the KPA and thought that was 100% authentic. Now why are we admit that wasn't so authentic and now is more?

    Yes, it's 100% authentic to a "miced amp", but not to the "amp in the room", without any mic, like if you were just playing in your bedroom, next to your amp. And that's what this feature is supposed to improve

  • Damn, I have a gig tonight and would very much like to do it with the new firmware, is it reasonably stable?

    Also, I've dialed down the highs on many of my rigs in order to control the fizziness, do I need to raise them back after switching pure cab on? Mind you, I won't be able to give it a try until I get home at the end of the day, that's why I ask, so I can plan ahead.

    Pure Cabinet will almost certainly alter your tones drastically. I would avoid temptation, upgrade after the gig and dial it in for the next one, it'll be worth the wait.

  • Very very nice.
    How stable is the beta?
    Stable enough for gigging?
    Are there any other new features?
    If i use a cabinet preset made from a merged profile will this affect the sound in the monitor output if i have "cab off" on the monitor output? (Because i run a real guitar cab on the monitor out)

    This is a beta so please remember that :
    "Performances created under this operating system are not downward compatible with for example 3.0.2 operating system! Modifications will get lost!"
    I just saw one issue on KPA facebook group with new FW. KPA cannot boot because of some Performance data are corrupted(incompatible?).

  • I've used perfect because I liked the sound of the KPA and thought that was 100% authentic. Now why are we admit that wasn't so authentic and now is more?

    The sound without pure cabinet is 100% authentic, regarding the one captured by mic. The pure cabinet is even more authentic to what we hear from the amp, which is very difficult to achieve with the standard mic settings/tweaking.

    The majority of guitar recordings we heared are based on the first technique. Now we can experiment with a "new" kind of recording. This is what I understood.

  • I've used perfect because I liked the sound of the KPA and thought that was 100% authentic. Now why are we admit that wasn't so authentic and now is more? And it's now more authentic or it's more authentic without the pure cabinet and we just think that now it's more authentic because the sound it's more liked with it pure cabinet to our ears?

    I think it's because there is a difference between what is the authentic sound and what sound we find pleasant to play with.

    And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

  • The sound without pure cabinet is 100% authentic, regarding the one captured by mic. The pure cabinet is even more authentic to what we hear from the amp, which is very difficult to achieve with the standard mic settings/tweaking.

    The majority of guitar recordings we heared are based on the first technique. Now we can experiment with a "new" kind of recording. This is what I understood.

    I think this is the best way to explain it, thank you @alex_it! ;)

    Authenticity means: "Authentic to the way it was captured (incl. the whole signal chain, mic placement etc.).
    PureCab aims to close the gap between this given authenticity and an expected real life experience 'in the room' with the same rig.
    This is a very ambitious task in itself and deals with what many users still feel alienated about when using modelers/profilers.

  • First off, Pure Cabs sounds like a great invention and I can’t wait to try it out myself. So thank you Team Kemper.

    Now my question… Reading about how different rigs react to Pure Cabs, I wonder why is this is a global setting rather than a setting that can be tweaked for each rig. For those who have already played with Pure Cabs, do you find that it works well as a “set it once and forget it” type of control?

  • It definitely doesn't alter your tones drastically, in fact it's so subtle I'm betting many users will say they hardly hear the difference...all depending on how they monitor their Kempers.

    Thing is, when your ears are tuned the way CK and his teams ears are tuned, they hear every little tone improvement...after all, imagine the thousands of hours they've spent fine tuning the algorithm.

    As the notes say, they put a full range speaker into a cabinet and compared it to a guitar speaker.
    The Pure Cabinet algorithm they produced removes some of the "nastyness" of a PA speaker( FRFR), it's that simple, the tone through a FRFR will now sound better and more like a guitar speaker.
    Their description is spot on, "gently polish the sound".