FW 3.0 - opinions?

  • I don't think a "release" version has to be bug free to call it that. Depending on the version tree and how you planned you call it release, because the features you had planned have been implemented.

    I understand the disappointment, but guys, seriously, getting the remote before it starts shipping officially is what? right! - an extended beta test for early adopters.

    I also believe that finishing the remote and implementing something as huge as a new profiling algorithm almost at the same time is a coincidence that calls for a few hick-ups.

    The solution for those with thin nerves or important projects is very easy: Keep using 2.7.4
    Explorers among us jump on the train and ride along with the bugs.

    I have been dealing with software for more than 25 years and there has never been a single release with important new features that felt bug free and was still carrying a n.0 And I am talking big time business software - including the one in my office that costs me 2k€ per year for support and updates.

    I also don't understand, why people do not report bugs properly. Make a backup, describe what's happening or take a picture with your cell phone and send it to Kemper. I am pretty certain that Christoph & Co. are working really hard to fix what has to be fixed to keep the Kemper being this great tool it has been over the last 3 years.

    90% of the game is half-mental.

    Edited once, last by bigHF (March 6, 2015 at 1:38 PM).

  • I still don't understand why Kemper kept the 10856 as official release with all the bugs it has (merging not working), plus the potential danger found by Lasse Lammert...

    I know they are working hard to fix this but the 10856 definitely would have to go back to beta status

    I believe downgrading a release is rare for any company. At some point they have to equip the new toasters with a release version of the OS - otherwise you cannot start selling the remote or the bundles officially.
    I guess they are currently trying to fix the critical bugs asap, so that regular customers (in contrast to early birds and beta testers) will have a chance to update immediately, once the remote becomes officially available - but that is just a guess.

    90% of the game is half-mental.

    Edited once, last by bigHF (March 6, 2015 at 1:37 PM).

  • Very good and balanced post! :thumbup:

  • The problem with message boards is that people don't post about it when changes go smoothly so the results seem really disproportionate.
    You look at these threads and it makes it seem like 100% of the new firmware users are having problems. It's probably less than 10%.
    But having said that, if I'm being honest,
    I read these threads and it makes me want to wait for a firmware revision before I install 3.X (I haven't installed this one yet because I'm waiting in my remote.)

  • Firmware 3.0 is the first version I've ever had a problem with. I used every version (including betas) for the past two years without a problem.

    For me, version 3.0 just doesn't work, it won't work with Rig Manager 1.3.1, it doesn't show the rigs on my lunchbox, can't add rigs, can't delete rigs. You get the picture.

    I went back to the previous version of Rig Manager (ver 1.2.3) and FW 2.74 and everything's fine. I would really like the new features, so I'll just wait till they get it sorted.

    Just proves the Kemper team is human!! (I was beginning to wonder) 8o


  • Bought a brand new Power Rack. It had 2.5 on it. First thing I did was upgrade to 3.0xxxx. Been running fine and no glitches.

    i seen you made some profiles, if those were done on fw3, is it studio profile only or did you do di and a studio and then merged them together?
    at the moment there is a merging problem in fw3.
    studio profiles in fw3 still work as it should and if that is what you doing i can understand you had no problems,

  • Not related to the ongoing conversation but i was wondering... a new feature was introduced in 3.0, which is aux in -> spdif out. This seems to happen by default, since i was playing along to some tracks and the recording through spdif also got the aux in signal (i was recording di clean guitar so it didn't make much sense to me). Anybody knows how to disable this? looked in the menu pages on the kpa but couldn't find anything... only solution i've found so far is not using stereo on the aux in (so it doesn't grab the left channel into spdif).

    If not i guess i'll just be downgrading for a while :/

  • Not related to the ongoing conversation but i was wondering... a new feature was introduced in 3.0, which is aux in -> spdif out. This seems to happen by default, since i was playing along to some tracks and the recording through spdif also got the aux in signal (i was recording di clean guitar so it didn't make much sense to me). Anybody knows how to disable this? looked in the menu pages on the kpa but couldn't find anything... only solution i've found so far is not using stereo on the aux in (so it doesn't grab the left channel into spdif).

    If not i guess i'll just be downgrading for a while :/

    This bug is fixed in the 3.01 Public Beta which can be downloaded from the download section.

  • I don't think a "release" version has to be bug free to call it that. Depending on the version tree and how you planned you call it release, because the features you had planned have been implemented.

    Not that this is of any importance, but for discussion's sake I'd say I don't agree at all!
    The Remote is "a beta"? Then it's ok to use it with a beta FW :)
    Of course I don't expect a release to be completely bug-free (only time can tell this), but you promote a Beta to a Release when you address its main issues. Then you add a "known issues" doc in case there's still something wrong but, at the same time, you have added some meaningful functions\fixes (and to document new bugs brought in by the new functions). But the known issues that pop up with he beta did not end up being documented, so I just think that Kemper wanted to celebrate the KR with a Release FW.

    In all the previous FW versions, promotion to Release has always coincided with a meaningful bug rate dropping. This is the first time I've hesytated to upgrade to the new Release, and rightfully so!
    I expect Kemper to go back to their solid traditions in the future.

    On a side note, Foobar2000 offers IMO one of the best approaches to documenting updating, betas, releases on the Net (they call "regressions" the bugs generated in the existing functions by their attempts to fix or improve them).
    Also, the installer (and the installing procedure in general) are the best too. An example for any developer. You don't even have to close the app, and you find everything at its place (no matter how complex your GUI or how long your playlist was) when you use it again. Brilliant!


  • My questions for today, thought this thread could answer some of these rumors floating around. :)

    Can someone please post a FW bullet list of what works and what does not? Thank you in advance!

    I am on FW 2.7.4 with Rig Manager 1.2.3 .10360 on Win 8.1 64 and everything works as it should. Bravo Kemper Team!

    My remote is coming soon and I want to know what to expect when I am forced to update to 3.0.1 or better yet, whatever is NOT beta as of next week and is rock solid stable.

    I have read many posts today and have found that some people are having problems with Rig Manager failing with 3.0, what is the current state of RM and 3.0.1 on Windows 8.1 right now ?

    I read that the new merged rigs might fail on 3.0.1 is this true or false? what exactly happens?

    Are people calling a profile that is only an amp head unit a DI profile? This should be labeled a DH profile.

    Is it true that the rig browser does not have the proper tags to identify the new 3.0 profiles?

    Someone want to chime in here to explain what FW 3.0 means for the profiling of the cabs alone besides talking about heads?

    Will pressing a button on my KPA Remote allow me to make the Kemper send a program change through midi out on back of Kemper to another device?

    Is there any new information on the prospects of a fully implemented editor?

    On a personal note, I really dig the sounds and operation of my Kemper right now. I am not a brand loyalist unless the brand is loyal to me, I really hope that this product does not break my trust in stability and become a source of worry and stress with unsolved software flaws lurking in it. It's a GUITAR AMP people! and don't forget that we as artists want to play music and prefer not to even think about I.T. work when holding a guitar. I really hope I that I never have to explain to another guitarist why my amp wont boot or behave. It will turn the usefulness into a mockery of what I do, which is play music. We are creating a new revolution together here and I am very proud to be a part of it yet I did not sign up to beta test anything and wish that the beta releases of software's were only available for vetted testers who get their copies from a protected download link and that only the stable working releases were posted on the home page of the website with a known list of reported bugs listed in plain simple text. Now don't get me wrong, I really adore my Kemper but this looks like a perfect storm for things to go sideways as I will be forced to change my firmware without question. Please hang in there Kemper Team I know you are working your asses off and making lots of personal sacrifices to get this situation under control and making us all proud, just do us all a favor and keep our Kempers reliable and stable. I will add please, please, please release an EDITOR for all parameters in the unit! :thumbup:

    And while you're at it, create an AAX64 plugin that runs the profiles for 2017? :love:

    Best regards and cheers for making such a bold and forward thinking product :!:

    Powered Rack / Windows 10

  • I can answer some of your questions.

    My Kemper is still running FW 3.0, haven't had chance to update to 3.0.1 yet. I have the Remote. I use my KPA with a Marshall 2x12 guitar cab. Up until now, everything that I need the KPA to do has worked. I haven't loaded the new factory rigs and only have a few merged profiles, done under 2.8 by TimOwens and Deadlightstudio. These sound and perform exactly as they did under 2.8. The rest of my profiles sound and perform exactly as they did under 2.7.4, as do my stored performances. I haven't used Rig Manager since updating to 3.0, so I can't help you there (it has though performed flawlessly on Win 7 via Parallels on Mac OS X 10.6.8 and FW 2.8). The couple of issues and restrictions I have had are as follows :

    The Remote has lost connection and rebooted twice while using a Mission EP1-KP set up as wah on expression input 6 via TRS. Support have been notified and they are investigating.
    Currently, there's no way to use momentary switches with the expression inputs on the Remote, meaning I can't use the switch in the Mission pedal to engage the wah.
    The expression pedals currently have limited use and can't control the extra parameters that were advertised along with the Remote (eg delay time etc.). I get the feeling this will be implemented with the next official release.

    As for the names of the different profiles, Direct profiles or Direct Amp profiles are those that have been tapped between the power amp and the cabinet, using a DI box with level attenuation. DI profiles are profiles that have been tapped at the preamp out or direct out of the amp. Studio profiles are the regular profiles of the whole signal chain, mics and all. Merged profiles are Direct profiles with the Cab of the Studio profile merged into them; to accurately separate the Cab part of the profile, you have to profile twice - once using the Direct method, and once with the exact same settings on the amp but using the Studio method, enabling the KPA to separate the Cab by deduction. Once merged, the Cab of a Merged profile can be added to any Direct profile (without merging again) or swapped into any Merged profile.

    That's it for me. Hope this helps, in whatever small way it can.


    Edited 4 times, last by sambrox (March 20, 2015 at 10:04 AM).

  • Thanks Paul and Steve and all who thought about responding,
    Your answers are greatly appreciated.

    My remote was charged to my credit card today so I assume it will be here in a week or so.
    Really too bad that the remote will need an update to properly use expression pedals, it really should have had 2 built into it for the price point anyways you think?
    I mean, everyone has a Behringer , the one piece design is efficient and tidy. I expected a more forward approach but now I have to put it on a pedalboard and velcro more pedals.
    At least some things never change.

    Powered Rack / Windows 10

  • You're welcome!

    I think leaving the pedal options open to the user is a more forward thinking design than building them in. Everyone gets to choose the ideal number of pedals (from none to six), the size, the throw, the tension, etc.

    The current software allows expression pedals to control wah, pitch, volume, and monitor volume.

    Switches I. II. III. IIII on the Remote can switch effects on/off, with one to four effects assigned per switch, per rig.