Shipping date for the first remotes

  • I'm in the same situation. Never got a ship date for the remote and now my order doesn't even show up in my orders in the online store. My order number is 3447017. Please help.

    your order does not have an early bird status, that's why you didn't receive an email with an estimated shipping date. if that's not correct, please contact support by email and supply the email address you've registered for early bird with.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • Do you really think anyone within this thread could wait one minute

    Sadly it doesn't matter at all what I think. ;)
    I just tried to let the lucky ones know the fact, that the Remote is supported by the upcoming firmware 3.0.
    No need to waste time (and nerves) before the new firmware is ready to download. ;)
    Maybe it's a matter of a few hours, maybe it's a matter of one day, I don't know. Just be a little patient, that's all.

  • Then you don't have anything to worry about. Contact support with your order number and the email you signed up for the EB list, just as G String said.

    Edit : unless I misunderstand you, and that's what you did, resulting in the June shipping date?


  • Kemper On Line Store is doing a MUCH better job with the wait list sales of the Kemper Remote and keeping all concerned notified, when compared to Fractal, and their wait list for FX8 MEP.

    I got on the Fractal wait list the day it opened up. They still state that the unit is expected to begin shipping Q1 2015, which ends In 5 weeks, and to date, the only response I ever received, was to confirm my place in line was reserved. I received that notification on the day I sent in my wait list reservation. They do not allow any type of pre-payment, unlike the Kemper On Line Store, who has responded to me that If I used my credit card to make my purchase, no further action is required.

    In such an anticipated release as the Kemper Remote, I personally believe that Kemper has done a remarkable job in accommodating, and communicating with customers.

    Most releases this big are usually spread out into retail markets with different dates.
    Kemper is releasing the Remote to early adopters and loyalists before other customers.

    Please be patient with them, it could have been much worse, it could have been released to Germany first, and other areas could wait months before they could purchase.

    Roland regularly releases new products to the U.S. Market several months before Europe.
    The Fishman Triple Play system was released in the U.S. Market many months before other markets got it.

    This is a major endeavor for them. there will be mistakes. I was brought up to believe the true character of a
    man, or company is not the mistakes they make, but how they deal with them.


    to those who's orders are not being processed yet: don't worry, if you haven't received a status update, it doesn't mean that there is a problem. it just means that we, internally, have not written an invoice for you yet. everybody who applied for "early bird" can easily verify their status as follows: log into your account and check, if there is a remark in similar to "You're participating with our early bird program and your Kemper Profiler Remote order will be shipped with priority." best, gs

    early birds who bought a Remote before Feb-20 have received an update by email stating in which week we will probably ship. if you don't have this email, check your spam filters etc. if you don't find something and your online store account indicates you as an early bird, get in touch by email:

    early birds who will have bought a Remote in betwee Feb-21 and March-06 (when the offer ends) will receive an email with details on when we ship later on.


    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • And for those who did everything as instructed the day we got the release email ......within hours. Who still have no confirmation of....frankly ...well...nothing......sorry to bind your time but seriously....what happened here??? Again looking as I write at a friends confo email who yes....ordered after I did and has a date with a remote. Trying to understand the rhyme or reason how this transpired and before ya'll start whippin my ass for askin...just walk in my shoes wondering how people got inline.....or worrying I got dropped in the craziness. thanks for taking the time to answer my Consumer concern.