FW 2.6 thread

  • After a few days, I really feel the improvement in tone, the tones are even more lovely than before, thx C.Kemper & team

  • Thanks for the replies! Ingolf and Eng1 we tried it tonight on my other guitarist setup and wow very cool and indeed a sweet improvement!! Notices the ampiness blossoms for sure on some of the main profiles, tighter for sure. I appreciate the support as always.

    You're welcome! ;)

  • Thanks for the replies! Ingolf and Eng1 we tried it tonight on my other guitarist setup and wow very cool and indeed a sweet improvement!! Notices the ampiness blossoms for sure on some of the main profiles, tighter for sure. I appreciate the support as always.

    You are very welcome :)

    I am glad you are enjoying the upgrade. I sure am!

  • My initial listening of 2.6 is recorded at the top of page 7 and now I have spent some time playing/listening at length and to many different profiles/rigs (most were clean) so I'll add:

    I initially listened and switched LFC on and off (obvious difference) and then I just played the guitar through studio monitors at a reasonable level in the control room.

    My description is the KPA 2.6 sounds almost like a veil has been removed leaving a more transparent and smoother low to high balanced sound of the guitar/amplifier. Sometimes it is almost analogous (LFC On vs. Off) to standing nearer to the amplifier vs. across the room (and all of the rooms acoustical contributions). The ability to hear subtle changes while adjusting the variables is much clearer.

    This added clarity allows the EQ adjustments to be easily dialed in if needed for tone. Very small changes are easily heard. It is also fascinating to adjust the amplifier variables and hear the changes thru the "unveiled" profile/rig.

    Did I mention the inspiration that a great sounding "system" can offer to my playing?. Rig Manager is wonderful too.

    My appreciation of the design parameters (and all the variables) in the Kemper KPA has increased dramatically. 2.6 is a significant improvement sonically.

    Edit: Curiosity - What is the detailed technical description of the "circuit" implemented into the new LFC section? :?: :!:


    Edited once, last by WillB (September 10, 2014 at 8:07 PM).

  • I think I have found a bug (but not a very serious one).

    Using the FCB1010 and Uno4Kemper v1.3.

    It appears that if the FCB is turned on first, then the Kemper, the FCB always starts on performance 1 bank 1 even if the Kemper was turned off somewhere else.

    The bidirectional communications seem fine since when I change from performance mode to browser mode, the FCB correctly changes its LED lights to indicate the mode correctly.

    It looks like when the Kemper starts up, it shows the tuner for a moment. While this is showing, the FCB is correctly synchronized. Once the Kemper leaves that screen, it goes to performance 1, channel 1.

    To start off, I was in performance mode, then changed to something other than perf 1, ch 1, then turn the power off. When I turned the Kemper back on, I turned it on directly into performance mode.

    Is anyone else seeing this? I can reproduce it at will.

  • Been profiling my amps and gotta say that the new algo 2.6 is pretty much spot on now soundwise.

    Before the bass was always off but now the difference is minor to say the least. It's pretty close to the real amp after I refine !!!
    so close that I have a hard time telling which is which.

    Some guys on facebook "Sam Pura" were saying 2.6 prifiling wasn't good and 2.5 was better, well I totally disagree. My profiles never sounded so close to the real amp.

    It takes guts for a Co to say, our algo wasn't perfect before so we refined it !!!!

    Thank you Kemper for this revision !!!!

  • This hasn't been my experience with KPA 2.5 and U4K 1.1. I've often had to do it the other way around or the KPA freezes.

    I wonder why the Profiler should freeze. The recommended way is to turn on the Profiler and when it has booted, turn on the U4K. But usually it doesn't hurt to turn them on both sametime. The interconnection protocol takes care of that.

  • I wonder why the Profiler should freeze. The recommended way is to turn on the Profiler and when it has booted, turn on the U4K. But usually it doesn't hurt to turn them on both sametime. The interconnection protocol takes care of that.

    This is what i've done in the past. Since 2.5 i've had a few freezes doing it this way.

    Hoping the KFC will sort all these issues once and forall.


    Will the profiles made on KPA with FW older than 2.6 sound the same good, as these made with 2.6 on Kemper profiler with FW 2.6? Does it or doesn't it mater?

    If FW 2.6 makes difference in profiling and profiles are "better" will these profiles made with FW 2.6 sound the same good on KPA with older firmware?

  • I gotta say I'm not really happy with the profiling process in 2.6

    In older versions the bottom end was a bit slim, but that could be compensated for in the refining process (less low palm mutes etc), that way I got the profiles 100% spot on with the real amp.
    and it was just the slightly lean low end, everything else was grand.

    now in 2.6 the lowend is overpowering (quite a bit more low end than the real amp), but what's MUCH worse is actually that the mids are totally off now. I tried profiling some nice chunky amps that have great mids (PRS Archon...), but in the profile this nice mid-smack (think "peanut butter in your mouth") was just gone, it felt and sounded quite different from the real amp...and no amount of refining could remedy that.

    TBH I preferred the slightly lean (but rectifyable) lowend response to the overpowering bass and weird mids in 2.6

    Really hoping for a fix in the next update

  • I gotta say I'm not really happy with the profiling process in 2.6

    In older versions the bottom end was a bit slim, but that could be compensated for in the refining process (less low palm mutes etc), that way I got the profiles 100% spot on with the real amp.
    and it was just the slightly lean low end, everything else was grand.

    now in 2.6 the lowend is overpowering (quite a bit more low end than the real amp), but what's MUCH worse is actually that the mids are totally off now. I tried profiling some nice chunky amps that have great mids (PRS Archon...), but in the profile this nice mid-smack (think "peanut butter in your mouth") was just gone, it felt and sounded quite different from the real amp...and no amount of refining could remedy that.

    TBH I preferred the slightly lean (but rectifyable) lowend response to the overpowering bass and weird mids in 2.6

    Really hoping for a fix in the next update

    I heard that exact same thing for a few times now. Seems to be a common problem with the 2.6 Beta. Hope it´ll be fixed in the official release :S

  • I never could capture the low mids of my Fuchs with previous versions. No matter how much refining was done.

    Now, the profiles are spot on.

    Maybe the amps you are trying to profile cannot be profiled accurately in any of the versions. Not everything can be captured.

    Any clips with both versions and that PRS amp?