Can ToneHub replace my Kemper or Axe Fx? : Simply put, yes!
Me: Hell no! No ampsim comes close enough no matter how much anyone claim that. They all have that ampsim kind of sound no matter who made the ampsim. If that was the true, no one would buy anything like a kemper or axe fx, would they? I'm so tired of all marketing bs.
That’s a bit of a bold (useless?) statement without having tried it, isn’t it?
I love the kemper (obviously), always have and always will.
But you are aware that it’s still just a dedicated computer running software/an ampsim, aye?
A KPA is not an analog amp or anything, it literally is a hardware device/computer to run one piece of software/ampsim on.
Granted, it’s a great one and the software sounds great!
But assuming that “software will never sound as good as a kemper” is a bit of a weird statement since what makes the kemper sound that good isn’t really anything different than the software it’s running...why shouldn’t another piece of software be able to get equally good or even better results?
to me the tonehub does just just (I might be biased, but that’s my honest opinion).
Does that make me like my kemper less? He’ll no, it’s a great piece of kit!
but I also have more than just one guitar or amp in my studio, different tools for similar but different jobs.