Tremolo // Square Wave tremolo.

  • I am shure it´s already done and ready. But I think CK, maybe, will implement a store to buy different algorithms as it was done with the eventide H9. Then you can add different functions for the player. Hopefully. It is not the cheapest competitor out there alongside HX STOMP/ EFFECTS/ ONE with every algo for free and "morph" like features. Yes, it´s nice to get updated algos for free and to feel happy about that. But LINE6 has delivered their range of gear with much more FX since day one, including very nice synth, filter better wah sounds then kemper. Yes, Kemper is by far the best sounding device (for me), but regarding the facts what is missed for years.. is not as holy as felt sometimes. And the useless flashing TAP TEMPO LED is a shame for such a expensive device.

  • what do you like better in these wah sounds?
    which one in particular?

    All Kemper Wah Sounds have the same algorithm. Everything sounds like little variations of the same "butter and bread" baiscs. It´s ok, you can work with it. I like the different wah sounds in the cheapest Line6 M5...the same eco system goes, like kemper, to their highest priced models. But unfortunately there are only ca. 140 "curated" FX in the player, and from HX ONE till HELIX they have ALL FX to work with. including a very nice conductor wah, wheeping Ibanez model and so on. And I would understand a limited range of FX slots more (just like a HX ONE can only handle one FX at once) than the limited algorithms. Just like friends of mine, I have a kemper Head at home to record and to work with all FX. I can use my stage and work with every FX live. But I am not the only one who would like to have all FX in the player and save presets with the limited slots, just as a backup or for little venues or, when you´re at a wedding and play only three songs.

  • All Kemper Wah Sounds have the same algorithm. Everything sounds like little variations of the same "butter and bread" baiscs. It´s ok, you can work with it. I like the different wah sounds in the cheapest Line6 M5...the same eco system goes, like kemper, to their highest priced models. But unfortunately there are only ca. 140 "curated" FX in the player, and from HX ONE till HELIX they have ALL FX to work with. including a very nice conductor wah, wheeping Ibanez model and so on. And I would understand a limited range of FX slots more (just like a HX ONE can only handle one FX at once) than the limited algorithms. Just like friends of mine, I have a kemper Head at home to record and to work with all FX. I can use my stage and work with every FX live. But I am not the only one who would like to have all FX in the player and save presets with the limited slots, just as a backup or for little venues or, when you´re at a wedding and play only three songs.

    Interesting opinion. I find the various settings on the Kemper wah provide a good range of wah sounds - certainly more than I need.

  • All Kemper Wah Sounds have the same algorithm. Everything sounds like little variations of the same "butter and bread" baiscs. It´s ok, you can work with it.

    Wah is a a simple sweeping filter there shouldn’t be much too the algorithm. I would be very surprised is the Line 6 or Fracral or anyone else formthat matter uses a different algorithm for each of their wah effects. It is much more likely that they use a generic algorithm like Kemper and create specific wah effects by tweaking this in a similar manner to the Kemper Wah presets.

  • Wah is a a simple sweeping filter there shouldn’t be much too the algorithm. I would be very surprised is the Line 6 or Fracral or anyone else formthat matter uses a different algorithm for each of their wah effects. It is much more likely that they use a generic algorithm like Kemper and create specific wah effects by tweaking this in a similar manner to the Kemper Wah presets.

    I am really shure they do have different algos...including different parameters and behaviours. I use Kemper for so many years, and alongside that different products from line6 and eventide for multi FX. Before the "kemper chapter" I collected Wah pedals. My most beloved..a snarling dog.. ..the line6 conductor is very close. I have had different morley pedals, some of them with modifications.. I can find it in another algo. ibanez wheeping demon was a very special can find it. and so many Crybaby and VOX and and and..(the digital sonuus was interesting, too). there is really more than a sweeping filter, what makes so many wah pedals unique. kemper is very close to the classic cry baby and the vox wah. and yeah...maybe with the tweaking possibilities in the kemper algo 85 to 90 percent of users will be happy. and I am very happy with all my kempers, coz their main feature, the amp sound, was my entrance to the kemper world (with the right profiles) and the exit from stereo tube amp walls and up to three gigantic pedalboards and rack equipment. I hope that different FX in the kemper will be updated soon. It would be ok to pay something extra for that. like eventide did with their H9 pedal. so everyone can consider, what he is willing to pay depending on his or her needs.

  • I am really shure they do have different algos...including different parameters and behaviours. I use Kemper for so many years, and alongside that different products from line6 and eventide for multi FX. Before the "kemper chapter" I collected Wah pedals. My most beloved..a snarling dog.. ..the line6 conductor is very close. I have had different morley pedals, some of them with modifications.. I can find it in another algo. ibanez wheeping demon was a very special can find it. and so many Crybaby and VOX and and and..(the digital sonuus was interesting, too). there is really more than a sweeping filter, what makes so many wah pedals unique. kemper is very close to the classic cry baby and the vox wah. and yeah...maybe with the tweaking possibilities in the kemper algo 85 to 90 percent of users will be happy. and I am very happy with all my kempers, coz their main feature, the amp sound, was my entrance to the kemper world (with the right profiles) and the exit from stereo tube amp walls and up to three gigantic pedalboards and rack equipment. I hope that different FX in the kemper will be updated soon. It would be ok to pay something extra for that. like eventide did with their H9 pedal. so everyone can consider, what he is willing to pay depending on his or her needs.

    If there is a charge for the firmware update of kemper, then I will immediately sell the kemper in my hand and join the free camp of fractal, because I will calculate the account. Because in my opinion, Tremolo+Square Wave tremolo is the FX that fractal has long been provided to users for free.

  • If there is a charge for the firmware update of kemper, then I will immediately sell the kemper in my hand and join the free camp of fractal, because I will calculate the account. Because in my opinion, Tremolo+Square Wave tremolo is the FX that fractal has long been provided to users for free.

    Same here. As there is only one hardware plattform that has to compete with dozens of new challengers. Therefore Kemper has to be on par at least. And this to me seems as their main USP. Buy once, free updates forever and complete your setup with the remote, the Kone and whatever follows up …

    Edited once, last by StefanErtle (September 10, 2024 at 8:37 PM).