Big disappointment with Kemper

  • Thanks for the info!

    Australia is a nightmare for music gear

    I'm kicking myself I didnt get a 2nd hand one recently it was such a good price....I'd die without mine (speak of the devil another one just came up for sale locally :)

    Yeah it's a rort here! Shipping costs kill us, not to mention the exchange rate. It was good for a while importing stuff there when the US dollar was lower, now it's going to get even worse as the new government will apply 10% GST to anything over $20 imported (starting March).

    I'd check the manufacture date of any secondhand KPA if I were you, you don't want to get a bad batch of LEDs.

    Personally I think anyone gigging with a Kemper or using it fulltime in a Studio business should have or share a second Kemper as well for a backup, at least until they iron out the manufacturing issues with the audio inputs and the hardware DSP errors. The Virus is pretty solid IIRC so hopefully KPAs will end up bulletproof like Roland/Boss pedals eventually.

  • As I said in my disclaimer, I am not attempting to make any negative connotation towards Kemper the company - They have replied to us promptly, and offered what they could to help. In a perfect world they would be able to do anything to get a replacement across the world in a heartbeat, but thats neither realistic nor fair.

    I am more disappointed in the unreliability of their products I PERSONALLY have experienced so far. It is by no means a reflection of everyones experiences, but as you could imagine what I have experienced would shape my opinion.

    Please be aware, these issues haven't been ongoing for 18 months. In terms of the LED situation, they have started to fail in the last 6-8 months. That being said the LEDs are to me are a non issue, as I said I can live with dead LEDs. I am more worried about the more severe issues.

    Also note that as I said in the disclaimer, Everything we could have done to solve these problems with suggested fixes we attempted before contacting technical support, where it was then narrowed down to a hardware error/component error.

    Looking back I do realise that my first post on here is a negative one without so much as a hello and that would definitely anger people, especially the passionate fans. For that I do apologise. I am a long time member of the forum and use it a lot for searching info, I know now I shouldve at least introduced my self first! so for that im sorry. My name is Michael, im 27 from Australia - and even though Ive had issues, I am definitely a Kemper fan. I wouldnt own one otherwise.

    I hope that people can take my first post with a grain of salt and do a lot of research both positive and negative before they decide to purchase a Kemper. Being the only official Kemper forum I thought I would post my experience for everyone to read and take from it whatever they want.

  • I am more disappointed in the unreliability of their products I PERSONALLY have experienced so far. It is by no means a reflection of everyones experiences, but as you could imagine what I have experienced would shape my opinion.

    You had a lot of bad luck for sure, but the KPA is anything else than unreliable, it's solidly built in Germany. I own 2 KPA's (2 toasters), one is from the first series and I never had any problems. I'm touring with the KPA's for years (mainstage-tours) and found them very reliable. Not one single problem, I just put them in flightcases, that's all, I never needed the 2nd one (spare),

    If you're from Australia, the KPA's have to be shipped around the world, reckless transportation could be an issue.

    first name: Guenter / family name: Haas /

    Edited 2 times, last by guenterhaas (February 22, 2014 at 2:07 AM).

  • If you're from Australia, the KPA's have to be shipped around the world, reckless transportation could be an issue.

    Unlikely, since the KPA is packaged very well. Diezel's have more parts and are much heavier, and they get here just fine.

    It's probably just a QC issue with certain parts, as per the led issue. Teething problems with a (still) fairly new product etc. I'm sure it'll get resolved in time, they're a good company.

    Reliabilty, that view depends on your perspective and personal experience. From the OPs view, it's not good. :)

  • For anyone reading this you can significantly increase the led life by reducing brightness from the system menu page 2/9.

    Won't solve the underlying issue but might save you a few leds in the long run. I've ran mine on 3.5 on the small ones and knobs at 6.5 and none have died. Mine was a thomann B-stock customer return too.

    Yeah, on the long run this might reveal counter productive tho.
    If your machine has mounted one of the notorious faulty components on it, it would be better if the fault revealed itself before the warranty expires :|

  • Yeah, on the long run this might reveal counter productive tho.
    If your machine has mounted one of the notorious faulty components on it, it would be better if the fault revealed itself before the warranty expires :|

    Good thinking!

  • And it is really not a "head/top" it should not sit on top of the cabinets, that shake loose parts and fry LEDs for sure. It should be treated as rack gear no matter if it is a lunchbox or a rack edition.

    I would like to see this confirmed or denied by a representative of Kemper because if this is true, it is a serious design flaw considering it is effectively a guitar head replacement of sorts.

    Who can speak authoritatively to the validity of this claim?

    Thank you in advance.

  • I think this isse needs to be resolved between Kemper and the Origianal Poster. The LED issue is a known problem of a particular production batch and the other issues could be soft or hardware related. At this point it's all speculation since "we" don't know what is going on.

    I can understand the frustration with a failing product but one must give the company a fair chance in resolving the issue. Another added problem here is that some units were bought from distributors while other ones have been bought internationally thusly giving this different legal and technical aspects in regards to repair.

    I am on the road right now with my Kemper on fly dates and everything is working fine for me.

    Perhaps we should stop speculating and let Kemper, distributed ! reseller and the customer settle this.

    Thanks! :)

  • Quote

    And it is really not a "head/top" it should not sit on top of the cabinets, that shake loose parts and fry LEDs for sure. It should be treated as rack gear no matter if it is a lunchbox or a rack edition.

    the Profiler is designed for the road. we use a sturdy metal housing and circuitry and components are designed to handle shock. i guess more shock than a tube amp can take. so don't worry, a placement on top of a speaker is totally fine.
    more info on LED related issues can be found in this thread: Kemper dead LED - whats next?
    hope that helps, gs

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • I'm a victim of the LED issue as well and I waited one year until I knew I don't need my pretty lunchbox for a couple of weeks while I'm overseas. So I will send my Profiler in for repair on monday and have already made an arrangement that it won't be returned until I'm back home again. This way I hope to miss my Profiler only a few days. I really hope that it will be fixed when I return. Otherwise I guess I'll discover the devil inside myself. :D