[BR] can't change amp/cab author

  • Couldn't see this on the forum anywhere - i'm surprised as it is rather obvious.
    The fields are unchangeable. Is this intentional?

    "But dignity is difficult to maintain
    stamina requires constant upkeep
    repetition is boring
    and you pay for grace."

  • I am bumping this thread because i have a related problem:

    Today i profiled my amp completely from scratch in a rehearsal studio.
    As recommeded in the manual, i initially selected a profile simlar to the sound i wanted to achieve (this was a TAF boogie rectifier profile) in order to compare my setup with this sound.
    I did then a full profiling session, went home to test the profiles and fond them to be quite nice.
    While editing the tags in Rig Manager i found that in the cabinet section there is not my name listed as author but And44 (probably because i initially selected a TAF profile?). The amp section shows correctly my name.

    How can this happen if the amp/cab author is supposed to be set depending on the device owner tag?

    Don't get me wrong, i did not use And44's cabinet but recorded the complete profile all alone. So it would be nice to have my name there...

  • I am bumping this thread because i have a related problem:

    Today i profiled my amp completely from scratch in a rehearsal studio.
    As recommeded in the manual, i initially selected a profile simlar to the sound i wanted to achieve (this was a TAF boogie rectifier profile) in order to compare my setup with this sound.
    I did then a full profiling session, went home to test the profiles and fond them to be quite nice.
    While editing the tags in Rig Manager i found that in the cabinet section there is not my name listed as author but And44 (probably because i initially selected a TAF profile?). The amp section shows correctly my name.

    How can this happen if the amp/cab author is supposed to be set depending on the device owner tag?

    Don't get me wrong, i did not use And44's cabinet but recorded the complete profile all alone. So it would be nice to have my name there...

    I have the exact same problem here!

    Any news?

  • Yep. I updated the Tag in the KPA and stored the rig again.
    After doing this Rig Manager showed my name as cabinet author and i thought this would have solved my problem. But when i wanted to upload the rig to the rig exchange there was again And44.

  • There are three author tags: Rig Author being part of the Rig Tags, Amplifier Author being part of the Amplifier Tags, Cabinet Author being part of the Cabinet Tags.

    When you have created you own Profile and push STORE the list of the Rig Tags comes up first and those can be edited. At that time Rig Author is set to the Profiler Owner Name automatically.
    If you now press "Next" the Amplifier Tags get listed and can be edited. At this time the Amplifier Author is automatically set to Profiler Owner Name.
    If you then press "Next" once more the Cabinet Tags get listed and Cabinet Author is automatically set to Profiler Owner Name.
    If you don't press "Next" and skip any of these screens by immediately storing the new Profile/Rig, Cabinet Author and Amplifier Author might stay as in the original Rig loaded before entering Profiler Mode. If in your example Cabinet Author stayed at "And44" while Rig Author and Amplifier Auhtor show your Owner Name you must have skipped the screen with the Cabinet Tags. Nevertheless no big issue: Amplifier Author and Cabinet Author can always be modified in the Profiler user interface. Rig Manager doesn't allow to edit those two fields, because we don't want to rationalize ripping of other peoples' profiles.

    Rig Author, Amplifier Author, Cabinet Author are unique in any Rig file. If you have stored a Rig with those three tags showing your owner name in the Profiler, the same Rig cannot show different authors in Rig Manager or Rig Exchange.

  • Thanks for the explananation, Burkhard.
    It's true that at some point after crreating the profile i skipped the tag session and stored the profile right away.
    I already tried to change the name via the profiler, as you described. And as you said, in RigManager i can see my name now.
    However, when i upload this profile to the Rig Exchange then this website shows up where you can edit the different tags and on this website the cabinet author is And44 again (i am happy to provide screenshots). And that's something i find a bit strange...

    In the end it's not a big deal and the next time i do a profiling session i will carefully watch that all tags are correct before i store the profile.
    Just a shame for the rest of the world because now they won't get my marvelous profile ;)

  • I already tried to change the name via the profiler, as you described. And as you said, in RigManager i can see my name now.
    However, when i upload this profile to the Rig Exchange then this website shows up where you can edit the different tags and on this website the cabinet author is And44 again (i am happy to provide screenshots). And that's something i find a bit strange...

    Please export that Rig, open a support ticket and send it to me.

  • I happened to me!!! fffuuuuuuuuccckkk!!!! 56 profiles with the amp Author'ns name of another person.
    Just had in the browser selected this guys profile when changing to Profiler mode...shit.
    I can Edit it in the Kemper but in rig manager it appears the other name.

  • This also happened to me with my two favorite profiles... I can't re-profile them and get the same results so I'm stuck with a tag saying it was made by someone else.

    When you create your own profile from your own Kemper it should never be able to get the wrong author's name. I would definitely consider this to be a bug in the Kemper software and it is very disappointing.