Which features would you like to be added next?

  • The advantage of having those switches in the master section is that they'd be *global*, eliminating the need for changing profiles one by one. Also I'm not overly fond of how the cab low and hi shift sound.

    While I want those global controls too, realize that any profiles which sounded great before would not sound as good with the global EQs enabled. Best to approach each profile individually and then only use the global EQ to address environmental correction (ie boomy stage or really bright room).

  • Because the studio EQ only has shelf high and low bands, not bandpass. So if I had to do it I'd have to use one high pass wah and one low pass wah, wasting two slots of the KPA permanently in order to achieve the desired effect.

    that's what I'm currently doing. one slot busy with a EQ that just cut 80Hz.
    I switch it on and off (called 'EQGraphic80') due to the fact I'm playing on a CD/produced Mix, or if just Live with the band.
    not a big problem cause most of the time that slot would be Empty..But..nice idea to have or two filters to stay activate for different Kind of Situations.
    more or less it's like asking to have the possibility to assing a filter MORE than the Monitor EQ and the Master EQ in Output Section

  • In the master section EQ pages for main and monitor outputs:

    assign a 100Hz low cut switch to one of the buttons in the soft row
    assign a 5kHz high cut switch to another button in the soft row

    For some reason a lot of profiles seem to have a lot of low end below 100 Hz and too much high end above 5kHz, even though guitar speakers in general DO NOT reproduce those frequencies well. No idea if it's the profiling process or additional EQ applied at preamps at the time of profiling but it really gets in the way of the experience of enjoying my KPA.

    This seems to be a common misunderstanding. Many Profiler users have problems to get familiar with the sound of "real mic'ed amps".
    Guitar speakers have that much highs and lows. I believe there is no single profile where the highs have been emphasized during or after the profiling. You control the highs by the angle of the microphone.
    So what you get with the actual profiles is a perfect blend what producers and pro guitarists think is the right frequency responce of a mic'ed amp. We have not got a single message from the pro's that the frequency responce of our profiles are not right.

    If you think the frequency responce is not right, please get used to it!
    The amps on your favorite record also sound in that way, but they are embedded in the mix.

  • The amps on your favorite record also sound in that way, but they are embedded in the mix.

    I have to underline this statement based also on my poor experience: for the very few guitar tracks isolated that I own of some great/favorite recordings, I must admit that they sounds exactly in this way, like your are describing. The result in the mix is outstanding, even if sometimes the track played alone seems "strange" to one's ear... ;)

  • This seems to be a common misunderstanding. Many Profiler users have problems to get familiar with the sound of "real mic'ed amps".
    Guitar speakers have that much highs and lows. I believe there is no single profile where the highs have been emphasized during or after the profiling. You control the highs by the angle of the microphone.
    So what you get with the actual profiles is a perfect blend what producers and pro guitarists think is the right frequency responce of a mic'ed amp. We have not got a single message from the pro's that the frequency responce of our profiles are not right.

    If you think the frequency responce is not right, please get used to it!
    The amps on your favorite record also sound in that way, but they are embedded in the mix.

    ??? I think it is OK to hope more specific output eq, also with hi and low cut, because there is also people who use KPA:s main and monitor out to guitar poweramp and guitar cabinet both in mono AND STEREO. And it make no sense to sacrifice one slot to eq for that purpose.

    Edited once, last by liulululi (October 24, 2013 at 12:13 PM).

  • This seems to be a common misunderstanding. Many Profiler users have problems to get familiar with the sound of "real mic'ed amps".
    Guitar speakers have that much highs and lows. I believe there is no single profile where the highs have been emphasized during or after the profiling. You control the highs by the angle of the microphone.
    So what you get with the actual profiles is a perfect blend what producers and pro guitarists think is the right frequency responce of a mic'ed amp. We have not got a single message from the pro's that the frequency responce of our profiles are not right.

    If you think the frequency responce is not right, please get used to it!
    The amps on your favorite record also sound in that way, but they are embedded in the mix.

    I pay very close attention to the guitar tones in my favorite recordings, and I'll have to disagree, all of them occupy a very specific range of frequencies - neither lots of lows nor piercing highs. Now I understand that guitars are often heavily EQ'd in order to fit the mix, all I'm asking is for tools that make it easier for obtaining a similar result when playing live.

  • I can't resist pointing out that one of the most popular rigs out there - the Morgan AC20 from rmpacheo - uses both these parameters.
    These parameters cover a very wide range - user discretion is advised. ;)

    Now that you mention it, that's one of the things that I feel could use some improvement: I feel some adjustments in the KPA are too "coarse", meaning the difference between one step and the next is some times too big and I often wish there was another step in between the two.

    Another thing that bothered me in the low and high cab shift (especially on higher settings) was what to my ears sounded like a resonance peak that was somewhat artificial sounding (IMHO of course).

  • Now that you mention it, that's one of the things that I feel could use some improvement: I feel some adjustments in the KPA are too "coarse", meaning the difference between one step and the next is some times too big and I often wish there was another step in between the two

    The range for continuous parameters is 0-16383. Don't feel mislead by the display which renders the range from 0 to 10 with one tenth resolution. If you are handling the soft knobs slow, the resolution is high enough to reach each single value. If you move it faster, it will cover a 270° arc.


  • I don´t know if this was said here before. But I would like to have the option to mix some profiles to one. So you would be able to mix your setup like you did in studio sessions for live use.