Level II upgrade

  • i want it all for free (even if i would like to) and i can catch this upgrade needs to pay something else but Kemper have done separates steps/levels, why can't they thanks loyal customers with a separate discount too ? It arrives sometimes in the commercial world, dunno ?!

    I belive it would create second hand market very fast to upgerade cheaper as owner of other device then sell with guaranty for larger price.

  • I belive it would create second hand market very fast to upgerade cheaper as owner of other device then sell with guaranty for larger price.

    I initially thought a loyalty discount would be a good idea but quickly came to the same conclusion as you. Too much opportunity for flipping at a profit.

  • I think its a shame the upgrades are that expensive but I don;t feel cheated because:

    1) The player is a cut down version which lots of Kemper users kept asking for

    2) Kemper have stated from day one that paid upgrades would be coming. As we didn;t know what they were nor the price, I think you would be daft buying on the premise that they would be what you want and at the price you want

    3) The upgrades are optional

    4) The upgrades have value and its up to Kemper to determine how much value

    5) The player still sounds great...

  • Funny thing is, I think that if they initially launched the player with all the level2 and level3 stuff built-in, and priced it at $1000, everyone would have bought it without complaints because that price point fits in when compared to all the other stuff out there. But this way there are lower tiers available for those not already used to the full kemper suite and dont need all that.

    I’m not so sure. At $1000 I’d rather pay a bit more for a lightly used Stage with a screen and more buttons, or less for a lightly used Toaster with a screen and more buttons.

    I get the argument - fully loaded it is still less than a Stage. But you have to look beyond the Kemper eco-system. Their competitors don’t dumb down the smaller device, it’s purpose is to attract buyers who can’t afford the flagship model. My FM3 can do everything the Ax3 can do except dual amps or ludicrously complex presets. The HX stomp is the same. The Player looked like a way to pull more users into Kemper, revitalising sales, but fully loaded the price point is just too high. It’s too close to the stage with too much compromise. £99 for the full experience is an upgrade I could get behind, but pricing the unit at 50% more than a used Toaster, it’s just too much.

    They knew that price point was too high, it’s why they released it at £650. They hoped to sell a lot then tempt a lot of buyers into the expensive upgrade later. They aren’t selling a fully loaded Player Pro because they know the sticker shock is too much.

  • Take a Stage, subtract the price of a remote as an approx equivalent of the value of the screen, switches, and extra ports, and another £100 for the value of profiling, and you end up at a Player +£100 roughly. And that feels like a fair price point for a fully loaded Player less those features.

    I don’t have a Player. I no longer have a Toaster or Stage, though I owned both at some point. I am considering a Kemper again in addition to my FM3. This pricing is steering me to a used Toaster rather than a new Player.

  • I belive it would create second hand market very fast to upgerade cheaper as owner of other device then sell with guaranty for larger price.

    I also thought about it but it drives me mad too finally.

    All have been thought to make upgrades levels the number of FXs, what to give in each range, range of price, packages, etc....

    And nothing to thanks old Kemper's devices owners, it's a pity !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    They can check ; number of devices, how long you possess them, account name, email adress, IP

    But nothing in that sense too.....

  • It is expensive. I opted for Level 2 only. Only because of MORPH.
    In my case that’s making it function almost the way I like it:

    Button A = CLEAN / EVH

    Less tap dancing or volume button on guitar twisting.

    Tired of MIDI that’s unable to make the buttons work exactly like on Stage or FM3.

    How are you using and setting up the dual 1/2 and 2/3 switching?

  • I also upgraded to LVL2 as I do need the extra FX types (mostly I was missing pitch) but the morphing comes in very handy to switch on/off effects by morphing their Mix-Value (0 = off, 50% or 100% on, depending on effect type).

    The foot switches I use for selection of the 5 slots (1-3 directly 4 and 5 via combo 1+2 and 2+3).

    I also use an m-vave MIDI-controller (they are dead cheap): there footswitch 1 and 2 control FX1 and FX2 on/off, 3 enables tuner/mute, 4 for bank-up (in shows I use 3 banks only and 'wrap', so don't need bank-down but just cycle through the 3 banks).

    The morphing-based switching described above makes my m-vave switches 1 and 2 somewhat obsolete, so may opt for something different there soon...

    Kemper Player (LVL2), EV ELX112P, Suhr S.Henderson Strat, Fender Ultra Tele, PRS S2 Custom24, Variax JTV-69

    Edited 2 times, last by keuneke (September 28, 2024 at 4:38 PM).

  • From the beginning, the player was simply Kemper's response to many users' requests for a slimmed-down version. Only Kemper can set the price. If the level 1 player is enough for you and the price seems justified, you can buy it (as well as the upgrades to level 2 and possibly 3) with confidence. But buying the player before I know the prices for the upgrades and then complaining about the price is not fair in my opinion (I don't want to offend anyone, but that's my opinion). The level 1 player is not enough for me and with the upgrades it is too expensive. As a backup it would also be too expensive for me, but if I had to travel with my rig it might be worth the price.

  • Sorry, but some features included in the $ upgrades should be part of the core unit… global EQ as an example.

    Charging for added fx makes sense, in the regard that it is similar to buying another stomp box. Global EQ on the other hand serves the usability of the core unit and it’s hardly usable without.

    Morph could be another.

    Sorry Kemper, on that alone… :thumbdown:

  • Take a Stage, subtract the price of a remote as an approx equivalent of the value of the screen, switches, and extra ports, and another £100 for the value of profiling, and you end up at a Player +£100 roughly. And that feels like a fair price point for a fully loaded Player less those features.

    I don’t have a Player. I no longer have a Toaster or Stage, though I owned both at some point. I am considering a Kemper again in addition to my FM3. This pricing is steering me to a used Toaster rather than a new Player.

    Me too. I made a decision last night not to buy kpp in the future. So now I think the upgrade price is very suitable. Because I am a kps user now. I will not recommend kemper to any friends in the future.

  • I admit that I am disappointed by the 300€ price for the upgrade (The price too high is my only concern). 50€ per Level would be fair. These months with the Player I have been loving the sound, the feel, and the Kemper community.

    I'm not a friend of installing betas because I'm using it to record and play live. So I will take advantage of this time until the stable version is released to ponder if I sell the Player and go back to Line 6 (it seems that they are preparing something interesting), or if it is worth paying for the level III.

  • For myself Lvl 3 was well worth the price as I now have a fully compatible pedal sized Kemper to compliment my Rack. No more trying to decide what to nerf for effects or create new effects that were just the legacy stuff. Plus I now have morph available which has been a game changer.

    The price will be paid with the money from my next gig. So to me it’s worth it.

    Thank you Kemper team.

  • For myself Lvl 3 was well worth the price as I now have a fully compatible pedal sized Kemper to compliment my Rack. No more trying to decide what to nerf for effects or create new effects that were just the legacy stuff. Plus I now have morph available which has been a game changer.

    The price will be paid with the money from my next gig. So to me it’s worth it.

    Thank you Kemper team.

    I understand your point. Do you think it is stable enough to gigging? Thanks.

  • I understand your point. Do you think it is stable enough to gigging? Thanks.

    To be honest I’m going to use my Rack for the next gig. I’ll take the Player to rehearsals and put through its paces. There have been a few little bugs I have found , nothing critical but it needs refined a bit. Typical for Beta software.
    My Rack is still on the last release and I won’t upgrade it until a final release of this current Beta.

  • Take a Stage, subtract the price of a remote as an approx equivalent of the value of the screen, switches, and extra ports, and another £100 for the value of profiling, and you end up at a Player +£100 roughly. And that feels like a fair price point for a fully loaded Player less those features.

    I don’t have a Player. I no longer have a Toaster or Stage, though I owned both at some point. I am considering a Kemper again in addition to my FM3. This pricing is steering me to a used Toaster rather than a new Player.

    Help me with your math here. One Stage at $1600 minus one Remote at $500 minus No Ability to profile at $100 which comes out to about $1000 which is the cost of a fully loaded player. So where is the problem?

    Edited once, last by dfdfan (September 28, 2024 at 7:30 PM).

  • I really don't get the comparisons to buying used gear. Eventually you will see fully loaded players on reverb going for 4-500 bucks max. You can't compare the cost of a new product vs the cost of a used one. It makes no sense to the market.

  • I really don't get the comparisons to buying used gear. Eventually you will see fully loaded players on reverb going for 4-500 bucks max. You can't compare the cost of a new product vs the cost of a used one. It makes no sense to the market.

    You are a guitarist/bassist and want to buy a new modeler/profiler, you study all the choices on the market, i don't understand why the used market has to be dismissed.

    A used Stage/Head/Rack is not a bad choice :);)