Posts by aehaem

    When you go to this site first there is: "category -select category-" and it shows manuals without Midi implementation. You have to select "user manuals", then you see manuals with Midi Implementation...

    Don´t know why, maybe it shows most selcted?

    From the beginning, the player was simply Kemper's response to many users' requests for a slimmed-down version. Only Kemper can set the price. If the level 1 player is enough for you and the price seems justified, you can buy it (as well as the upgrades to level 2 and possibly 3) with confidence. But buying the player before I know the prices for the upgrades and then complaining about the price is not fair in my opinion (I don't want to offend anyone, but that's my opinion). The level 1 player is not enough for me and with the upgrades it is too expensive. As a backup it would also be too expensive for me, but if I had to travel with my rig it might be worth the price.

    Since I have this wonderful tool, there have been so many updates,

    I´ve purchaised my Kemper, to a time where even the performance mode wasn´t available then. It was delivered by an update. So many updates followed since then, sometimes with functions noone ever dreamed about before (e.g. the Morph function) and CK and his team never stopped to advance their product. They found new toys to improve it (Remote, Kabinet/Kone) or added new form factors (Rack, Stage) and even gave in to the desire of many of us and added the player and never stopped to support the Kemper product no#1.

    Some time ago (and I mean a long time ago) I thought it was the best purchase i ever had and it can do all i need from an guitar amp/processor and more.

    Now it can do so much more and it had become better than I have dreamed (liquid profiling) so for me it is time to say thank you Mr. Kemper!

    I will enjoy every new update that will come and I am curious what brilliant ideas will follow, but for me it isn´t self-evident.

    From the manual:

    Transmitting MIDI Commands to Two External Devices in Performance Mode

    MIDI commands can be triggered and transmitted to external devices (maximum 2), whenever a Slot gets loaded in Performance Mode.

    You can, for instance, use this to switch presets of external effects devices that are connected to the effect loop of the PROFILER.(or also switch your amp channels)

    Global setup:

    • In System Settings, navigate to “Performance Mode: MIDI” page. Please note that this page is only accessible in Performance Mode.

    • Use the soft knobs to assign a MIDI channel to each of the external devices. (You´ve done this, I assume)

    • Use soft buttons to determine whether the corresponding external devices are connected to MIDI OUT or MIDI THRU. The MIDI THRU is not available at PROFILER Stage.

    • For your convenience, you can also assign meaningful names to the two external devices “A” and “B” using soft buttons.

    Performance setup:

    • Press “Edit”, “Slot Settings”, and “MIDI Settings”.

    • Select “PrgChg” and number per device, as intended.

    • Repeat this process for every Slot and Performance you plan to send MIDI commands from.

    ✓As soon as you select MIDI THRU to transmit MIDI commands by Slot the PROFILER will stop forwarding incoming MIDI data to the MIDI THRU.

    Why don´t you add a folder named e.g. Backup in the Local Library folder to save your Rigs?

    There´s also a All Performances folder, where you can save your performances with its settings and pedals.

    A better way to save your Kemper content, is to use an usb stick, hit the "USB stick" softbutton on your Kemper, then Backup/restore, then Backup.

    All your rigs and performances will be saved on that stick.

    When you get your Kemper back, same procedure, but restore in the last step...

    I know it is working the way I am switching my performances.

    I use CC 47 (0-124) to go to the "linked" performance (CC 47 value +1 = 1-125) and then select slot 1-5 with CC 50 -54 value 1 or more...

    When I select the Slot the second time, morphing becomes active, just like the remote does...

    But that way you need to change performance and select the slot with more steps then change the slot with program changes.

    Die Frage taucht hier mittlerweile regelmäßig auf, klar, jede andere vergleichbare Machine die ich kenne hat ja auch inzwischen Version "x"...

    Der Profiler ist immer noch der gleiche, wobei er sich im Laufe der Jahre immer mal wieder neu "angefühlt" hat.

    Das letzte Mal mit dem vor kurzem hinzugefühgten "Liquid Proflilng". Aber eben "nur" Software-seitig und kostenlos.

    Ob es sich lohnt kann nur jeder für sich selbst herausfinden, aber ich würde nicht auf eine "Neuauflage" warten. Du hast ja schonmal eine Möglichkeit, den Kemper anzutesten, schau dir den RigManager an, wenn du damit gut arbeiten kannst, wenn Dir der Player Spaß macht und dir die Amp-Sounds zusagen und wenn du dir angesehen hast welche Vorteile dir der Stage-Kemper bringt, dann weißt du ob es sich für dich lohnt.

    Auf jeden Fall scheint die Kemper GmbH mit vollem Herzen hinter dem Produkt zu stehen, da sie die Software dafür konstant weiterentwickeln und bisher nur ergänzende, aber nicht ablösende Neue Produkte hinzufügen, siehe Kemper Player...

    Kemper changed the format of profile files a while ago, and they now have a .krig extension. Any old profiles with the .kipr file extension will be automatically converted to the new .krig format by Rig Manager when loading them into the Kemper.

    Hi Bert,

    I just bought the F-Man JayJ, but it´s not possible to install the profiles into RM, it says:

    "The import failed.

    One or more item(s) is damaged beyound repair and could not be imported."

    The same happens with the SLO pack, what is strange since I had it in RM before a PC crash, that killed all my RM Backups...

    Rig Manager is up to date (Version 3.5.20)

    (only DI Profiles and Performances can be imported)