Profiler OS 11.1 Beta Thread (Player Upgrade Options)

  • I would pay 100euros tops for level 3. 250 it simply doesen't add up. I paid for the hardware, unlocking these features is like when BMW charged for the heated seats that were already installed in your car.

    IMHO Kemper was greedy and probably this won't be as successful as it could be if the prices were lower. KPP could kill nano cortex and some line6 products as the pod go if they priced correctly, but this attitude just made me angry at them

  • Indeed is a great update, but more expensive than expected. Is 40% of the Player price tag.

    If the update would have been 200€ for the level 2 and 3, at least the total product doesn´t reach the 1000€ psycological threshold and would probably sell more.

    I´ll wait for future discount (hopefully black friday, fingers crossed).

  • The pricing is definitely a big surprise and disappointment. I’ve been really excited for what was coming, but there’s absolutely no way I can justify this amount.

    Taking the pricing out of the discussion it’s an amazing update, just going to a while before I can try it.

  • Well I think it is. You pay 1.000€ for the features the big ones provide for free and for having to buy a Midi Foot Switch on top. I would rather go for the stage as used piece of gear.

    And for all owners of a Rack, Stage and Head: there will be no discount. I already asked in the chat. A pity as I would like to have a full backup.

    You also have to buy an iPad or mobile phone to use as a screen.:P

  • Why do people keep comparing new player to second hand stage prices? To make it fair the comparison should be a second hand player compared to a second hand stage

    Cause buyers have a wide range of possibilities and can look at used market too....

    There are few used Player on the market for the moment.....

  • No excitement here. Kemper has joined the crippleware game. Paying for functionality now? Eff that

    Not really.

    Some costumers wanted a small Kemper unit for there pedalboard. For those lvl 1 fits perfectly.

    Kemper never said the player has the same functionality as the bigger Units.

    So in my opinion it's fair. Software development needs a lot of time and man power AND You get a good support for a lot of years.

    If they gives free unlock functionality updates, they would compete there own products .

  • 300€ for everyone....

    I find the price too high even for only Player's owners, 200€ would have been a fairer price.

    And no discount for Bigger units owners....

    I was excited to see this improvment/upgrade proposition, at the end, just big disappointment, don't know what to think about it ;(;(;(;(.....

  • I see pretty much everyone thinks the same, the prices are kinda high.

    I wouldn't mind paying 100/150€ for the level 3 if the level 2 was free, but ye, 300€ for (for me, a bedroom guitarist ^^) mostly 4 more FX slots is way too much :pinch:

  • It's not cheap but I prefer they let me choose where I put my money.

    I mean, I can keep the unit as is or, upgrade. Instead that, almost any other brand would release a different hardware (i.e. Kemper Player Pro) and the former unit being discontinued, or no more updates.

  • I agree, this is too expensive.

    I was expecting a more "we value you as a Player buyer and give you some goodies for a great price" pricing.

    It makes no sense to buy a player if you want the higher features, 700+300= 1000€ and way less buttons and I/O options and no profiling, where the Toaster is just 30% more and the Stage 45% more.

    I'm happy I got a Stage anyways.

  • It's not cheap but I prefer they let me choose where I put my money.

    I mean, I can keep the unit as is or, upgrade. Instead that, almost any other brand would release a different hardware (i.e. Kemper Player Pro) and the former unit being discontinued, or no more updates.

    The key is, if you don't buy the update this time, will you get another free update in the future?

  • I just did the beta update for rig manager. Windows 11 and now rig manager wont find my Kemper stage.

    It has a message:

    "Your Profiler needs an update. Rig manager will search for a newer software version online. This might take a couple of minutes to arrive, Profiler OS 11.1.0 or higher is required."

    Anyone else having this problem and if so how did you fix it.

    Ooops spoke too soon its now updating my Kemper it just took about 20 minutes to arrive lol.