Profiler OS 11.1 Beta Thread (Player Upgrade Options)

  • I'm a Kemper user since 2015.

    First got the toaster, then also a stage.

    For me, Kemper was a company of stability.

    Means you buy a device and you know what you have. And futural updates bring additional benefit for free.

    Now Kemper isn't such a company any longer for me.

    No trusting anymore. Maybe futural updates even for the stage will cost money. Who knows.

    I guess a lot of people lost their trust in Kemper.

  • I disagree, this now put the Player on the same level as the rest of the lineup if you want. So you are guaranteed compatibility top to bottom with updates and no longer limited.
    It’s now a choice if you want yo use your own pedals and stay at a lower price.

    This upgrade works for me as I also own the Rack and now it’s compatible completely with my Rigs. That’s important to me.

  • Am I living on planet kookoo? Read my earlier post. You bought a unit as it was. You feel robbed becasue they offer you a hardware upgade to make it a full fledged big brother unit in a small package. You feel robbed as compared to tuesday this week? Guess what, your unit is still the same as tuesdays unit if you do not like the thursday unit then that ok. Dont upgrade. Its a real show of people brain inners this is. An to make it even better its now been resurfaced that ck did say there would be chargable upgrades. Its almost funny this. Go buy a stage. How are you a hostage? Pretend you never heard about the upgrade

    Keep cool man,; peace and love :*

    I said the opposite ; i heard quickly that paid upgrades will come and this announcement made me buy the Player. They should not talk about it, in fact....

    But when i see conditions to sign :/:thumbdown:

    I just deliver my feelings here, i've got nothing against anybody there....

    The less we can say is that this decision causes a lot of ink to flow and is divisive, even here...

    What? So you bought this device not because it already answered your needs but because potentially, maybe, probably in the future, most likely it could answer your needs if theoretically, potentially, in some future, most likely, probably Kemper decided to give full upgrade away for cheap or better for free? Looks like you jumped the gun a bit with your purchase and feel disappointed (which I understand and sympathize - I have my fair share of past purchases which fall into this category as well - I guess everyone has :) ) - but, I would argue, this is not really Kemper's fault.

    You are asked to pay 40% for taking Player to Stage-level software-wise - which is hell-lot of new functionality that original player never had and probably will never have at Level I.

    That's exactly it !!!

    I've anticipated the futur upgrades because they were anounced (you used a lot of probaility but this fact was sure) and i knew that sooner or later i could transfer my rigs from my BIG unit to the baby.

    And, you are right, this is entirely my own fault.

    I should not have trust in one company i love(d) and has brought me a lot of pleasure and satisfaction during years.

    I should have been carefull cause love makes you blind and you become stupid.... I should have not thought about/considered what other companies offer to their loyal customers too.

    One more time, i don't automatically want free upgrades but 100-150€ would be a fair compromise imo....

    PS : piotrmaj Thanks for your non-agressive message even if i understand we are not on the same line :thumbup:;)

  • ….twice the price or 1/3 more when upgraded.

    This isn’t directed ‘at’ you, Larry. In general- I find it interesting how everyone loves and is so *in* with Kemper…..until they do something we don’t agree with. Suddenly they become evil, with no room.

    No big deal, brother. But I do understand everyone's angst about it.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • Updated to lvl 3

    Seems ok in the Mac RM, but on IOS it’s a total mess….

    - efx that should go with the upgrade don’t show up (while I can use 8 slots)

    - I can’t select banks > 10

    - cabs and amps that are in banks >10, don’t show up as options to select in banks < 10

  • There seems to be confusion on the Official Facebook page that all updates upgrades are going to be paid for in the future. If this isn't the case, Also there's a confusion as to what happens to the upgrade if one loses or breaks their Player and buys a new one. Would the upgrade transfer or not. etc etc

    I think it might be beneficial for Kemper to release a statement saying that this only pertains to the Player and not the rest of the line up. That might let out some air from this... IMO

  • There seems to be confusion on the Official Facebook page that all updates upgrades are going to be paid for in the future. If this isn't the case, Also there's a confusion as to what happens to the upgrade if one loses or breaks their Player and buys a new one. Would the upgrade transfer or not. etc etc

    I think it might be beneficial for Kemper to release a statement saying that this only pertains to the Player and not the rest of the line up. That might let out some air from this... IMO

    The Facebook crowd have always been a little slow to pick up on things in my experience, I don’t visit theses days but my past knee jerk response was to recommend this forum.

    New talent management advice to Laura Cox -

    “Laura want to break the internet? let’s shoot another video of you covering the Nightrain solo in the blue singlet, but this time we’ll crank up the air conditioning”.