Looking to return to Kemper

  • The Profiler Model referred to in this thread is ...
    ☑️ Profiler Head/Rack

    I have been away from Kemper for a few years…

    Originally had non powered into a CLR FRFR…

    In using modelers I have learned a fair amount and think maybe the Kemper didn’t get a fair shake…(and with used Kemper prices plummeting thought maybe I’d give it another go)


    Thinking of going powered toaster (or unpowered and a powerstage) in a 1x12 cab… thoughts …real cab vs frfr…

    Second liquid profiling…do old profiles convert? Or do I need to start over?

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    Thinking of going powered toaster (or unpowered and a powerstage) in a 1x12 cab… thoughts …real cab vs frfr…

    Second liquid profiling…do old profiles convert? Or do I need to start over?

    The Kabinet instantly convinced me.
    Before, I used various 'FRFR' wedges etc., 4x12 cabinets, both traditional and made for modelers, a custom 1x12 with a Cannabis Rex speaker, but none compare.

    You can elevate PROFILEs to Liquid Profiles if:
    a) the relevant Amp Model is implemented
    b) the exact settings of the amp during the original profiling process are known

  • Regarding liquid profiling, absolutely correct that if accuracy is your goal, then you need to know the amp settings used when the profile was created. However, the introduction of liquid profiling with its amp models has made possible some interesting new ways of changing the sound of a great profile so that it sounds equally great, but different. You can deliberately apply the “wrong” amp model to a profile and get interesting results. E.g., apply the amp model of a Vox AC30 to a profile of a JTM45.

  • If it was me, I would buy a powered rack.

    I have a Powered Head and absolutely love the additional flexibility of having a built in power amp. I rarely use it but on the occasions when I do need to power a cabinet (in my case usually the passive Kabinet) it is a life saver.

    I love the aesthetics of the Head and for home/studio use I would go head every time as it is just a total design classic. However, even with the gig bag, it isn’t as convenient for traveling and gigging.

    I also thought the extra set of dedicated Fx control knobs and extra LED lights round some of the knobs would be helpful but in reality I never use them so a rack has all the functionality I would need - but the head just LOOKS SO COOL (yes I am that shallow 🤣)

  • If you're playing gigs or participate in jams etc. the Stage & Power Kabinet combination is lightweight and super fast to set up ;)

    I kind of agree with this although I still prefer a rack and remote with only 1 cable going to front of stage. Just as fast to set up as a Stage but less cluttered.

  • IMO, the first question is/are ;

    Why did you leave and why do you want to come back ?

    I've read (very few but they exist) kemper users who have left cause there's was something in the sound they disliked. Some have tried Kemper three times :rolleyes:.... I can't understand that cause i really find Kemper sounds better than everything i've heard elsewhere (never tried TMP, toneX, Hotone or fractal).

    I've left L6 Helix and (FOR ME) it's/was night and day, Kemper's amps sound are much better (i tried Hx after the last cab sims update, and felt the same, i won't go back or buy a Helix even for a backup)

    All i want to mean is that it shocks me instantly and in your story you seem not to have noticed that or be disappointed to change (don't know what you've choosen instead).

    Grass always seems greener (especially at Kemper :D) on the other side...

    I don't want to make you surrender or go else where but even if there have been a lot of improvements during all the last years, the original sound is still there...

    As stated above, Kabinet can be a good compromise for your need though FRFR or Imprints ;)

  • Like Wheresthedug I would go powered rack just for flexibility. Having played a few festivals I can drive any cab. The worst case scenario is you never use it and its cost you a bit more. There is no other real trade off as the functionality is the same.

    With regards to monitor....my 10 year journey started with a guitar cab, which I found smoothed out all profiles so did not sound like the direct sound at all. I then went FRFR which was more "accurate" but that felt a little clinical...I moved to the kabinet and love it....but....I use it less and less as venues are so used to digital that they provide monitoring via foldback or I use IEM's.

    The problem is that each monitoring solution has its own characteristics and so you tend to "tune" to that...but in fact the focus needs to be on FOH, and to that end I have never had more compliments on my sound since having my KPA.

    Liquid profiles only provide more accurate tone control in relation to the original and no impact on the base sound. TBH the term is confusing because in reality, the profile is not "liquid", it is applying an amp specific tone stack to a profile - the profile itself is no different, hence the only point about old profiles is not knowing the starting settings. So old profiles will work but again slightly less accurately because you are not likely to know the tone settings when it was profiled.

    I also agree with Steve5478 which is profiling hasn;t really changed since its inception. So it may still not gell for you, but it sounds like you perhaps didn;t find the sounds you wanted. For this, I tend to take the opposite approach that you might on a modeller...find a sound, minimal tweaking but if still no good, move onto another profile. I personally try not to turn a sound I don;t like into a sound I do. I find a sound that is 90% there and tweak...

    Hope that helps.

  • I kind of agree with this although I still prefer a rack and remote with only 1 cable going to front of stage. Just as fast to set up as a Stage but less cluttered.

    That's definitely a benefit (I use the power head), but since I'm pretty reliant on my external compressor and Freaqout pedals I need power at the front of the stage anyway.

  • That's definitely a benefit (I use the power head), but since I'm pretty reliant on my external compressor and Freaqout pedals I need power at the front of the stage anyway.

    Ahh the FreqOut pedal! I use 2 of those set to different intervals, love ‘em. The temptation though is to overdo it and have every phrase end with feedback lol. I try to be restrained!

  • Why did you leave and why do you want to come back ?

    Been using Fractal Fm9 and Fm3… the profilers “used” are crazy low…and I have a lot of profiles already…And I have a better knowledge of modelers … and the Kemper may not have gotten a fair shake…

    Also if there are gigs and such where there is a back line cab… one less thing…

  • Mostly live

    I have the powered rackmount with a non-powered kab. Depending on how much you need the backline to project then that may be enough, or you can opt for 4 Kones and put them in a 4 x 12 cab. I think it's wasteful not to use the Kemper Imprints so I'm a little biased on cabs vs kabs for kemper. A standard cab will remove your options for tone.

    I consider Kemper to FOH and in-ears for monitoring as the best options for live. If you feel like the audience will think you are a lightweight then just throw an old empty Marshall stack behind you. They won't know the difference.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.