Lots of Questions please help.

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    Hi all

    Im really hoping this is the place to be for some help. Tried the Facebook group but its not yielding anything.
    FYI Im running a racked powered unit
    I’ll list the questions with numbers

    1. Is there something that can act as a junction in my rack unit that I can put into a rack panel that I can connect through the speaker cable to cab? IE run cable from head to junction then a second cable from junction to cab?

    2. Is there anywhere I can get a better understanding of the Flanger effect? I run my EVH pedal but want to match the effect I get from the pedal but in the kemper itself and I am failing epically on doing so. Also when using this effect I notice the sound becomes boxy and lowered. Is that normal or am I screwing that up somehow as well?

    3. What is the best way to connect an IEM system along with a feed to FOH? Is it have L and R mono and feed one to each?

    I may have more but this will do for now if thats ok? I really hope I can find some awesome people to help here 🙏🏻


  • For question #1, you can get punchout rack panels where you can install and wire up jackplates (think patchbay). You can do speaker level and line level (don't mix those up) and also ethercon and a whole slew of other stuff. Like this but you can choose whatever connectors suite your needs. https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/9359…u_empty_qg.html


  • Remquestion #2 Thomas Dill explains it well in one of his videos. I can’t remember exactly which one but it’s probably one of these two.

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  • 3. What is the best way to connect an IEM system along with a feed to FOH? Is it have L and R mono and feed one to each?

    Prob not the answer you want but I never really understand why people want a direct feed into IEM and rely on ambient sound for the rest of the band.

    I always take an IEM feed from the desk, so that I get a proper IEM mix. Yes you are reliant upon sound checking it properly, but it avoids the one ear in and one out I often see etc

    I know others will disagree, but that for me is the best solution.

  • Thanks so much for the help all.

    I think I was a bit vague on #3 sorry.

    I currently run the kemper main out L > XR18 > IEM. I was just wondering if I feed the main R direct to FOH (for shows that are too tight to bring my 4x12 stacks lol) would it impede anything in anyway if Ive set both setting to mono. 🙏🏻

    Ive spent years just stack>plug>play and rely on fallbacks but to hear yourself and the guitar through IE is so much better for me 🤘🏻

  • Thanks so much for the help all.

    I think I was a bit vague on #3 sorry.

    I currently run the kemper main out L > XR18 > IEM. I was just wondering if I feed the main R direct to FOH (for shows that are too tight to bring my 4x12 stacks lol) would it impede anything in anyway if Ive set both setting to mono. 🙏🏻

    Ive spent years just stack>plug>play and rely on fallbacks but to hear yourself and the guitar through IE is so much better for me 🤘🏻

    Yes you can go left main out to IEM and right main out to FOH.

    Take care that you setting up the main output as mono in the output manue.

  • Thanks so much for the help all.

    I think I was a bit vague on #3 sorry.

    I currently run the kemper main out L > XR18 > IEM. I was just wondering if I feed the main R direct to FOH (for shows that are too tight to bring my 4x12 stacks lol) would it impede anything in anyway if Ive set both setting to mono. 🙏🏻

    Ive spent years just stack>plug>play and rely on fallbacks but to hear yourself and the guitar through IE is so much better for me 🤘🏻

    In principle should work but again gotta reference a couple of points:

    1) You should always go through the PA. 4x12's will not fill a room and are amazingly directional so to get enough volume for people to hear you, you will rip the face of people right in front of you. Even with my old analogue set up, I would mic my amp all the time ( except at very rare occasions where the PA wouldn;t take it, always resulting in a crap sound for the band). In the same way I'd always mic kick and snare as a minimum for drums. This has nothing to do with venue size or volume, it is to do with balance.

    2) Why use the XR18? Just go FOH (which I do with main out L mono) and take your IEM feed from the desk? Why split it?

    Totally agree IEM's are the way forward as you can hear yourself and the band, resulting is a tighter band as well along with protecting your hearing.

  • 1

    I use the XR18 so that we have total control over our mix in ear. Different sound guys do different mixes and to be honest I feel its safer as all it takes is a bad sound guy to blast your ears to shreds. It literally happened before we got our own mixer 😂. Thanks though

  • Prob not the answer you want but I never really understand why people want a direct feed into IEM and rely on ambient sound for the rest of the band.

    I always take an IEM feed from the desk, so that I get a proper IEM mix. Yes you are reliant upon sound checking it properly, but it avoids the one ear in and one out I often see etc

    I know others will disagree, but that for me is the best solution.

    Not really disagreeing, but we all have different methods. I send stereo XLR out to FOH and then use the stereo jacks to our own monitoring system.


    Kemper Rack OS 10.2.2 - Mac Sonoma 14.5

  • Not really disagreeing, but we all have different methods. I send stereo XLR out to FOH and then use the stereo jacks to our own monitoring system.

    I think that achieves the same thing which is a band mix rather than I have seen many times just using IEM's direct from the KPA and I never understand how you then hear the rest of the band. Few people have their own monitoring system so I think its more typical to take an aux from the desk (I could be wrong).

  • I think that achieves the same thing which is a band mix rather than I have seen many times just using IEM's direct from the KPA and I never understand how you then hear the rest of the band. Few people have their own monitoring system so I think its more typical to take an aux from the desk (I could be wrong).

    When I first got my in ears and the rest of the band didn't want to, this is exactly what I did. Admittedly it's less than ideal, but using a cheap pair of Sure 215s at the time game me essentially a pair of ear plugs and a level on my guitar. It's a good way to bring volume down and hear yourself in a rock or metal band playing loudly. You simply plug a Kemper output into the in ears.

    I agree with you that it is way better to get a full band mix though.


    Kemper Rack OS 10.2.2 - Mac Sonoma 14.5

  • When I first got my in ears and the rest of the band didn't want to, this is exactly what I did. Admittedly it's less than ideal, but using a cheap pair of Sure 215s at the time game me essentially a pair of ear plugs and a level on my guitar. It's a good way to bring volume down and hear yourself in a rock or metal band playing loudly. You simply plug a Kemper output into the in ears.

    I agree with you that it is way better to get a full band mix though.

    I think if you don't have a band mix and rely on "bleed" to hear the rest of the band, what tends to happen is people take out 1 ear piece...which is very damaging, worse than both out apparently. Seen it quite a few times and for me defeats the point of IEMS.

  • I think if you don't have a band mix and rely on "bleed" to hear the rest of the band, what tends to happen is people take out 1 ear piece...which is very damaging, worse than both out apparently. Seen it quite a few times and for me defeats the point of IEMS.

    That is a dangerous practice and I agree. However, with the yellow foam ear piece on my old Shures, it was like wearing ear plugs and I never removed them. I guess it depends on how loud your drummer is!


    Kemper Rack OS 10.2.2 - Mac Sonoma 14.5