Stereo Setup with powered head and unpowered AND powered kabinet

  • The Profiler Model referred to in this thread is ...
    ☑️ Profiler Head/Rack

    Hi there,

    like my title says: Is it possible to have a stereo setup with a powered head and one unpowered and one powered kabinet?

    I read the some articles about a stereo modification of an powered head which is only available in the US which isn‘t very cheap.

    I have a powered head and a unpowered kabinet and I ask me now if it‘s not possible to buy now a powered kabinet (a second kabinet is needed anyway) which I combine with the unpowered kabinet and build a stereo setup.

    In theory it should be possible, but before I buy a powered kabinet I want to be sure…

  • That`s great! So I wonder why somebody pays 500 or so bucks to have a stereo setup with two nonpowered Kabinets and a powered head, except they have already two nonpowered kabniets…

    Kemper rules !

    A powered head requires one unpowered kabinet ( for mono), and a second powered cabinet to go stereo. Using 2 unpowered kabinets would require a separate class D amp for stereo which you would hook up on the main outs.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • A powered head requires one unpowered kabinet ( for mono), and a second powered cabinet to go stereo. Using 2 unpowered kabinets would require a separate class D amp for stereo which you would hook up on the main outs.

    This is not correct. A cabinet containing a Kemper Kone must be connected to the Monitor Output or Direct Output for stereo applications. please see Burkhards post above.

  • This is not correct. A cabinet containing a Kemper Kone must be connected to the Monitor Output or Direct Output for stereo applications. please see Burkhards post above.

    So, you can't use two unpowered Kabinets on the main outs with a separate amp with the Powered Head? Of course you can, you just can't apply the imprints. My point was there is another option if using two "unpowered" kabinets on a Powered Head. OP was talking about what is "possible" not what was "preferred".

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • You have to remember though, that when using the Kab, it is not a fully flat response, so using it on the main outputs will color the sound differently than using studio monitors. To achieve flat response with the Kone/Kabs you need to use the imprint 'Full-Range Mode" and monitor outputs and of course, leave the profile's built-in cab on.

  • You have to remember though, that when using the Kab, it is not a fully flat response, so using it on the main outputs will color the sound differently than using studio monitors. To achieve flat response with the Kone/Kabs you need to use the imprint 'Full-Range Mode" and monitor outputs and of course, leave the profile's built-in cab on.

    The coloring may not be a bad thing since tone is highly subjective. Your ears will know if it's good for you or not. And you always have EQ for options.

    One main thing I learned from these forums about music is there are no rules -- only common practices. :)

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • Nous déconseillons d'utiliser les SORTIES PRINCIPALES pour les applications KEMPER Kone.

    Mais même si vous possédez un modèle PowerHead ou Power Rack, vous disposez des mêmes sorties de niveau ligne que les modèles Head et Rack.

    Ainsi, au lieu d'utiliser SPEAKER OUT, vous pouvez utiliser MONITOR OUT et DIRECT OUT avec "Monitor Stereo" activé et connecter deux KEMPER Kabinets non alimentés.

    Bonjour qu'appelez vous les sorties principales car sur la photo du manuel ci-dessus c'est pour moi les sorties principales..

    mais Désolé Je suis perdu ! vous mettez des schémas dans le manuel et après vous déconseillé de les suivres sur le forum ???

    Moi j'ai kemper amplifié et un cab actif kemper et un passif orange du coup est ce que je peux me connecter comme le Shema du manuel ? Et avec quel réglage ? Stéréo? et mono? Et si j'achète un cab passif kemper ?

    Merci d'avance pour votre aide et votre professionnalisme cordialement

  • Quote

    Bonjour qu'appelez vous les sorties principales car sur la photo du manuel ci-dessus c'est pour moi les sorties principales.

    No, you can clearly see on the picture the use of the SPEAKER OUT with a speaker cable and the DIRECT Out with an instrumental cable to a powered kabinet.

    Now, what confuses me is what Burkhard wrote:


    So instead of using the SPEAKER OUT, you can use the MONITOR OUT and DIRECT OUT with "Monitor Stereo" activated, and attach two unpowered KEMPER Kabinets

    That means, that is possible for me with a powered „toaster“ and a nonpowered kabinet to buy another unpowered kabinet and drive them thru MONITOR OUT and DIRECT OUT stereo? Than I certainly don‘t understand why there are modifications on the market to have two SPEAKER OUTS to achieve a stereo setup.

  • No, you can clearly see on the picture the use of the SPEAKER OUT with a speaker cable and the DIRECT Out with an instrumental cable to a powered kabinet.

    Now, what confuses me is what Burkhard wrote:

    That means, that is possible for me with a powered „toaster“ and a nonpowered kabinet to buy another unpowered kabinet and drive them thru MONITOR OUT and DIRECT OUT stereo? Than I certainly don‘t understand why there are modifications on the market to have two SPEAKER OUTS to achieve a stereo setup.

    The British Audio mod dates back to way before the Kabinet was launched. It was typically used to power two guitar speakers or unpowered PA speakers/monitors.

  • vous pouvez exécuter une configuration stéréo avec un Powered Profiler, un Kabinet passif et un PowerKabinet en connectant le PowerKabinet à la sortie directe et en activant l'option stéréo du moniteur dans le menu de sortie.

    Bonjour pourriez-vous faire un schéma pour avoir la stéréo dans les différentes configurations ?

    Ça devient trop compliqué, tout le monde est plein de bonne intention mais au final tout et son contraire son dit...

    Vous devriez prendre une position officielle! pour clôturer le débat ! Et surtout pour éviter a vos clients d'endommager leur kemper...

    Kemper alimenté

    => PowerCab + powercab

    => PowerCab + cab

    => cab + cab


    Kemper non alimenté


    =>powercab + cab

    => Cab + cab

    Merci d'avance pour votre Shema officiel et votre professionnalisme !

    Edited once, last by Rolnight (April 14, 2024 at 10:26 PM).