Profiler Player - Which power supply for a pedal board

  • Hello everyone.

    Does anyone have a recommendation for a pedal board power supply that powers the Profiler Player?

    The only one i found so far, is the Cioks DC-7. A little bit expensive...

    Has anyone found alternatives yet? Throw them in here please :)

    P.S.: Guten Rutsch // Have a happy New Year!

  • According to what I’ve seen, the power supply included with the KPP is rated 9-12v 1.5 amps. A CIOKS supply like the DC7 using a dual cable may work. as cwkemp said. Each CIOKS outlet is rated 660 mA, so 2 will deliver 1,320 mA. Given that the included power supply is likely conservatively specified, this sounds like it could work.

    I’ve taken a conservative approach and ordered CIOKS’ CRUX adapter, which connects to the extension port on the unit and provides 2000 mA at 12v or 2700 mA at 9v. That will easily power the KPP, preserving the rest of the ports on the supply for other gear.

    The DC7 is an absolutely first class piece of gear, which I’ve used for several years to power everything from guitar pedals to an Access Virus TI2 Desktop synth and Squarp Hapax sequencer. Can’t recommend highly enough. Yes, it’s expensive, but well worth it.

    Edited 4 times, last by KeysAndGuitars (December 30, 2023 at 8:23 PM).

  • The power requirement is 9v-12v and probably around 100 to 300mA. I wish Kemper would post the correct mA. I couldn't find it anywhere. Any basic power supply should be enough depending on your other pedals. I would not daisy chain into though.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • I'm pretty sure the Player ships with a power supply and requires 1.5 amps. I can't point to the videos that I reviewed but there're out there. Main thing is it ships with the correct power supply (see user manual)

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    Burkhard can you verify this?

    "Faith don't need no second opinion"

    Edited once, last by Edward Dixon (December 31, 2023 at 1:57 AM).

  • It does ship with its own power supply but others may want to use their own that's already on the pedalboard and not have to worry about using a second AC outlet and cord.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • The power requirement is 9v-12v and probably around 100 to 300mA. I wish Kemper would post the correct mA. I couldn't find it anywhere. Any basic power supply should be enough depending on your other pedals. I would not daisy chain into though.

    CK stated it needs at least 2A to operate in a stable way

    If something is too complicated, then you need to learn it better

  • The power requirement is 9v-12v and probably around 100 to 300mA. I wish Kemper would post the correct mA. I couldn't find it anywhere. Any basic power supply should be enough depending on your other pedals. I would not daisy chain into though.

    this thing does not even stay powered on by 12v 1000 ma . turned on then power cycle

  • This whole discussion confirms for me that a CIOKS DC7 with the CRUX is the right solution. I’m not sure 2 CIOKS ports will reliably power the KPP.

    The CRUX supplies 2000mA at 12v and 2700mA at 9v. It’s specifically designed for high-current pedals like the Quad Cortex and the Line6 HX series. The KPP clearly falls into the same category of power consumption.

  • This whole discussion confirms for me that a CIOKS DC7 with the CRUX is the right solution. I’m not sure 2 CIOKS ports will reliably power the KPP.

    The CRUX supplies 2000mA at 12v and 2700mA at 9v. It’s specifically designed for high-current pedals like the Quad Cortex and the Line6 HX series. The KPP clearly falls into the same category of power consumption.

    ^ This is working perfect for me 😎CIOKS DC7 with the CRUX

  • BayouTexan company owner Cristoph Kemper says the Player will not be stable with less than 2000mA. The manual lists the following:

    Voltage: 9-12 DC, 24 W, + outside / - inside

    Some in this thread have reported success with just under 1500mA. It might work, but then again, it might not.

    In my own setup I’ve ordered an accessory for an existing power supply that will produce the requisite 2000mA at 12v (CIOKS DC7 supply with CRUX extender, as shown by jjborsa above).

    Why take risks and waste your time with problems? If you’re not going to use the included power supply, I suggest configuring a replacement that delivers 2000mA or greater at 12v.

  • Perhaps many KPP users would like to hear a clear answer on this topic from Kemper's engineers.

    They say KPP was developed to be pedalboard friendly, but I don't understand why they made it necessary to use a separate adapter.

  • Perhaps many KPP users would like to hear a clear answer on this topic from Kemper's engineers.

    They say KPP was developed to be pedalboard friendly, but I don't understand why they made it necessary to use a separate adapter.

    It seems pretty clear that using built in power via IEC connection would have required a transformer inside the uint and a larger connector on the back. Both of these would have caused the Pedal to be larger and would have affected its portability and pedal board friendly design.

    Personally, I hate wall wort adapters and would much rather have main power but I understand this would have resulted in a fundamentally different uint so I can live with the trade off.

  • the same power supply I had on my pedalboard ever since Line6 Hxstomp came out is the same I'm using today with my Kemper Player today . TBH the Kemper Player is a great built . if we need to do what we are asking it sure needs power for all that .