Noise Issue Please Help!

  • Tracking down noises like this can be (and usually is) infuriating. I feel your pain. I chased an unwanted noise in my rig for well over a year before figuring it out. Mine was MIDI related, so the solution won't help here.

    Sounds a like 60 cycle hum to me. Any fluorescent lights on nearby? Anything other than the Profiler plugged into that circuit? Not just that wall plug - but any other plug on that breaker?

    Dirty sounds are inherently noisy to start with. Does the sound change when the guitar volume is off? How about volume up, but fingers touching the strings? When you move the guitar around (facing towards/away from the amp/speakers etc.

    Any change?

    Does the same hum exist when using a totally clean sound? As in - gain on the profiler at zero, no effects of any kind? You may have to turn things up to hear that.

    I know you said you changed all the cables. Did you change them all at once, or one at a time while testing?

    If possible, take your gear to a different location. Not a different room, preferably not even in the same building.

    "Without music, life would be a mistake.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche

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  • jvmes13

    This sounds like interference from a computer or monitor.

    Is the noise present when you do not connect a cable to the Input of the Profiler? Does the noise change when the guitar is connected to the Profiler, and you move the guitar (in front of the monitor or computer)?

    Open a support ticket here: SUPPORT

  • I'd agree it sounds like RFI. What country are you in? Is your Kemper power aligned with your country (i.e., you're not using an adapter to make a US kemper plug into European outlets or vice versa)?

    In addition to the great advice others have stated, that sound would have me (1) checking the Kemper input and output jacks to make sure they are tight, and I might clean them (w/ Deoxit); (2) as mentioned, look everywhere for fluorescent lights, wifi enable bulbs, smart speakers (eg., Alexa), routers, etc. in the room with the Kemper; and (3) see if you can determine what is on the circuit you are plugging into (is there a refrigerator, heater, other appliance?).

    Also, make sure you are not laying your cell phone on top of the rack.

    Did I understand you do not get this noise with low gain (clean) rigs? It may be harder to hear, but if its RFI you should hear something (you may have to turn up the volume on a clean rig to hear it).

  • jvmes13

    This sounds like interference from a computer or monitor.

    Is the noise present when you do not connect a cable to the Input of the Profiler? Does the noise change when the guitar is connected to the Profiler, and you move the guitar (in front of the monitor or computer)?

    That's a good point, didn't really think about the monitors.. does that only happen with certain types of them? I can't imagine this happens in the average pro studio.

    I don't hear the noise when there is no cable connected to the input of the profiler.

    It doesn't seem to change at all whether I face the guitar towards to the computer/monitor or I turn around from them, or if I move further away.

    The noise is there with any of the 6 guitars I have, 4 are high quality guitars, 2 are cheap guitars, and the issue is the same on all of them. Bass too.

  • I'd agree it sounds like RFI. What country are you in? Is your Kemper power aligned with your country (i.e., you're not using an adapter to make a US kemper plug into European outlets or vice versa)?

    In addition to the great advice others have stated, that sound would have me (1) checking the Kemper input and output jacks to make sure they are tight, and I might clean them (w/ Deoxit); (2) as mentioned, look everywhere for fluorescent lights, wifi enable bulbs, smart speakers (eg., Alexa), routers, etc. in the room with the Kemper; and (3) see if you can determine what is on the circuit you are plugging into (is there a refrigerator, heater, other appliance?).

    Also, make sure you are not laying your cell phone on top of the rack.

    Did I understand you do not get this noise with low gain (clean) rigs? It may be harder to hear, but if its RFI you should hear something (you may have to turn up the volume on a clean rig to hear it).

    I'm in the US, no adapters being used. it's plugged into a furman power conditioner too. The jacks are all tight on the Kemper.

    I have no lights plugged in at all in the room where my set up is. No ceiling fan either. Cell phone is in the other room, no change.

    I didn't think it was happening on low gain or clean rigs, but I tested it again and turned the volume up and I can hear the same noise but quieter. So it is happening on any type of profile.

  • I have had the same noise problems in all profiles and they appeared since version 10 of the software.

    I have had noises in all the guitars all week and as soon as I went to previous versions of the software, the noise disappeared.

    It's something they should fix in the latest version.

  • - Update here -

    I've been slowly working on this issue for the last few months and it's still unresolved. However, I'm 99% sure the issue is not with my Kemper or my guitars.

    I took my amp out of storage and tried playing each one of my guitars through it.. NO NOISE ISSUE AT ALL. It's in the same room as my studio set up.

    I also recently purchased a few Neural DSP plug ins and the issue DOES happen while using them as well.

    Other things I have tried/tested are:

    1. I shut off the power to every room/device except the room my studio is in, and with my computer and monitors powered off I played through just my Kemper and the issue is the same as when all of those things are powered on.

    2. I replaced my instrument cables with Mogami cables, replaced my Furman power conditioner, and tried isolating each monitor by plugging them directly in to the wall outlet using a Morely Hum Exterminator to make sure there was no ground issue with the monitors. No change in the noise issue.

    Just to give as much info as possible..

    I have my 2 Yamaha HS8s, my Kemper, and my Scarlett 18i20 interface all plugged in to the Furman Power Conditioner. Then I have my M2 Mac mini and 2 external monitors plugged in to another Furman Power conditioner. Both Furman's are plugged in the same 2 port wall outlet.

    At this point I feel confident saying the issue is not from the guitar picking up noise and hearing it through the monitors while playing, if that was the case I would have the same issue when playing through my standalone amp, and there is no noise at all when doing that. Also, the fact that this issue happens when using the Neural DSP plug ins too. I would happily call an electrician to come look at this but at this point it doesn't seem like that would resolve anything, unless I'm missing something.

    So the issue must lie somewhere my recording/computer set up, and this is where I am currently stuck. I have tried using the ground lift switches on the back of the Kemper as well and nothing changes.

    I asked a rep from Sweetwater about this issue when I inquired about the Morley Hum X and he told me I should plug the Hum X into the wall outlet and then my power conditioner (that has all of my gear connected to it) into the Hum X. However, when I got the Hum X in the mail, it says right on the box "Do not use on surge protectors, power conditioners, or multi power supplies"

    I saw some videos on Youtube about the Ifi Defender+ and the USB version that you plug your audio interface in to before your computer, but some of the reviews have given me pause about trying that as some have said they have destroyed their equipment.

    I'm feeling hopeless at this point lol.

  • The noise 100% sounds like PC noise. My gaming PC has a full glass side and this is all I hear with any gain at all.

    As others have said, you need to strip down to the Kemper and the speakers only. Everything else turned off.

    Electrical devices are radio transmitters. The only way to stop it is to encase the device in a metal box (Faraday cage). That is why computers are usually a full metal box. My PC has a glass side so it does not stop ANY of the Radio Frequency noise coming out of it. That is also why a guitars pickup cavity is sometimes taped off with copper/metal tape to create a faraday cage around the pickups and wires.

    If you still have noise issues with only the Kemper and speakers turned on, you need to turn off the noise gate and walk around the room with the guitar. RF energy is a distance squared function so you should hear the noise volume rise and fall as you move towards and away from the actual noise source in the area.

    The noise could simply be coming from the powered speakers themselves. Especially if you have done things to remove the ground from them by using hum eliminators, etc.

    You may also want to turn off any lights in the area especially if you have dimmers involved. LED lights and Dimmers chop up the low frequency power and turn it into RF energy that can be transmitted to your guitar (antenna).

    Apple is usually good about noise. That mini may have a plastic case that is not stopping the noise coming out of it. Or it may have an external power supply that is noisy especially if its ground is being removed by hum eliminators.


    1) Everything is capable of putting out noise. Most likely a computer of some kind. PC, mouse, keyboard, other computing device (Alexa, phone, etc).

    2) Walk around with no noise gate to locate the actual noise source.

  • As others have said, you need to strip down to the Kemper and the speakers only. Everything else turned off.

    Totally agree. Just to expand a little on what RosboneMako described-

    Plug your HS8 monitors directly to the Kemper outputs. Turn off everything else - computer, monitor, interface, etc. Just test it with your guitar into the Kemper with the Kemper out to the HS8's directly connected. If the noise is gone you at least know it's related to the computer/interface. You might also try the same with just headphones, bypassing even the HS8's.

    Also, you mentioned no noise with just the guitar amp. Have you tried the Kemper into the guitar amp with nothing else on? That might also help you isolate the noise.

  • I turned off the computer/monitors, turned off every single light, shut off the power to every room expect the one the studio is in, no cell phone in the room and played the Kemper (through the interface into the studio monitors), the noise is still there.

    The Mac mini has a metal case on it, but I don't even have it powered on when testing this.

    When I move the guitar around the room I'm in, change directions etc, the noise doesn't change.

    The only thing I didn't do is remove the interface from the equation by plugging the studio monitors directly into the Kemper as suggested, I can try that next.

    Like I said, I don't think the issue is the Kemper anymore, when I plug the guitar directly into the interface and use the Neural DSP plug in the noise is the same. And when using my standalone amp (even with the power back on and everything turned on) there is no noise at all.

    The only thing I can think of is that the combination of all the gear being used is creating the noise somewhere, maybe a ground loop.

    I guess I would need to get multiple Hum X's to plug each piece of gear into and see what happens then?

  • I'm dealing with a noise issue myself, so I did some research:

    Hum And Cables RFI issues

    One cause of hum is audio cables picking up magnetic and electrostatic hum fields radiated by power wiring in the walls of a room.

    Magnetic hum fields can couple by magnetic induction to audio cables, and Electrostatic hum fields can couple capacitively to audio cables.

    Magnetic hum fields are directional and electrostatic hum fields are not.

    Maybe this link will be helpful, the article covers a lot of ground:

    Eliminating Troublesome Hum & Buzz Created By Electric Guitars - ProSoundWeb
    A wide range of solutions to this annoying, frequent problem that happens in the studio and on the stage. Plus, a discussion of power issues, including a…

    Best of luck.

  • you mentioned you live in a complex.

    Did you take you rig to another location and test it.

    If the noise is gone, the electric powering you complex is dirty somewhere on the line.

    Could be another building which is on the same grid.

    Worked a club and they had dirty power nothing could be done about it.