Any concensus on moving a profile's eq from post amp to pre amp?

  • Both are good but I find the pre eq has more of an effect as the amp section also acts on it, the post is more subtle and I use both

    A brace of Suhrs, a Charvel, a toaster, an Apollo twin, a Mac, and a DXR10

  • pre and post amp EQs has it's applications.
    pre yields less in terms of pure equalisization since the signal is then distorted (added overtones) which is also an extreme form of compression (limiting really) - it could be said it changes the character of the distortion.

    post amp EQ has the greater equalisation effect since a dB added here, stays a dB and isn't squashed by distortion.
    generally speaking, pre amp is a more vintage way of doing things, whereas post amp is the more modern sounding way.

  • Both do different things as well written by Don. Post amp will yield more dramatic and predictable results like "studio" EQ or onboard gear. Pre is basically changing your guitar's EQ like using an EQ pedal before the gain stage. Boosted frequency's will push the amp gain harder and thus compress them more where Post EQ doesn't change amp gain, just sculpt what is there.

  • With liquid profiles, I believe the recommended positioning depends on the location of the tonestack in a given amp and/or whether the pre or power amp provide the majority of the distortion.

    I've yet to try Liquid, but what I've been doing so far (with "regular" profiles) is using the generic EQ post amp for broad strokes, using a studio EQ in a stomp slot for targeted distortion shaping, and then doing much more detailed EQ in the DAW to finish it all off (another studio EQ, or 2, post amp would also serve).

    Liquid profiling will probably change the amount of EQ correction needed (as you can authentically set the amp controls to your liking - so you should be able to do far more with the amp EQ alone without it sounding unnatural) - but I think there will still be a benefit to an additional EQ before the amp to further shape the distortion, and more detailed EQ (after everything else is done) to cut mud/boost sweet spots etc. will always be useful for polishing up any sound.

  • follow up question- can the Kemper's morphing capability apply to EQ pre/post position switching- say have a profile load with eq in front of the amp, then tap a controller switch to move it to after the amp?

    Morph can only affect continous parameters.

    You can however save two rigs with your described pre/post settings and simply switch between these.

  • I really like it at pre as it gets the woofiness out. But Im realizing now that clean side of things I like I like it post. It seems to be a difference if its in your DAW or if your real cabing it too. Seems liqued profiling tone stacks take this option away anyway.