Does anyone else experience this effect? Not being negative about it, just wondering if it's just me?
Posts by BigFishCombo
I think you have the answer but just to check - there are 2 ways to remove the cab:
1) Cab monitor button - This only disables the cab on the speaker and main output. Monitor is unaffected.
2) Cab button ( on the from of the KPA) - this affects every output ( I believe).
So, when using a Cab on stage, you use the Cab monitor check box and take your direct out from the monitor out. Using the Cab monitor button will then not impact the FOH signal.
Right, am doing the 1st option, but definitely hear a difference in the monitor out tone when adding option 2. Not huge, but real. If you try this do you hear it too?
Yes, the monitor cab definitely sounds different. It's not a huge difference, but certainly noticeable, and I almost always prefer the Cab button clicked off as it's generally somewhat clearer and less dark. Do you not find a noticeable difference doing this?
I only use the Power Rack as my stage amp so it would not currently be an issue, but at some point I will and wanted to be clear on this.
Am using a standard guitar cab powered by a Kemper Power Rack, I have cabs turned off in the monitor out. If a profile has the Cabs switch lit, I hear a preferred difference when also turning it off by pushing the Cabs switch. Does doing this also then disable Cabs from the main output too?
What would be a good setting of the Air Chorus crossover control to provide good response for both single cab and stereo usage, without having to re tweak this parameter depending on the case?
The Monitor Output EQ settings are Global.
If you have Kone mode enabled, you can specify a Global Kone setting, and also have different rig-specific Kone settings.
So if I create eq settings for several different guitar cabs (one with a 1265, one with a greenback, etc), where are they saved so I can select them to be applied?
would not those same fixed memory positions from Kemper A overwrite whatever is in the same positions in Kemper B, since this is not a standard import/export, but instead a total backup overwrite?
If I backup my Kemper and another owner does the same, and we send the backups to each other and install them, have we now essentially swapped Kempers, including performances?
no it was a defective display, fixed under warranty.
Looking for feedback on which non Kemper 12" guitar speakers have worked best for anyone in an onstage 1x12 cab scenario? I know about the newer modeller friendly Celestions, am wondering how well any manufacturer's regular guitar speakers have performed for anyone doing this?
Guys, thanks for the input! I am not feeding a pa system. My current use is live stage rig in stereo via a Power Rack into two 1x12 open guitar cabs (one is a greenback clone), and the powered cab is a Tech 21 Power engine (60 watt celestion 70/80).
This setup is so much easier to deal with in terms of transport/setup/tear down (my primary motivation) than my tube amp/analog pedal board/post power amp time based fx.
The K is incredibly versatile as you know, but so far not as rich sounding as the analog rig into the same cabinets (in my limited tweaking experience). It's sort of like comparing whole milk to 2%. So I have been wondering if the Kone would be an improvement. I don't really care about a very high degree of authenticity in various signature amp voices, ballpark is fine, but do want the same degree of rich fatness that the traditional analog system yields.
Howard I will try engaging the Kone function as you mentioned.
The difference between open or closed back with the Kone was the same as you could expect from a regular guitar speaker, at least to me. I did try my cabinet next to a passive Kabinet, switching back and forth between them and preferred my cabinet, whether it was open or closed back. As for holding their own, its personal preference as far as the sound goes, but if you need volume they will deliver.
I really wanted to like the Kone and used them for nine months or so, but to be honest I didn't care for them and went in another direction. My experience with them isn't typical when compared to the majority of Kone users, so take that into account when considering the worth of my opinion about them.
Did you stay with real guitar cabs? If so, with one of the newer Celestion models built for digital amps?
Never mind, I figured it out. Apologies.