MIDI assignment editing in Rig Manager

  • Would it be possible to add program change midi assigments for profiles in rig manager ?

    Currently the only way to assign a midi PC to a profile (to call it up from an external midi device) is to efdit this in setting on the device itself. It would be handy to be able to do this from Rig Manager - both editing the midi assignment on the Kemper - and /or profiles in Rig Manager not on the Kemper - so that they have an assigment already when copied to the Kemper.

    Sure there'd be conflicts of copying profiles with a PC thats already in use - but a protocol for which one prevails could be worked out.

    [edited for fatfinger typos]

    Edited once, last by ajbsmirnoff: Spelling ! (July 24, 2023 at 10:25 PM).

  • +1

    Please had MIDI parameters/options to be programmed via the Rig Manager app. (Assign Midi PC# and CC#, global midi channel. )
    I would be a useful addition to the editor in order to build performance for the user using a midi controller with the Kemper Profiler.

  • +1

    Please had MIDI parameters/options to be programmed via the Rig Manager app. (Assign Midi PC# and CC#, global midi channel. )
    I would be a useful addition to the editor in order to build performance for the user using a midi controller with the Kemper Profiler.

    If you use a MIDI controller with a PROFILER as receiving device and you are building Performances, there are no configurable program changes nor control changes!?

    I'm wondering what you need Rig Manager for, practically. Each Performance and Slot has its fixed MIDI address (bank select MSB plus program change) and each effect module and parameter has its fixed control change or NRPN number.


    Performance 36 Slot 4 is MIDI Bank Select MSB 2 and program change 51 - fixed.

    Effect Module B is Control Change #18 - fixed.

    The programming takes place at the MIDI controller side, which might offer its own app for this purpose.

    The only item you need to set at the PROFILER side is the receiving MIDI channel and that is one global setting. Selecting this channel once at the PROFILER hardware is a matter of a few seconds.

  • Generally, I don't think, that storing MIDI addresses in Rigs is a good approach.

    1. It collides with Performance Mode, which is designed for live performances and offers a fixed MIDI address structure. Instead of assigning MIDI addresses you put Rigs into Slots with fixed MIDI addresses. And that is what Rig Manager is here for.

    2. There are only 128 program change numbers, which are quickly exhausted in Browser Mode (up to 1000 Rigs) and Performance Mode (625 Rigs). So you have duplicate assignments all over the place. Think about the more than 20000 Rigs in Rig Exchange. What is the value add of on average 156 Rigs per unique program change number?

    From my perspective Rigs should be reserved as universal sound data and not include organizational user preferences which could interfere with other users' set ups and preferences.

  • I use my pc to edit my Kemper rack, and a Helix as a midi controller.

    To add a midi PC assignment to a profile, I have to switch the kemper on, find and load the profile, then scroll through the midi PC assignments till an empty one appears, assign it, make a note of it, go back to my pc and HX edit and assign that midi PC to a footswitch. Sure it doesn't take long.

    But if I could do it all with Rig manager, it would be way quicker and convenient.

    I don't use performance mode at all -and dismissing a suggestion based on 'I can't personally see a use for it' isn't cool.

    I can twiddle all of the EQ knobs and FX setting on the Kemper too - why bother having the ability to change them in a profile on RM ?

    Why bother having the ability to edit profiles in RM with the Kemper switched off. But not the midi PC assignment.

  • I guess, different subjects are mixed up here:

    1. My first comment was in response to @bluesman666 who supported your request in explicit context of "building performances" and "using a midi controller". Can you explain why editing program changes in Rig Manager is meaningful in that context? On the receiving end it's not needed and on the sending end .... wouldn't the midi controller be the logical device to send MIDI comands to the various receiving devices instead of building a kind of logical MIDI daisy chain? I try to understand this business case.

    2. drbill is commenting regarding the PROFILER as device that sends MIDI. I do understand that business case.

    3. You ( ajbsmirnoff) use the PROFILER as receiving device, but in Browser Mode. I do understand why assigning PC numbers in Browser Mode is a bit cumbersome. But that is a bit of legacy and evolved before Performance Mode has been introduced. Enabling this in Rig Manager rationalizes the process only partly. Performance Mode doesn't need assignments on the receiving end, since its addresses are fixed. Why can't you use Rig Manager to put Rig A into for example "box 34" (Performance 7 Slot 4) and then set PC#34 in your Helix accordingly. And Performance Mode isn't limited to loading 128 Rigs max since it adds MIDI bank select. And in Performance Mode you have Slots, which allows to maintain and store MIDI send data independent from Rigs. I try to understand, why we should enhance Browser Mode towards capabilities, that Performance Mode already offers.