Liquid Profiles

  • Yes. It's been discussed to death. Let's not waste anymore time on it.

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  • Okay. I just read the Fractal forum and can see, that their CEO, himself, posted that the Liquid Profiling is infringing on his patent. If that ends up being true, might it not be a problem? I guess they will just settle.

    I’m actually not worried about this so-called infringement. I believe that Kemper has made some adjustments and that it technically isn’t the same. Kemper is known for all but stealing others ideas, so it might be its totally own thing in the end.

    In general I do find the whole world of digitalized amps quite difficult to see through. I mean….how many have stolen from each other by now and how many has loaned tech from someone else and put in a slight tweak and then call it “theirs”?

    We now see stuff that uses Kempers profiling method. Where’s that patent here? And what is in general new regarding modeling? That has been there since the middle/late 90’s through Boss for instance. The whole idea that “true eq” and “true gain staging” is a new thing, isn’t right. That has been the focus in modeling forever. With results that varies and has become better with time of course. The tech has of course also evolved. But to model the eq and gain stage to deliver a “true” feeling, is not new. So what is it, that Fractal implies is stealing? The fact that the Liquid profiling is put “on top” of a profile? The way it works? How does Fractal know, how it has been designed?

    I’m really not that worried.

  • Taking Cliff's statements about his patent at face value is unwise. I guess if Apple can "patent" a rectangle with rounded corners you can patent anything in the US. Actually enforcing that patent can be problematic as it is easy to demonstrate prior art.

  • They already do it with defamation, shaming others and with an arrogance that is second to none. I experienced it myself in that forum. But maybe it's just me, maybe I just don't understand how primitive all other manufacturers and their users are.

    All I want to add here is that I never heard CK speak in an disrespectful way of other CEOs or manufacturers. CK said there is a patent on liquid profiling. This means that Kemper was the first in whatever that code is. It is not possible that patents are registered twice. That person over there is full of... interesting ideas.

    Better have it and not need it, than need it and not have it! - Michael Angelo Batio

  • Oh and just one more thing that has nothing to do with liquid profiling (sorry for this, only this last addition here): The moderators of this forum are very just and liberal in comparison. Kudos. Many threads in that other forum are just shut down, comments are deleted etc. if the CEO or moderators sense resistance, love for other manufacturers or a whiff of something off topic.

    And now I just want to thank these guys here for this forum and the constant work. And I just can't wait for liquid profiling. I feel like I don't need anything more. And, yes, I maybe have been one of the loudest to wish for a Kemper 2, in the past.

    (Btw: when will K2 be released :)?)

    Better have it and not need it, than need it and not have it! - Michael Angelo Batio

  • Is it a real thing? Has the team behind Fractal said this publicly? And can Fractal own rights to modeling? It has been there from before, they did their first product. Line6, Boss and so on all did modeling way before Fractal. But I guess it’s a specific code or something, which differs from all other modeling codes like profiling apparently differs from modeling. But plenty seem to use the profiling procedure in their products as well. So it might be a difficult thing to claim apparently.

    He said this on a public forum post. I doubt anything will actually come of this. He makes dumb statements like this pretty frequently.