Rig Manager

  • Ok, so it's been quite a while since I loaded RM,I had the sounds I liked, everything was working, so why mess with it eh.

    I've since bought a new profile pack and wanted to create a new, performance, so loaded RM, did all the Kemper and RM updates...problem is I've forgotten everything I ever learnt about RM and can't get my head around making the performances!!

    I've checked out a few Tube vids but they aren't helping...the rigs are .Krig, if that helps

    I've moved the profiles over to my local library, but when I copy profile to drop it into one of the Performance slots, the isn't a paste option?...any help would be greatly appreciated.


    Edited once, last by Craig F (March 4, 2023 at 2:08 PM).

  • I find the Paste command is sometimes disabled. It seems to depend on how you do the Copy. It took me a few goes to copy a rig to a new Performance for an experiment. I had locked everything except the amp and cab, I wanted to preserve the stomps etc. A bit odd

    Kemper Powered Head / Stage / Powered Kabinet

  • The paste command can be delayed depending on the action you take. I use one instance of RM. I can't have two on my Windows machine. I set the toaster to performance mode. I can then copy a rig out of the browser section and past it into a profile performance and continue on with what I am doing. I can also copy a performance out of my local folder and paste it into the profiler performance. If I were to activate the performance that I intend to past into, then the paste command is not available and I have to wait a few seconds and then right click to see that the paste command has become active. I am copying and pasting with the mouse only and not using hot keys.

    I often see an issue after doing quite a bit of copying and pasting where the text and graphics for the slot don't display properly. I can select another performance and then return to the 'bad' one and it will then display properly. This is definitely a bug.

  • The paste command is only available in certain meaningful scenarios.

    You can for example not copy a Rig nor a Performance and paste it in the preset area or vice verse.

    You can also not paste a Rig into the list of Performances.

    Pasting a Rig into a Slot of a Performance is possible but limited to the Performance which it currently loaded. So a PROFILER needs to be connected, in Performance Mode, and the destination Performance needs to show at the PROFILER display as well as be marked with a headphones icon in the Rig Manager Performance list. This limitation makes sure, that you can hear what you assemble and the Rig you paste is always in focus of the Editor. Consequntly storing the edited Performance is consistently performed via the Store buttons at the bottom of the Editor.

  • The paste command is only available in certain meaningful scenarios.

    Pasting a Rig into a Slot of a Performance is possible but limited to the Performance which it currently loaded. So a PROFILER needs to be connected, in Performance Mode, and the destination Performance needs to show at the PROFILER display as well as be marked with a headphones icon in the Rig Manager Performance list. This limitation makes sure, that you can hear what you assemble and the Rig you paste is always in focus of the Editor. Consequntly storing the edited Performance is consistently performed via the Store buttons at the bottom of the Editor.

    So going slightly off-topic. All this is understood and how I use it. There are bugs in RM:

    • I often see an issue after doing quite a bit of copying and pasting where the text and graphics for the slot don't display properly. I can select another performance and then return to the 'bad' one and it will then display properly.
    • Setting up morphing in RM with toaster and remote can lead to the morph not being loaded into the toaster properly. After disonnecting RM and controlling via the remote , the morph is not correctly in memory. Repeated attempts to redo the morph via RM are unsuccessful. At that point, I disconnected RM again, and was able to setup the morph succesfully using just the toaster and remote buttons.
  • Pasting a Rig into a Slot of a Performance is possible but limited to the Performance which it currently loaded. So a PROFILER needs to be connected, in Performance Mode, and the destination Performance needs to show at the PROFILER display as well as be marked with a headphones icon in the Rig Manager Performance list. This limitation makes sure, that you can hear what you assemble and the Rig you paste is always in focus of the Editor. Consequntly storing the edited Performance is consistently performed via the Store buttons at the bottom of the Editor.

    Can I just check this with you as this sometimes works and sometimes not? I suspect my issue might be having the headphones showing but is there an easy way to find a rig copy and then paste it into a slot?

    What I tend to do is:

    1) select performance mode on KPA

    2) select the performance and slot on RM

    3) go to rig view and find the rig I want

    4) Copy rig

    5) go back to performance view on RM

    6) select slot

    7) Paste

    But this doesn't always work. Is this the right flow? I'd like to just be able to click and drag but not sure if you can have a split screen to do this?

  • This is exactly what I do on a Windows machine. It works until it doesn't - see the bug I described above. The split screen seems to be different between windows and mac.

  • Selecting the Performance (single click) is not sufficient. You need to load it (double click). "Loaded" is where the headphones icon sits.

    Selection is sufficient to move items or edit tags. Changes become immediately permanent as soon as Enter is pressed. Even multiple items can be selected.

    Loading allows only one item at a time. This is what the Editor is referring to. If you edit e.g. increase Gain the corresponding line in the list changes color from green to red. The same applies if you paste a Rig into a Slot of a loaded Performance. Here explicit storing is required to make modifications stick - like in the hardware. This mode of operation refects loading, editing, and storing of the hardware.

    Both, selection and loading can coesist. You can select Performance 3,4,and 5 and copy and paste these into the Local Libary or change their names in one go, while Performance 17 is loaded. Keep that in mind. There is a value in having both modes. However, in this scenario you can only copy & paste or drag & drop Rigs into the Slots of Performance 17.

  • Ok, please check it out.

    Perhaps it helps to compare Rig Manager selection via single click to typical file manager operations on a PC: moving single or multiple objects, copy & paste, changing file names or file attributes. Dropping, pasting or pressing Enter makes such changes immediately permanent.

    But in order to change the content of a Word-file you need to load it in Word. Normally, an explicit store is required at the end to make edits stick. Without storing edits get withdrawn. This is how the PROFILER hardware works. You load one object at a time, edit and then store or leave without storing. And the Editor with its Store buttons at the bottom reflects this approach loading single objects via double click.

  • My method:

    1) select performance mode on KPA

    2) select the performance and slot on RM (make sure it's the active one)

    3) open a new window

    4) find the rig I want

    4) double click rig

    5) See performance loaded in original window (sometimes you need to activate (set slot to rig name)

    6) Save performance

  • When you say “Windows will only allow 1 application to be open” it sounds as though you might be trying to o-en Rig Manager twoce rather than a second window in Rig Manager. Go to a folder on the left sidebar of RM and right click. The drop down menu will include an option for ‘open in new window” select this and you should be fine.

  • When you say “Windows will only allow 1 application to be open” it sounds as though you might be trying to o-en Rig Manager twoce rather than a second window in Rig Manager. Go to a folder on the left sidebar of RM and right click. The drop down menu will include an option for ‘open in new window” select this and you should be fine.

    This method doesn’t work either. I can’t drag or copy and paste. Never had this issue before.