Hold Out or Buy?

  • I'm on the fence about buying a Kemper because prices have skyrocketed to boutique amp level. I don't want to make such a big investment only to find out they're going to release a new profiler a year or two from now. Anyone know what the deal with Kemper technology is and have they said anything about a new model? Is anyone else holding out? This is kind of a tough decision because if prices go up even more, I won't be able to afford one.

  • The kemper buisiness model is to keep it a classis and have it around. I appreciate that an its kooky looks will be relevant for some while. They are not line 6 releasing a model every year an thats great. People want touch screens an multiple amps but kemper is to be treated like a amp an not a multi effects unit. They may bring out new models but I think the traditional unit is here to stay. Just wish they would get the profiling 100 right like tone x just did.

  • I don't know what you mean about prices skyrocketing to boutique amp level? When did this happen? I only started paying attention to the Kemper in the last couple years. At that time, I had a similar thought of holding out. My current view is that the Kemper does 99% of what I need. I see it as an all in one solution. I often use it live and some sort of foot controller is mandatory for me. I had a Ground Control Pro, so I tried it as well as Morningstar MC-8. I then got a Remote. I can say the Remote is by far the best solution for me as far as time invested vs functionality. I bought both as rerfubs with full warranty at a substantial discount compared to factory new. Looking back, I should have moved to the Remote sooner.

    To be honest, I am not aware of anything that could SIGNIFICANTLY be improved. The word in bold is the operative word. I designed and built tube amps for decades and I can't see how the profiling or effects could get much better. The sound quality and feel is already there and I would guess that Kemper will not improve on it in any significant way because no significant improvements are needed. Just my guess. There are minor things, but this will always be the case. To date, I'm very happy that I did not wait. I would not invest in a new unit for any of the changes that I suspect that Kemper will make. Mine does what I need. It is already a good size, weight, and feature set for me. The amps sounds are excellent. What more could I want that would matter much? At this point, I am not 'wasting' time on technology, but rather just playing the instrument with all the great sounds that the Kemper has to offer.

  • One boutique amp costs is equivalent to one Kemper. However, Kemper can hold thousands of amps profiles which would cost you tens of thousands to own. The sound the Kemper makes today is the sound it will make 100 years from now (if we are not all glowing). When you consider that then it's a no-brainer. The only thing different a Kemper 2.0 can provide is maybe stereo poweramp, dual amps, double the effects chain, and a color touch screen. Nice to have as an option but none of those are necessary. You are wasting time waiting, IMO.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • The Stage sells in Australia for about $2,800 AUD, which is about $1,800 EUR, so pretty similar price, I think. That's about what I paid for mine years ago, with free shipping to NZ.

    I got mine for 1000 pounds uk, newer model. Not with import an shipping soldier. Snap. They def gone up i just looked at second hand ones 1800 aud. New, yea i can get a boutique amp for that. Roundabouts we talking examples here. They have not gone down in price for sure.

    Edited once, last by goldensheaf (February 28, 2023 at 2:49 AM).

  • Anyone know what the deal with Kemper technology is and have they said anything about a new model?

    They have never said anything about a new model since the introduction of the original white unpowered head in 2012.

    And, people have been asking if they should buy or wait for a new model since 2012. It has always been a reasonable question, but, it will always work at least as well as it does when you buy it. I stopped using my Marshall Jubilee as soon as I profiled it, and have not looked back. And, there are all the other sounds I use that the Marshall could not do with only two channels :)

    AS has been said above, if you are concerned about the price of a new one, buy used. You can update it to be identical to a new one (with the only possible exception of SPDIF slave capability with older models).

  • Its entirely possible that there is false assumption which underlies this thread.

    It is that inevitably, after so long, Kemper be actively working on a Mark II Kemper profiling amplifier.

    That is a reasonable assumption, based upon the practise of other manufacturers, but doesn’t mean that it is in any way actually true.

    It is just as likely that such a class leading innovator, one that disrupts existing markets with ground breaking class leading products, is likely to be working on something far beyond conceptualisations expressed here.

  • Well, I used to have a Kemper rack, sold it for a Kemper Stage, then kept that for a couple of years . I also owned an AxeFX II, AX8, FM3, and before that Line6 Helix, original Pod, Pod XT, and Pod HD. Of course, I went through some of the earlier stuff like from Boss and Rocktron before all that. However, I used them to practice, record some tracks, and jam but never in any serious or professional capacity. Nevertheless, I'm experienced enough to really appreciate the Kemper.

    The thing is, people have been clamoring for a new Kemper or more affordable model for years. A lot of the talking heads on YouTube have also been propagating the idea that Kemper is outdated. Think of them what you will but they do influence public opinion. I assume Kemper has heard all this stuff long enough and probably has been working on something for a while. Kempers run about $1900 now and that's a ton of money! It used to be several hundred less, but I don't know when the price jumped so much, but it seems like it was much more accessible a year or two ago. $1900 is a LOT of money - especially now that more tax is deducted, tax returns are much smaller, and inflation has ruined everything.

    Therefore, it takes a lot more to justify $1900 in the present time than it did to justify $1599 a couple of years ago. That's why I don't want to make such a big investment in something that seems likely to change. I wish Kemper would make a model that's not lacking in features but more affordable, and if that's in the works any time soon, I'd rather hold out and snag one of those when they're released. Otherwise, it seems like kind of a toss-up.

    Perhaps Kemper should put out a video and explain their official position on the current products and the outlook of products in development. Agree or disagree (and I'm not aware of any Kemper press releases), it would certainly be helpful to know this stuff, and also probably quell a lot of the rumors and babble going on in social media, forums, etc. In any case, this has become a pretty hard decision because I want to go back to the Kemper but don't know if it's prudent in the long run.

  • You said it yourself. Inflation makes everything cost more. Why would a Profiler be any different?

    "Not lacking in features but more affordable." - that sounds like you want them to give you the same thing, but charge less.

    No company is ever going to tell the world (and their competition) "Here's what we're going to do next!!" That's bad business 101. What if something happens that prevents them from doing what they said? Or they come up with a better idea? Then they don't keep their promises. Nevermind the fact that their future plans are none of your or my business.

    The Profiler is unchanged except for (very) minor things since 2011. Prior to that, the Virus keyboards (Christophe Kemper's first revolutionary music invention) had a long life without resorting to 'new and improved' versions.

    It's *not* likely to change. There is zero evidence to prove that claim and more than a couple decades of proof that it won't change. CK has said (repeatedly) the profiling process is as good as he can make it. When the second delay LED became obsolete, did they change the unit? Nope. There's a light sensor on the Remote that's never been implemented. Buy a new one today - it's still there.

    If you were looking at Fractal, then yeah. Guaranteed they'll add the word Turbo, Ultra or go up a number I, II, III....etc to a unit and begin obsoleting the old one. Line6 hasn't changed the underlying technology for the Helix since, what? 2015? Is that obsolete?

    As for YouTubers - their motivation is for you to look at their stuff. If that agrees or disagrees with reality, it'll make no difference. They'll stir the pot no matter what so you'll keep looking.

  • There's a light sensor on the Remote that's never been implemented. Buy a new one today - it's still there.

    Never realised that until you mentioned it ... now I have the feeling my unit is faulty, thanks 8o8o8o

    Kemper PowerHead, Remote & Kabinet | Fender Claro Walnut CS Telecaster 2016, Fender EJ Stratocaster 2007, Brian Moore CS 1992, Tom Anderson CS 1993, Eastman T59-V 2022, Peerless 2010, Ibanez RG770 1992, Taylor 214-KCE 2015 | Fender Princeton Reissue, Marshall JCM500 50W, Fender HotRod Deluxe, Blackstar HT-1

  • Faulty? Nope.

    ...and I'm here to help. :S8):S8|

    I know :P

    Kemper PowerHead, Remote & Kabinet | Fender Claro Walnut CS Telecaster 2016, Fender EJ Stratocaster 2007, Brian Moore CS 1992, Tom Anderson CS 1993, Eastman T59-V 2022, Peerless 2010, Ibanez RG770 1992, Taylor 214-KCE 2015 | Fender Princeton Reissue, Marshall JCM500 50W, Fender HotRod Deluxe, Blackstar HT-1

  • I perceive you're just reacting like a naysayer wanting to disagree with things rather than someone thoughtful and considerate of what was actually said. Asking questions, seeking clarification, being accurate and not rewording people's statements with skewed thoughts are all marks of rational, intelligent discussion. If you can converse on that level then you're welcome to try again.

  • I perceive you're just reacting like a naysayer wanting to disagree with things rather than someone thoughtful and considerate of what was actually said. Asking questions, seeking clarification, being accurate and not rewording people's statements with skewed thoughts are all marks of rational, intelligent discussion. If you can converse on that level then you're welcome to try again.

    It's OK to say you don't agree with my assessment. Or ignore it. Instead, you decide to ridicule.

    I've seen and heard worse by better.