Performance to profile? Is it possible?

  • I bought a pack not realizing it was all performance files. Not a huge deal but I never use performance mode so I would love to save/convert them to profiles. I've been searching for a few days and haven't come up with anything so I'm guessing it isn't possible but thought I'd ask before giving up



  • Thanks for the response!

    Hmmm, not sure I understand though. I had to drag them into rig manager under performances (in a new folder I created), so that's where they show up. I tried dragging them into the browser like I would with a normal profile but it wouldn't let me.

  • when you use rig manager:

    - Stay in Browser Mode

    - got to the performance you want to "tear apart" and click on it one time. On the right side of the rig manager you should see the 5 slots with the different rigs

    - Now double click on the slot you need. It will load as a rig

    - Last step: look at the bottom right corner of the rig manager. There are 3 red buttons. Choose wisely ;) ("Store Rig in Local Library" or "Store Rig in Profiler" are the only 2 useful options for you, just in case)

    Each performance slot relates to a profile, so they must be there, I think. Check in Browser mode or in Rig Manager?

    I think the perfomances are completely independent when you click on save.

    Edited once, last by spotter (February 15, 2023 at 7:56 AM).

  • you need to load the performances as such first, then you can use the Store button-save to pool to save them as single rigs that are then visible in browser mode. Performance and Browser mode have 2 separate memories

    If something is too complicated, then you need to learn it better

  • - Last step: look at the bottom right corner of the rig manager. There are 3 red buttons. Choose wisely ;) ("Store Rig in Local Library" or "Store Rig in Profiler" are the only 2 useful options for you, just in case

    Oh my gosh I can't believe how easy that was and I've been struggling with it for days! I've searched the internet far and wide plus the user manual and can't believe I didn't just try that. Thanks for helping out an old dumb person like myself!


  • is it possible to extract the rig without using rig manager? Like via USB? I too have a performance pack I'd like to extract profiles or rigs from.


    Kemper toaster >Kemper remote> 2 x Alto TS310 powered speakers Furman M-8XAR

  • Now if there was a way to name the rig that you are saving to pool…..

    I was able to rename my rig with no issues. What am I missing? Just trying to understand so I don't have to ask a stupid question later.

    I'm and old "amp with knobs in the room" guy so trying to teach this old dog new tricks with menus, rigs, performances, rig manager, etc. is quite an adventure and I appreciate being able to read these forum entries when I get lost. Everyone is really good about helping and it is appreciated more than you probably realize.

  • I was able to rename my rig with no issues. What am I missing? Just trying to understand so I don't have to ask a stupid question later.

    I'm and old "amp with knobs in the room" guy so trying to teach this old dog new tricks with menus, rigs, performances, rig manager, etc. is quite an adventure and I appreciate being able to read these forum entries when I get lost. Everyone is really good about helping and it is appreciated more than you probably realize.

    I believe he would like to be able to rename the rig while exporting it. Instead of having to go find it, then rename.

    I agree. When we save Performances, it asks for the location and name. This request is similar.

  • Kemper doesn't follow computer style file naming. So, if you save a rig from a performance or copy a rig to a new rig, it just uses the same name as the original. Once created, you can then rename them if you like as a second step.

    But say you copied the same rig a few times. If you don't take that extra step to rename, you could have any number of rigs with exactly the same name (although different file dates). You also can't pick a location. For example, if you're editing some rig already on the Profiler, you can overwrite it, save it to a new rig with the same name, or save it to the root of Local Library. You can't save it to some other folder you might have created, or to a different Rig name. Not 100% sure, but I think I have this right. I don't really like how it works, but I can deal with it.

    Some of us have asked for a more conventional "Save As" type of approach where you are asked for a location and file name as it's created, but so far Kemper hasn't been responsive.