Stutter Effect Like in Information Society Whats on your mind Pure Energy

  • Hi All,
    Yes, YES I did search for stutter effects. And yes I am playing around with the tremolo effects.
    Specifically I'm trying to recreate that stutter guitar in the beginning of the Information Society song What's on your Mind (Pure Energy) This is an old 80's tune so one one think we should be able to easily recreate that sound today. But honestly its probably not even a Guitar as there is no guitar player EVER listed in the band!
    So I'm looking for suggestions on how YOU would go about recreating this sound for Guitar. I'm sure there must be a few different ways to cook this up. Here's a link Whats on your Mind (Pure Energy)

    "To err is human, but to really foul things up you need a computer.":P

  • that´s no guitar, that´s a synth for sure with a little bit of distortion. i would try the following : play very staccato single notes with extreme noise gate settings and figure out the voices for the "harmonic pitch" effect. add a chorus fx as well.

  • Obviously I'm in a 80's band and were doing that song. I've got the keyboard player working on it. We could also just use a track to cover it. But it would have been cool if I could pull it off on guitar. I'd been messing around with it for awhile without success, or anything I'd consider using live. Its good to know that everyone pretty much agrees it ain't gonna happen, at least not without Kemper giving us a new magic effect. Thank you all for your knowledge and graciousness to share it. You are much appreciated.

    "To err is human, but to really foul things up you need a computer.":P

  • There's a stuttery effect on Line6 M13 (not sure if M5), that you can program the rhythm to.

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  • Listening to the video from the first post, the impression I gained was that the effect had been created by simply adjusting MIDI parameters, inputted via a synth, during production, following the played performance.

    Listening live to top artists whose sonic signature famously involves a stutter effect especially where vocals are concerned, my observation has been they struggle to reproduce live, an effect they have absolutely perfected during studio production.

    Without utilising synchronised backing tracks then, my notion regarding the production of this effect live, is that it could easily become a poorly implemented attempt, at recreating, an "era related" sonic fashion.

    I do wonder whether tremolo pedals set at a fast rate would be able to create enough of an effect to have the kind of impact you want. As I might be tempted to approach this matter not attempting to precisely recreate the original effect.

    But rather, to utilise a truly impactful alternative effect in a dramatically powerful manner. Your audience will probably not recall yesteryears original effect too clearly, but could be taken aback by a well-timed, well implemented effect, strongly made in performance.

    Or you could try this this new slicer pedal by Boss.

    You would have to listen right through the video to see if you feel it could emulate something approaching the effect you seek.

    It might be worth wading through the adverts for. I think it’s the nearest thing to what you seem to want, but you will have to ignore all the other noises it is capable of the demonstrator is so enraptured by. Towards the end it seems to offer something akin to what you seek.

    BOSS SL-2 Slicer Pedal - The Best Features - YouTube

  • Stu uh uh ter all you want...

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    Stutter Edit 2 in Reaper.

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    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.