Veteran former tube purist here--finally got a great deal on the Rack model about a month ago and have really been enjoying ever since!! Bought it used and had to laugh when I saw what the guy had on it. Maybe 60 profiles and practically nothing he had on it had any effects whatsoever-ha ha. Dry as a bone is fine once in awhile but I like a little reverb and delay happening. Anyway, he had some good cranked profiles on it. Like I said I've always been a tube guy, mostly Mesas and a Marshall, really wasn't too impressed with the old modelers so I was completely out of the loop. Wish I'd paid more attention when the Kemper Profiler came out--it's phenomenal! The pandemic got me back into my music again. After hearing all of the demos and gigs done with it, it was an easy decision to get one. Got some really good paid profiles as well as some free ones out of the gate and am extremely happy with it. I'll probably have some noobie questions from time to time. Nice to join the forum!
hey everyone
Welcome to the forum!
Welcome, have fun here in the forum and with your Kemper. Sounds like the fun is already going on, very good! Enjoy this incredible machine as much as most of us here do
Feel free to throw your questions in here. This is an incredibly nice forum with great and knowledgeable folks around...
Welcome to the Party!
Welcome Marcus!
Hi Marcus!
Welcome To The Family 😊
Hi there, welcome from UK !
Welcome !!
Wish I'd paid more attention when the Kemper Profiler came out--it's phenomenal!
... and coming from a tube guy at that.
Love to hear this sort of thing Marcus. Welcome to the forum mate and congrats!
All of you thank you so much for the wonderful welcome! Appreciate it!
Welcome Sir
Welcome to the club !
Welcome. Most of us have come from tubes and so we totally get the journey!
Defo bring on any questions, as the manual is very good but sometimes it's not obvious!!
Couple of quick comments/hints (you may know some of them):
1) Make sure you have RM loaded, its way easier to navigate and gives you access to all of the profiles in the exchange
2) If using live, make sure you unlink volumes and use the pad -12db if going direct
3) Cabs/speakers have a massive effect so you may want to land on your preference early. The Kabinet is great...
4) for live work, the remote is brilliant and use performance mode
5) Morph is also your friend
Hi and Welcome!
Welcome and enjoy!