Remote latency

  • Hello everyone. I just got a remote after spending aprox 2 years on the FCB with uno4kemper. What i have noticed is that when i start the kemper, i turn the knob to performance mode. Now, when i try to switch between the profiles on the same performance, there is a big latency between switching. I have to activate all of the profiles from the remote to remove the latency and after that the latency disappears. Is this something normal? I will have to remember before a gig to activate all of the profiles not to have any issues.

    Thank you

  • First make sure you software is current. Test with OS 8.7.10.

    Then open a support ticket and attach the following:

    - a video demonstrating how you load that Performance, shut down, restart and how the issue itself happens

    Background: the Performance after a start is not the stored version, but the edited version as it has been left before the last shutdown

    - a backup of your PROFILER representing the issue state

    - information, if the issue only happens if you use REMOTE, what aboud manual Slot changes via <PAGE> buttons

    - information, if the issue only affects the first Performance after restart and before it gets reloaded

    - information, if it is always the same Perfroamcne or if this happens with any Performance

    - information, if Rig Manager is connected and if that matters. If it does test with RM 3.3.38 Publilc beta, which is available via automatic RM update.

  • I made a factory reset and i am using OS 8.7 on the Kemper. Nothing changed. Sometimes when i start the unit, i go right to performance mode. No computer connected to my Kemper. Trying to switch between presets of a performance, it has a lag that goes away after changing a few presets. BUT, before that, sometimes it simply doesn't change the presets. I go from preset 4 to preset 3 and it doesn't change the sound, just the screen and all the buttons assigned to that preset, but no sound change. Another time, it has latency of 1-2 seconds. After all of this is done, the remote workes flawlessly. tried with another performance and had the same issue. I opened a support ticket!

  • as far as I remember the latency issue (time to load) was adressed and solved within the 8.7 updates.

    worked in my case!

    Quote of changelogg:

    PROFILER Operating System
    User Interface
    improved: front panel responsiveness at Head and Rack models
    improved: time to load Slot within Performance 
  • I understand, that this thread here is much more specific.

    Johndoebh and others are reporting that they are experiencing a Slot switching latency and sound accidentialities only with the first Performance after restart and only until they have loaded each Slot once. As soon as each Slot has been loaded once or another Performance has been loaded, the issue is gone.

    I cannot really reproduce that behavior, but would not outrule that.

  • nope. Not a single clue whats is the problem. I tried factory reset, deleting profiles etc. No use

    This is what happens:

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    Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.

  • nope. Not a single clue whats is the problem. I tried factory reset, deleting profiles etc. No use

    This is what happens:

    External Content
    Content embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.
    Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.

    That looks more fundamental than latency. You slot 2 didn't load first time, it's as if the profiler is not always getting the request.

    Have you checked the lead/connectivity???


  • I understood, that this issue is fenced to the first Performance after a restart

    before all Slots were loaded once,

    and before any other Performance gets loaded,

    or before the same Performance gets reloaded.

    I'm not sure, if it affectes all Performances within these boudnaries or just one specific Performance.

    My general advice after a restart: load a Performance to know it's as stored.