Imported Performance?

  • Thanks!

    Another question: I imported some rigs and 1 performance by copy/paste with usb stick…the rigs came in fine, but performance not showing up. Does it not automatically load to performances?


    Edited once, last by DarenB (October 8, 2022 at 3:43 PM).

  • But what about those of us with a bad USB-B input? My powered toaster's USB-B input is useless—have tried to connect to Rig Mgr now on two different computers using brand new USB-B to USB-A cables, and it will not interface at all. The only way I can update my OS and Rigs over the past year has been via USB stick.

    It would be great if the geniuses in KemperLand could make a future OS update that allows the same basic RM functionality for USB users who can't just go out and get the defunct USB-B input fixed at the local guitar shop down the street.

    Since we have to copy the Rigs to the USB stick's "Shared" folder, why not have the new OS recognize sub-folders like "Rigs" and "Performances", and with the latter there could be folders labeled "001" thru "125" (and a sub-folder for each labeled "1" thru "5") in which one could copy the import performance to the folder/slot where they want the performance to load into, yanno? Just a thought.

  • I just purchased M. Britt's EL84 pack of Rigs + a handful of Performances, and even though I could successfully import the Rigs, I was really wanting to check out those Performances he created.

    Granted, I could use the base Rigs he profiled and try to recreate the Performances myself, but he's the Pro and seasoned Kemper guy, not me.

    What if I wanted to buy a pack of Performances? I'd be hosed unless I can get my USB-B input fixed or Kemper can come up with a workaround in a future OS update.

  • The reality is - Kemper is not going to create a workaround. This question has been asked and answered in various scenarios for years. When I first got my Profiler in was a thing. I know (and don't disagree) that it's a reasonable request.

    With that said - It ain't gonna happen.

    As for your broken USB port, you're the first person I've heard of with this problem. You certainly can't be the only one who's had it happen, you're just the only one I've encountered.

    Making the assumption you're in the US - shipping to one of the three US service centers for repair will probably run 30-50 bucks, depending. They'll fix it send it back and you're golden. They're listed at the very bottom of this page: Dealer and Distributor Network | Kemper Amps (

  • Thanks, Ruefus, for the helpful link, as I am just a couple hours away from Nashville. I'll be touching base with British Audio ASAP.

    Even with Kemper support trying to help me on this issue, nothing we tried worked, so I can only deduce that the USB-B input is bad since the A input works fine.

    When my gig schedule allows, I will hopefully be able to get the toaster serviced and will let you guys know what the issue is. Thanks again! 🤘🏻🔥👍🏻

  • Thanks, Ruefus, for the helpful link, as I am just a couple hours away from Nashville. I'll be touching base with British Audio ASAP.

    Even with Kemper support trying to help me on this issue, nothing we tried worked, so I can only deduce that the USB-B input is bad since the A input works fine.

    When my gig schedule allows, I will hopefully be able to get the toaster serviced and will let you guys know what the issue is. Thanks again! 🤘🏻🔥👍🏻

    Glad I (might) have helped. Hopefully you can get it sorted without too many headaches.