Kemper Input stops working suddenly mid gig.

  • Kemper: Powerrack

    Mode: Performance

    Input: Remote

    I've been suffering a problem with my Kemper and it's happening more frequently every time.

    When I'm playing live and I change the rig with my kemper it suddenly stops receveing input signal, the LED doesn't flash and even if I change rig or input source it doesn't come back to working again. My neanderthal workaround to this problem has been turning off and back on the kemper mid gig, which results in a lapse of 1 min approx with no guitar at all (not ideal).

    I'm on my way to do a backup and update the device but in case this has happened to someone else and knows the source of the issue I'd encourage them to let me know. Thank you in advance community!

  • I have similar problem, my kemper is stoping after a few minute working today after ı have installed a new update to rig manager which is connected to my kemper powerhead. 6 months ago, it stopped to work suddenly , ı was not hearing any sound from headphone , speaker, monıtor outputs as well..I am based in Turkiye. I bought it from Thomann germany. I had openned a suppor ticket. they have asked me to bring the equipment , so I flied to germany from Turkiye , gave it back for support. They fixed and they ask me an adress to send the equipment. As Turkiye is out of EU zone, ı have asked them if i will face any custom issue, they said that they can not guarantee that..meaning i could pay another custom taxes on it. therefore İ flight again to germany from Turkiye to get my fixed Kemper...and today after 6 months later , after ı have update "Rig Manager" , ı am facing every almost 3-5 minute , stop sounding..I have upluaded 12 minute video to youtube to 12 min video it is stopping 3 times, until ı have restart it it doesnt wotk. which is not good. Hoping this time it will be solved without travelling to germany with a software update etc. otherwise definetely I will give it back..

    Seems we have quality issues on the hardwares or softwares...I dont know.. I will open a new topic..Sorry for my bad english:

    I am sharing a youtube link, I have just uploaded., ıt might be visible in a few hour I guess.

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    04:40 first cut

    07:28 second cut

    12:30 third cut

  • Your post is quite long but the most important information is missing :) What OS version are you using??

  • The INPUT LED and Tuner LEDS of Your PROFILER are still responding to your playing while there is no tone. There is no issue of the input signal as in OS revisions 8.7.6, 8.7.7 and 8.7.8. This issue is different. You have an issue of the output signal.

    I see pedals connected to your Remote. Check level of the Volume Padal bar in system settings. Perhaps pedal is in heel or close to heel position. Perhaps the pedal or the cable is defective.

    What happens, if you disconnect the TRS cables from the Remote?

    What happens if you disonnect the Remote? Are you using the original ethernet cable?

    I cannot see if you are using an effect loop and any external gear is looped in.

    What if you disable the effect loop?

    What happens if you load another Rig?

    What if you change from Browser Mode to Performance Mode and vice verse?

  • While I am playing, I dont touch anything as ıt is visible in the video :), no touch. i make only restart of kemper, it is reworking. Maybe better for you to watch after 10:20 in the video. There is no problem till 12:30 and after it is stopping without touching anything

  • Could still be a problem with a pedal even if you don't use it. Some kind of electrical issue, etc.

    You might try just playing the Kemper with nothing connected - no remote, no Rig Manager or computer, headphones for output. If that works add one more thing at a time until it starts to fail again. Might save you sending the whole thing back only to find out it's a pedal or computer issue.

  • i will try , i left from my home. But still I dont think it is related with pedal because after restarting it is working without touching anything. I had similar problem 6 months ago, that time there was no output sound even, so they fixed it in UK i guess. This time at least i can play 2 3 min to satisfy myself, better than nothing :)

  • After a restart the PROFILER doesn't care where a pedal connected to the Remote rests until it gets moved. A small vibration of the floor or a loose contact inside cable or pedal might trigger such a perceived "move". So, please don't draw early conclusions. It's very easy to disconnect the TRS cables from the PEDAL sockets instead and see what happens. And check the bars on page Pedal Links.

  • hello,

    I have tried without any comnection to kemper, i had only kemper cabinet connected to KPA, issue was still exist. At the end, as support requested, i did factory reset and it seems it is solved. I guess durin rig manager update something happened to KPA. Anyway at least i dont have problem so far.

    Thanks to all for your support

  • Kemper Rack (unpowered) in performance mode running OS Build (problem persisted in browser mode)

    I had this problem yesterday during a televised festival and I'm immediately doubting the reliability of the Kemper.

    I tried all available input sources and none of them recognized any input. I also tried restarting it, twice, and it STILL didn't work.

    We were at a festival so obviously it was hot but not NEARLY as hot as other festivals I've done with that same exact rig and it was in the shade the entire day. I have three Kempers racked up in that rig and the other two were fine. They were also on for considerably less time than a typical show day. TLDR not really a good environmental "excuse" for failure as far as I'm concerned.

    I turned it on today and everything seems to be fine again. I'm going to update the OS on all three of them but to be honest, I'll spend every show wondering when it's going to happen again and I don't feel like I have the faith in them that I used to.

    Really really bummed out.

  • And what manufacturer will give you 100% guarantee that hardware will work flawlessly all the time? You did excellent job of building in redundancy into your rig and that's the only way to protect agains random hardware issues. So instead of being bummed out I'd congratulate yourself that your butt was covered and you could quickly switch to one of other KPAs to save the show.

  • The other two were unfortunately not backups but for other players. The failure lasted the rest of the set :/

    Not looking for a 100% guarantee from anyone of course, anything is at risk of failure. I reserve the right to be bummed, it was quite simply a bummer.

  • I had sudden loss of sound during rehearsal last week on my stage OS 8.7.10.

    I use a DXR10 as monitor, connected by jack, and a single volume pedal.

    I was at preset 1, stomped to 3, all good.

    Then stomped back to 1 --> no sound out. 3 tuner lights were still registering guitar input.

    The bass player snickered : another beta?

    I powered down and powered up --> no sound.

    We played with jack cables --> no sound.

    I then stomped to 3 and back to 1 - and sound was back, yes!

    So that's the first thing I will try when it happens again.

  • Sorry to read that! Nobody else has reported such an issue for OS 8.7.10.

    Do INPUT LED and OUTPUT LED still indicate a signal?

    Are you using an expression pedal to control Volume Pedal? Or is any pedal link active? At which level was Volume Pedal in that situation- displayed on page Pedal Links in System Settings.

    Are you using an effect loop? Was ist active and perhaps external gear lost connection?

    Are you using the Pedal Vinyl Stop effect?

    Which model do you own? If Head/Rack .... have you tested the other input with Input Source set accordingly?

    Have you checked another output?