What would be your killer feature for a Kemper 2 ?

  • Input eq

    Full stereo path and xlr inputs ( I'd like to run a power amp only profile and have my stereo inputs before it and then still be able to run cab sim to FOH and speaker imprints)

    Dirt pedal profiling

    Built in loadbox for di profiles

    Android editor app

    Bluetooth transmitter and receiver

  • After playing my quad cortex mostly for months and occasionally my fm9, I decided to play my Stage after watching one of the newest jhs videos. And now that I've revisited playing around with different tones and trying extreme settings with various dist stomps and unorthodox effects chains I've come to the conclusion that all I would really want from a Kemper 2 at the very least is more effects really.

    I like stacking dist stomps and eq. And I like using the exclusive or unusual effects along side my usual effects chains and I just can't do that unless I run 2 kempers together which would be defeating the purpose of just having the one thing you take to the gig or session that has all things I want.

    Sure I could take any 1 of the digital devices I have or, build a pedal board or use a modeler and a Kemper. But I really just wanna take my stereo modded toaster and some kabinets with the remote or my stage, the kabinets and my carvin mach 100.

    In addition I would also want 2 cabs and 2 imprints because I like blended sounds together to create 1 tone. Since the cab is really big part of the tone, I would choose that over 2 amps but I wouldn't mind having that as well too. Cheerio

  • After playing my quad cortex mostly for months and occasionally my fm9, I decided to play my Stage after watching one of the newest jhs videos. And now that I've revisited playing around with different tones and trying extreme settings with various dist stomps and unorthodox effects chains I've come to the conclusion that all I would really want from a Kemper 2 at the very least is more effects really.

    I like stacking dist stomps and eq. And I like using the exclusive or unusual effects along side my usual effects chains and I just can't do that unless I run 2 kempers together which would be defeating the purpose of just having the one thing you take to the gig or session that has all things I want.

    Sure I could take any 1 of the digital devices I have or, build a pedal board or use a modeler and a Kemper. But I really just wanna take my stereo modded toaster and some kabinets with the remote or my stage, the kabinets and my carvin mach 100.

    In addition I would also want 2 cabs and 2 imprints because I like blended sounds together to create 1 tone. Since the cab is really big part of the tone, I would choose that over 2 amps but I wouldn't mind having that as well too. Cheerio

    ... and I think that those things would be reasonable for a KPA2. Not as sure about the 2 cabs and 2 imprints though. Starts to get away from the KPA philosophy of simplicity I think. YMMV.

  • ... and I think that those things would be reasonable for a KPA2. Not as sure about the 2 cabs and 2 imprints though. Starts to get away from the KPA philosophy of simplicity I think. YMMV.

    I'm definitely starting to think that my real need is just to be able to bounce back and forth from a simple one amp one cab sound to multiple amps and cabs sound. Which isn't really a need it's a want that I feel I need to have sometimes.

    After exploring two and three sounds blended together I get tired of build such presets and go back to my one amp and cab sound for preset building simplicity until I get the urge to go back to more complex builds. This usually happens whenever me and my friends talk about tones or I hear a band and find they used multiple amps and cabs for 1 tone each. When i hear Gojira I say to myself all I need is one amp and one cab and then I listen to Periphery and or something like that and then I start wondering how many sounds I can get at once. I do understand that lots of sounds are double or quad tracked and there's usually more than one guitar player. So I wouldn't be surprised if Kemper continued with the simplicity route. Stacking lots of distortion tones is a long process that sometimes leads people to go back to keeping it simple. The axe fx is a great example for this. By the time I spend hours getting one tone and liking it when I go to build another preset I sometimes will just skip the rabbit hole that is 2 or three drives, 2 amps, 4 cabs and all the deep parameters that comes with them. Simplicity is pretty golden but complexity can be really fun sometimes and it's own reward. For many, playing is the fun part so whatever will get you playing faster and tweaking less is better. For some of us, the fun is tweaking and tweaking and tweaking to see what's out there, what kinds of new sounds are capable, even if all that is to show for it is a complex and subtle nuance that is only for us. The mileage that's varied is the Journey lol

  • I'm definitely starting to think that my real need is just to be able to bounce back and forth from a simple one amp one cab sound to multiple amps and cabs sound. Which isn't really a need it's a want that I feel I need to have sometimes.

    After exploring two and three sounds blended together I get tired of build such presets and go back to my one amp and cab sound for preset building simplicity until I get the urge to go back to more complex builds. This usually happens whenever me and my friends talk about tones or I hear a band and find they used multiple amps and cabs for 1 tone each. When i hear Gojira I say to myself all I need is one amp and one cab and then I listen to Periphery and or something like that and then I start wondering how many sounds I can get at once. I do understand that lots of sounds are double or quad tracked and there's usually more than one guitar player. So I wouldn't be surprised if Kemper continued with the simplicity route. Stacking lots of distortion tones is a long process that sometimes leads people to go back to keeping it simple. The axe fx is a great example for this. By the time I spend hours getting one tone and liking it when I go to build another preset I sometimes will just skip the rabbit hole that is 2 or three drives, 2 amps, 4 cabs and all the deep parameters that comes with them. Simplicity is pretty golden but complexity can be really fun sometimes and it's own reward. For many, playing is the fun part so whatever will get you playing faster and tweaking less is better. For some of us, the fun is tweaking and tweaking and tweaking to see what's out there, what kinds of new sounds are capable, even if all that is to show for it is a complex and subtle nuance that is only for us. The mileage that's varied is the Journey lol

    All fair points.

    I have a set of single coil strats, and a PRS with humbuckers. It's funny how I get to feeling like I love one more than the other..... then after some time, I pick up the other and suddenly feel it sounds better!

    My ears do tend toward more simple tones with not much more than a touch of delay (if any) and a touch of reverb. In a live mix, these seem to just work better with an entire band playing.

    Still, it is undeniable how rich and beautiful the right combination of compression, modulation, delay and verb can sound with a good clean guitar.

    I can only hope that CK keeps these great sounds coming in the KPA2. I personally am a big fan of the easy work flow, but I can easily see how others might delight in the journey to great tone just as much of others of us just enjoy the end result night after night ;).

    For me, the KPA was always first and foremost about the live sound setup. My back reached the age that it was no longer as tolerant as my heart and soul were about lugging big cabs and amps ;). The mess of pedals and cables was another point of contention for my live setup.

    KPA Rack with the FC made such a life changing work-flow for me. It is crazy how fast and efficiently I setup now compared to my old amps, pedal board and mics.

    While I hope that tweakers like Awsome_Elvis get more of what they want in the next KPA, I am still hoping that it sticks to its roots in basic architecture for those live gig guys :)

  • I honestly don’t think Kemper2 is forthcoming.

    Not unless CK comes up with something related to Profiling to help improve it. Something he’s said he doesn’t see happening.

    agreed. cK has said repeatedly that there is plenty of life left in the current system to last many years into the future. I am much more excited to see what crazy ideas he and the team come up with to enhance the current KPA without asking existing users to pay anything extra. It is amazing the upgrade we have already had and I don’t see them stopping anytime soon.

  • agreed. cK has said repeatedly that there is plenty of life left in the current system to last many years into the future. I am much more excited to see what crazy ideas he and the team come up with to enhance the current KPA without asking existing users to pay anything extra. It is amazing the upgrade we have already had and I don’t see them stopping anytime soon.

    The more effects they can cram into nooks and cranies the better. That and any post profiling enhancements would be fine with me. Not to say that some bonkers mega upgrade as a mark 2 hardware wouldn't be welcomed but I understand if they don't. Would be a lot cooler if they did tho 8)^^

  • Yeah new big screen and more fx..

    In the meanwhile the competition has left for the guitar synth thing and most likely soon most players will just follow this path.

    That the guitar synth thing until yet was a "niche-thing for a few fusion guys" will not mean anything in the future. Things which sound great and are easy to use can become very,very fast "mainstream". And suddenly you see everyone asking for it. like it is the most normal thing. Suddenly.

  • I honestly don’t think Kemper2 is forthcoming.

    Not unless CK comes up with something related to Profiling to help improve it. Something he’s said he doesn’t see happening.

    Product life is not only drived by technical progress but also by sales.
    If for some reason the Kemper 1 sales are declining, they will have to develop (it's probably already in the work) a new model.
    As users, we all know that the unit is still enjoyable, but the profiling part is not at the top of the game anymore, and the ui feels a bit dated, so i'm quite sure there will be a new unit in the forthcoming years.
    I don't know if we will get the "mod update" before that, thought.

  • Product life is not only drived by technical progress but also by sales.
    If for some reason the Kemper 1 sales are declining, they will have to develop (it's probably already in the work) a new model.
    As users, we all know that the unit is still enjoyable, but the profiling part is not at the top of the game anymore, and the ui feels a bit dated, so i'm quite sure there will be a new unit in the forthcoming years.
    I don't know if we will get the "mod update" before that, thought.

    We can agree to disagree. If his Virus synths are any indication, he’ll provide a new unit when he’s got something truly unique. Not just more bells and whistles.

    As for Profiling not being ‘at the top’ - we’ll vehemently disagree. The rest of the industry has had over a decade to get better.

    At most you can say it’s a matter of preference.

  • As for Profiling not being ‘at the top’ - we’ll vehemently disagree. The rest of the industry has had over a decade to get better.

    Many comparisons have been done online recently about between the profiling habilities of Kemper, QC and ToneX. The Kemper hasn't come victorious in any of those comparisons. I repeat i'm writing about comparing profiling abilities only.

  • Many comparisons have been done online recently about between the profiling habilities of Kemper, QC and ToneX. The Kemper hasn't come victorious in any of those comparisons. I repeat i'm writing about comparing profiling abilities only.

    And still there are more records and live performances using a kemper. Don't get fooled by comparison videos. Some of them out there are paid and those that are not, of course they will praise their new invested stuff.

    Think for yourself, or others will think for you wihout thinking of you

    Henry David Thoreau

  • Many comparisons have been done online recently about between the profiling habilities of Kemper, QC and ToneX. The Kemper hasn't come victorious in any of those comparisons. I repeat i'm writing about comparing profiling abilities only.


    I’ve seen as many ‘for’ as against. Reviews/comparisons are great for internet discussions.

    Real World? No one actually cares. For years I played next to a guy using a Fender Mustang iii first gen. This was as recent as three years ago,

    All anyone *ever* knew was that he sounded absolutely bitchin’.

  • I would like Kemper to put the amp/cab section into a simple direct-box that fits on people's existing pedalboards. Sort of like a Strymon Iridium but with the great sound of Kemper amp profiles.

    Can we has stereo pls n many thanks ^^

    Ooh and monitor and main out so I can run FOH AND a couple cabs with a simple press of a button. Via power amp Of course