It seems that several of us new(er) Kemper owners are pretty curious about the KEMPER Kabinet as compared to the Fender FR10 or FR12. Is one "better?"
Probably not. Just different. Personal taste will determine what is best suited for any given player.
Are the speaker imprints actually good?
Yes. Very. However, when I run my Kabinet I generally stick to full range mode anyway.
Do the speaker imprints work with the FR10 / FR12? Are they accurate with the Fender FR speakers?
No. To work and be accurate they need the speaker itself to have a specific frequency response as a baseline to work from. The Kone and Fender are totally different speakers. Applying the Kemper DSP to another speaker will not result in the correct baseline so the imprints will work but will definitely not be accurate. Having said that, some people have found that they like the “inaccurate” sound of imprints with a “wrong” speaker. Its all personal taste again. If it sounds good to you, it is good.