All that and Firmware OS 8.7x

  • Can we not guys? Please?

    What I love about this forum is the passion and common love of Guitar and gear and comedic interludes!

    What I don't like is how quickly we seem to descend into what are effectively petty arguments where people take extreme positions to prove a point.

    Is anyone really suggesting that they are bombarded with updates or worried about the next update to point it stops them playing?

    Conversely is anyone saying that evolving the product is a negative thing?

    So, balance is the key here....

    I agree with Rufus ...can we pull this back out of this type of debate, not useful or healthy...

    My view is:

    1) Its been sometime since the last update and I'm keen to see what Kemper will come up with. I like the speculation as well. However, there is nothing specific I am wishing for but I like to see the evolution anyway.

    2) I have updated my KPA every time there was a ( optional, because they are optional, no-one is forced) release and only ever ( in 7 years) had a minor issue which Kemper support sorted in minutes.

    Edited once, last by V8guitar (March 16, 2022 at 12:31 PM).

  • "I play my guitar so I don't care about updates." What does that even mean? It takes 5 minutes to run an update, so who's saying that they can't play guitar because they're stuck waiting on an update? If you wanna stay on version 5.0 from 1976, do you. But don't accuse people of not being a good player or not playing their guitar because they like to keep their hardware current.

    Was that directed at me? Why the bitter tone? That was TOTALLY uncalled for! Where did i say that people weren’t good players? Hell for all i know you are probably all better players than me…. Don’t put words into my mouth that i didn’t say!

    What i said was that i personally didn’t see any reason to update. I am also three mac OS behind etc….

    Sometimes an update breaks things, so i only do it when i have time to fix things if unexpected happens. I don’t want to deal with bugs on a gig, that’s not what i get paid for.

    I LOVE new features. But i don’t mind waiting for them, and i have no problem with long intervals between OS updates.

    And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

    Edited once, last by Kim_Olesen (March 16, 2022 at 11:41 PM).

  • Don't fight ! :);)

    What I don't like is how quickly we seem to descend into what are effectively petty arguments where people take extreme positions to prove a point.

    Exactly !!!

    In fact, we should turn back to the OP (who has gone).

    The first post and the title is so blurry that this thread turn into ; Are you for or against updates ? We've fallen in this insidious trap :D:evil:

    The question was ; It's a long time since we haven't had an update, what are your thoughts ?

    Honestly, nothing ; i don't care !

    What does this question mean ? What does the updates frequency prove (Thx a lot octopus, all is said !) ? Is there any competition with other devices to prove that we've choosen the "best" one or something ?

    Do we have to think that Kemper's Team doesn't work ?

    Do we have to guess what will be the future updates ? I'm not a diviner....I trust in them 8o

    I prefer the substance from the form.

    I know i won't care about some updates and some will bring me stuffs i really waiting for...

    I'm really amazed by the improvements done during the last three years. Kemper brought us a lot of huge/big ones i thought it would not be able to with an "old device".

  • Was that directed at me? Why the bitter tone? That was TOTALLY uncalled for! Where did i say that people weren’t good players? Hell for all i know you are probably all better players than me…. Don’t put words into my mouth that i didn’t say!

    What i said was that i personally didn’t see any reason to update. I am also three mac OS behind etc….

    Sometimes an update breaks things, so i only do it when i have time to fix things if unexpected happens. I don’t want to deal with bugs on a gig, that’s not what i get paid for.

    I LOVE new features. But i don’t mind waiting for them, and i have no problem with long intervals between OS updates.

    No, I wasn't referencing your original comment. Although looking back at the feed, I can see how it came off that way. So my apologies for making you feel like I was attacking you, and I could have said the same thing with less snark.

    I was referring to comments like these:

    "If updates are your biggest concern, guitar playing must come second."

    "if the frequency of updates bothers you compared to other units……y’all ain’t playing enough guitar"

    To me, they come off as condescending to people who are excited about new features and improvements, or to people who have different use cases than regular live gigs. Frankly I see so many types of these comments ("This is what I do/need so if you do/need something different, you're wrong") in the forum that I start to get frustrated with it. I understand that we all are invested in the success of this product, but we also all have different needs and use cases. The forum should be about building people up, not looking down on people which is how those kind of comments come off.

    This is all I will say on the matter because I wanted to respond to your comment to me. Now I'll let it go since it was asked for.

  • My bad! Now it’s my turn to apologise.

    And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

  • As the OP, I never intended this to be a contentious debate. My only reason for raising this is that I am also a "propeller head". You can take the person out of I.T. but it's impossible to take the I.T. out of the person 8)

    My toaster has been running terrific for the last nearly 5 yrs since I bought it. I only wish they would add more functionality to the RM software, like TUNER, please?

    Peace out everyone and let's always keep the dialogue on the friendly side.

    Peace out,

    JP (Pierre) Moatti

  • As the OP, I never intended this to be a contentious debate. My only reason for raising this is that I am also a "propeller head". You can take the person out of I.T. but it's impossible to take the I.T. out of the person 8)

    My toaster has been running terrific for the last nearly 5 yrs since I bought it. I only wish they would add more functionality to the RM software, like TUNER, please?

    Peace out everyone and let's always keep the dialogue on the friendly side.

    I thought it was a reasonable topic of discussion. Given the past track record of releases for the KPA, we are overdue. It does beg the question .... is there a really big update in our future, or is there a new product launch that all the Kemper engineers have been working on?

    I think all the talk of questioning the need for new or improved functions should be given its own thread. Sure, it is an interesting philosophy question, but not as interesting as the "why" we haven't seen a release in the expected/historic cadence.

    I suppose that one explanation for why we haven't had any updates is that Kemper feels that the product and its features are already where it needs to be. I suppose that isn't unusual for a 10 year old product. Even that is not the same as arguing that we don't need new features/improvements.

    As I have already stated, I believe that the best thing for the Kemper team to be working on would be a Kemper Mini. Not everyone here would agree, but then, everyone here has already decided on a top-of-the-line guitar rig. The Kemper Mini would be something that could fill the Sub 1K crowd (which is much bigger than the 2K+ crowd).

    Anyway, I think it is a good discussion.

  • As the OP, I never intended this to be a contentious debate. My only reason for raising this is that I am also a "propeller head". You can take the person out of I.T. but it's impossible to take the I.T. out of the person 8)

    My toaster has been running terrific for the last nearly 5 yrs since I bought it. I only wish they would add more functionality to the RM software, like TUNER, please?

    Peace out everyone and let's always keep the dialogue on the friendly side.

    No need for you to apologize, its a valid question for us to speculate.

    It drifted for a while but it seems everyone has clamed down.

    Just because we are happy, doesn't mean we can't be even happier. As I said previously, there is nothing specific I want but I'm still excited because I didn;t think i needed a new monitor solution and then Kemper gave me another reason ( Kabinet) to spend money!

    I don't really want a Kemper Mini but I'd probably still buy it :)

  • No need for you to apologize, its a valid question for us to speculate.

    It drifted for a while but it seems everyone has clamed down.

    Just because we are happy, doesn't mean we can't be even happier. As I said previously, there is nothing specific I want but I'm still excited because I didn;t think i needed a new monitor solution and then Kemper gave me another reason ( Kabinet) to spend money!

    I don't really want a Kemper Mini but I'd probably still buy it :)

    I might buy the MINI and a Kemper Kabinet for "throw-and-go" stuff (like jamming with friends). With my own band I would always use my rack and fc solution, but it would be nice to have a small portable jam and STILL have all my tweaked in tones.

    I only HOPE that they are working on a mini :).

  • Hi all; my two cents worth. To me, Kemper has repeatedly demonstrated a lot of thoughtful innovative. In that vein, my wild speculation is that the silence from Kemper is a prelude to a new and innovative Kemper-maybe, for example, one that embraces surround sound with Dolby Atmos as part of the future? Of course, it could also be staff off sick.