2 suggestions, both involving lead boost...

  • I did a search and didn't find these, so hopefully I'm not duplicating a prior suggestion.

    1) I'd like the morph function to turn on/off effects. I realize I can assign effects to that patch, and just adjust the mix for the morph function, but I'd like to be able to have them turn on when I hit morph.

    2) I found a way to use the tap tempo button for a preset lead boost, lockable for use with any preset. Genius! Except, the led does not indicate if the boost is on or off. It'd be great if the led lit up when the boost was activated.

  • 2) I found a way to use the tap tempo button for a preset lead boost, lockable for use with any preset. Genius! Except, the led does not indicate if the boost is on or off. It'd be great if the led lit up when the boost was activated.

    How did you do this?

    And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

  • How did you do this?

    Sorry it took so long to get back to you... I'm using a Kemper Stage. If you select 'System' and go to page 4, 'user interface 2', there's a selection at the top of the screen labeled 'button assignment'. If you select this, you have the option to change what the looper, tuner, and tap tempo buttons control. You can assign the tap tempo button to different functions, including morph, and turning any effects on and off. So, you can select a boost in one of the effects to a clean boost, and lock it, IIRC, and turn it on and off with the tap tempo button.

  • Sorry it took so long to get back to you... I'm using a Kemper Stage. If you select 'System' and go to page 4, 'user interface 2', there's a selection at the top of the screen labeled 'button assignment'. If you select this, you have the option to change what the looper, tuner, and tap tempo buttons control. You can assign the tap tempo button to different functions, including morph, and turning any effects on and off. So, you can select a boost in one of the effects to a clean boost, and lock it, IIRC, and turn it on and off with the tap tempo button.

    No worries, appreciate the reply. Will see of this is possible on the rack version, with a midi controller.

    Damn, not available in the rack version ?

    And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

    Edited once, last by Kim_Olesen (February 2, 2022 at 1:11 PM).

  • it's possible on the toaster so it must be on the rack too

    Must be because i don’t own the kemper footcontroller then.

    Not going to get that. For two reasons.

    I use wireless midi and do now want to go back to a cable.

    I have all my rhythm sounds on one performance and lead sounds on another. And i do not want to use up and down buttons to go between these performances, when i can have direct access to all my sounds via the roland fc200 that i use now.

    And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

  • I use wireless midi and do now want to go back to a cable.

    You could use morph over midi with midi c.c. #11

    You can also use midi cc to turn. On. and off stomps/fx the control numbers for each block are in the midi implementation guide.

    so you shouldn’t need to go the full Kemper Remote route. Or physical cables for individual foot-switches

  • You could use morph over midi with midi c.c. #11

    You can also use midi cc to turn. On. and off stomps/fx the control numbers for each block are in the midi implementation guide.

    so you shouldn’t need to go the full Kemper Remote route. Or physical cables for individual foot-switches

    Yes, but i just realised it wont work for me, since if i lock a stomp it’s there on all my slots in all my performances, and i only need it on sounds that are in my “lead performances”.

    Currently i use a hardware boost pedal, permanently on, hooked up to the loop, for controlling the levels on all my lead sounds in one go. And there is currently no other way of doing this. I’ve requested a “global lead volume offset” thing for years, but it’s fallen on deaf ears.

    If i only ever played with one band, it would not be too much of an issue, but i play on several, and they do not require the same offset. Also acustics of a venue play into this too. So some evenings i may only need 3db. Others i may need 5db. And with no soundcheck i need a one stop solution that enables me to adjust all lead sounds on the fly, with one turn of a knob. And that’s what a hardware boost pedal in the loop, placed in the x-slot gives me. The loop/x-slot is simply on all my lead sounds. And one touch if that hardware boost pedal adjusts 20! Lead patches in one go.

    DonPetersen I’ll gladly make a video. I’ll even drive all the way from Odense to wherever you are located to show you. If you’d only hear me out and consider what i’m saying.

    And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

  • OK, I think I understand what you are saying.

    Are you already using a volume pedal in your rigs?

    I have one connected but don’t really ever use it. Sp, in my case I could use the volume pedal (or a midi cc with just two states) to achieve what you need. If you are already using the volume pedal elsewhere in the chain though I suppose that wouldn’t work for you. The volume pedal can be set to a positive number of the user’s choice. Positive numbers represent a volume boost. Although the volume pedal os stored per rig you can lock it for all rigs.

  • OK, I think I understand what you are saying.

    Are you already using a volume pedal in your rigs?

    I have one connected but don’t really ever use it. Sp, in my case I could use the volume pedal (or a midi cc with just two states) to achieve what you need. If you are already using the volume pedal elsewhere in the chain though I suppose that wouldn’t work for you. The volume pedal can be set to a positive number of the user’s choice. Positive numbers represent a volume boost. Although the volume pedal os stored per rig you can lock it for all rigs.

    Yes i use the volume pedal for all my rhythm sounds. You know, the times in a piece where you just need to go a little louder (not lead guitar loud) for a bar or two, and then back.

    If a “volume pedal 2” was implemented, it would be problem solved. The user could then decide whether to assign a sound to volumepedal 1, or volumepedal 2. Easy peasy. And it would not take up a slot either. Win win.

    And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

    Edited 2 times, last by Kim_Olesen (February 2, 2022 at 7:35 PM).

  • I'd like the morph function to turn on/off effects. I realize I can assign effects to that patch, and just adjust the mix for the morph function, but I'd like to be able to have them turn on when I hit morph.

    Hey Bushwack, what would the limitation be in just engaging the effect in itself?

    Still chasing a worthy one :/

  • Sometimes I'll use a little compression and chorus on the regular tone, and add delay, maybe a mid boost, and no chorus on lead tones. I'm trying to avoid tapdancing by being able to turn on and off several effects with one footswitch.

    You can currently do this by assigning multiple FX to the same footswitch. What would you like to be different using morph to turn them on and off instead of a regular footswitch?

  • You can currently do this by assigning multiple FX to the same footswitch. What would you like to be different using morph to turn them on and off instead of a regular footswitch?

    Usually I have the morph setting also changing the gain and EQ of the amp, as well as the effects. I'd have to hit the morph switch, AND the effects switch, while singing and changing the pickup setting on my guitar. I'm just not that coordinated! :) Would like to do it all with one switch.