External Footswitch to trigger 4 more Stomps or Effects

  • Love my Kemper and Remote! Can I plug in two dual footswitches so I can trigger 4 additional stomps and/or effects?

    I love the flexibility and power, but my simple brain would love to go back to using 1 solid amp profile and assign the remote switches and four external ones to create an old school "pedal platform" if you will. One button will always be for slot A, another B, another C.....D, X, Mod, Dly, and Rev. I couldn't quite find a conclusive answer in the manual or forums, ere go this post. It's been too hard for me to remember which effects I have setup and where as I move from performance to performance, so I'm thinking I'd like to simplify it for myself.

    I also know that I can reassign the profile up/down, tap, looper, and tuner buttons, but I use those and would rather keep them as is. Ok - i don't use the looper, but you get my point. :)

  • welcome to the forum!

    Have a look at the menu for the external switches at the profiler. There you can see what is possible with switches like the kemper 2-way switch.

    I only use it to change the slots in a performance (up and down), but there are some other settings available.

    I don't have a remote but, have a look at the main manual: https://www.kemper-amps.com/downloads

    from page 286 there is a big chapter about the remote and i would think that the upper row is for effects only?

  • The short answer is yes.

    Is it really .... ? If you have stomp A, B, C, D and slot X , Mod, Delay and Reverb activated, what

    more FX can you activate even if you have 2 or more foot switches ?? :/

    Sounds strange , but maybe I´m "stoopid" :wacko:

    Cheers ! :P

    The adjective for metal is metallic. But not so for iron ... which is ironic.

  • Is it really .... ? If you have stomp A, B, C, D and slot X , Mod, Delay and Reverb activated, what

    more FX can you activate even if you have 2 or more foot switches ?? :/

    Sounds strange , but maybe I´m "stoopid" :wacko:

    Cheers ! :P

    if I understand the OP’s request correctly the Remote could control A B C and D individually. Two dual footswitches could control X, Mod, Delay and Reverb individually. I.e. every slot would have a unique footswitch assigned to it.

  • OK , so the Remote doesn´t have the ability to control the 8 stomp and FX slots ?

    If that´s the way it works I had no idea .... Strange if it´s so ...... :rolleyes:

    I don´t have the Remote, I use a Voodoo Lab Pro, and it has 8 dedicated switches

    for all stomps and FX´s and 4 switches to change rigs ( + MIDI banks up and down of course )

    And I only play in Browser mode as I don´t play live anymore, just studio work 8)

    Cheers !

    The adjective for metal is metallic. But not so for iron ... which is ironic.

  • The Remote is a bit of a specialist beast. It does some things absolutely brilliantly and so easily/seamlessly that its limitations are easily ignored. On the other hand I have fully functional Midi pedals (RJM Mastermind PBC and FC1010) each of which can do far more than the Remote IF PROGRAMMED properly but they are so much hassle by comparison that I use the Remote.

    The Remote has 4 FX switches even though there are 8 possible FX to control. However, each switch can be configured super easily to turn on/off multiple FX slots simultaneously or toggle between FX so it doesn't really need 8 individual switches. But in this case the OP explicitly wants the ability to do things old skool and assign a single switch to each FX block. This can be done but requires either a dedicated midi controller or additional switches. Both would work. Both have pros and cons. I think I would probably make the effort and configure one of my midi pedals but I can also see how there would be advantages in keeping the remote and adding switches.

  • I'm not sure why I didn't just plug in one of my momentary switches lying around in to just see. Clearly the system settings show A-D, X-Rev, tails, etc as being switchable.

    The largest challenge for me is just remembering all the different effects I have available and it's associated switch (I-IIII). In the end it's a low investment for me to add four more switches to make it mildly easier for my brain. It's still not perfect or necessary efficient, but what I'm going to try for now.

  • OK, I think I understand :wacko:

    I´m perfectly happy with my Voodoo Lab Pro that I got a few weeks after I bought my Kemper

    and I learnt how to program it within a week, so never bothered about the "expensive" Remote ....

    Besides, I´m to old and lazy to reprogram my brain 8o

    Cheers !

    The adjective for metal is metallic. But not so for iron ... which is ironic.

  • OK, I think I understand :wacko:

    I´m perfectly happy with my Voodoo Lab Pro that I got a few weeks after I bought my Kemper

    and I learnt how to program it within a week, so never bothered about the "expensive" Remote ....

    Besides, I´m to old and lazy to reprogram my brain 8o

    Cheers !

    I'm very similar but the other way round. I'm too old and lazy to program my midi controllers. Just started trying to automate rig changes via midi from Logic Pro X and it has reminded me why I stopped using midi and bought a remote. ;(

  • Love my Kemper and Remote! Can I plug in two dual footswitches so I can trigger 4 additional stomps and/or effects?

    Keep in mind, as a side note, that each port (on the Profiler or the Remote) is TSR, and with a TSR ("stereo") cable it accepts one pedal, or two switches. So in order to use a 4-switch pedal or 2 2-switch ones you'll need two free ports.
    HTH :)

    Still chasing a worthy one :/

  • Are any added foot switches to the Remote limited to toggling just a single effect, or can they activate multiple effects such as the 4 on the Remote ( minus the led displays of course)?


    as Kellerblues said, they are global and basically relate to one individual block. However, there are a few options which can achieve a version pf multiple block switching. One option is the assign a switch to invert existing status. In this case ALL blocks that are Off get turned On and all that are on get turned Off.

  • as Kellerblues said, they are global and basically relate to one individual block. However, there are a few options which can achieve a version pf multiple block switching. One option is the assign a switch to invert existing status. In this case ALL blocks that are Off get turned On and all that are on get turned Off.

    That could be interesting with sufficient pre-planning. Is anyone aware of an example of doing this?