Stand Up - in celebration of my 3rd guitar Anniversary.

  • November 1st. Congrats to me for learning guitar 3 yrs now! Three months configuring and playing drums (sticks on pressure pads), three months mixing, and three days playing a bass (what a finger stretch)! Also one year with a Kemper!

    I think using a bass for a bass track came out way smoother than the guitar + pitch-shifter effect. Makes it a lot easier to fit in the mix without additional EQing. I'm not going to lie, but my trigger finger crap has got me a bit messy on the guitar. I see the doctor on Thursday.

    Please critique. Yes, it need vocals. I guess I am going to take some singing lessons starting next month.

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    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • Yes congratulations! Glad your liking you new bass.

    For me the track could do with some rhythm guitar work behind the lead parts to elevate and make it sound bigger, and there’s some sections with pitchy guitar that just needs a little tweaking from 1:38 onwards and 2:25.

  • Yes congratulations! Glad your liking you new bass.

    For me the track could do with some rhythm guitar work behind the lead parts to elevate and make it sound bigger, and there’s some sections with pitchy guitar that just needs a little tweaking from 1:38 onwards and 2:25.

    It might be the Harmonizer effect doing it when I attack the strings harder. It's the first time I tried using that effect. Also could be my trigger finger not hitting the fret properly?? The arpeggio at 1:38 was rough with that finger. It's easy to check if finger or effect because I can just reamp the track without the effects but I know that part has messy playing.

    ST and Per Thanks for the good wishes. I went from Zero to here in 3 years. I hope to go from here to everywhere after the next 3. ;)

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • I think that's great for the amount of time you've been at it. I enjoyed that. You didn't over play and that guitar is fat!!!

    I'm at 45 years of guitar and singing. I think it's probably approaching 20,000 hours. I couldn't do this after 3 years.

  • Nice work! I have been putting tunes together for fun since the 80's. I would suggest skipping real drums and buying a cheap electric set. Musicians Friend usually has Simmons deals for $200-300 on Stupid Deal. In fact they just had a mesh set for $249 last week. As long as you do not do too much dynamic work they are great.

    After you get a cheap set you need a good Drum plug in for your DAW. Been using Addictive Drums and love it. I also have EZ drummer which is pretty cool also. I later bought a good Roland set but the Addictive Drums sounds 10x better.

    I went the full real set route. I have like 20 mics, 18 channel mixer, compressors, etc. It always sounds different and never very good. The heads go out of tune, you need a big room, cymbal bleed, Moon Gel everywhere, blah blah blah.

    Between the Kemper and the electric set. I can fully record a song in like 20 minutes and have it sound pretty decent (besides the playing).

    Here is a sample tune played on $199 simmons set with free Addictive Drums plugin that came with my DAW.
    BBO Let You Go

  • Sounds excellent, you've come a long way in a short time and you should be proud of yourself. The bass sounds great also.

    I'm in no position to critique anyone but the only thing i'd say is what Per mentioned, i'd possible add a rhythm guitar to complement the melody riff and fill it out a little. This is only my personal preference of course.

    Great job, keep it up

  • Excellent! I love to hear about people starting out, and just learning new things. You've clearly worked at it and have put together a good track. Congratulations and well done for putting it out there!

    From my learning journey, the big moments of moving forward were nearly always through playing in a band and standing up in front of a crowd. Focuses the mind...! The other big moments are when I've tried to record, and then realised how difficult it is to lay down a good, again, well done!

    Edited once, last by shempbell (November 2, 2021 at 3:49 PM).

  • Well done on your musician road , that's quite an achievement in only 3 years ! Singing is the next step for sure , I try to train myself singing each day, it's really an art that benefit from a long run practice as my vocal strengthen each week .

    About the track : I could suggest you moving the whole guitar track a bit forward to the drum track as you probably used a delay for the main riff. It will help to tighten the whole feel. try adjusting exactly to the drum track then move forward ( to the left in you daw) until the groove is right.

    in other words : using a delay while tracking is great for your own feel , but you have to align your guitar track to compensate the delayed attack.

  • Well done on your musician road , that's quite an achievement in only 3 years ! Singing is the next step for sure , I try to train myself singing each day, it's really an art that benefit from a long run practice as my vocal strengthen each week .

    About the track : I could suggest you moving the whole guitar track a bit forward to the drum track as you probably used a delay for the main riff. It will help to tighten the whole feel. try adjusting exactly to the drum track then move forward ( to the left in you daw) until the groove is right.

    in other words : using a delay while tracking is great for your own feel , but you have to align your guitar track to compensate the delayed attack.


    Singing lessons has been mentioned by quite a few people I know. I am asking for a vocal mic for Xmas so I'll be starting on that, but guitar will always be my number one, unless I can sing like Elvis. LOL.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • BTW, I am writing all your suggestions down to improve on my next mixes. Now, if you can only help me find my ultimate tone... :) Still looking for that one sound that's says "that's me!"

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.